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Darksector Feedback: Too Much Snowballing And Op


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I'm sure we all know how much OP and imbalance OPvP (Dark Sector) has by now, I have even figured out combinations that make it possible to solo an entire team of human players that also have OP things and win. But that for another discussion. Right now Dark Sector's system allows for extreme snowballing, so much that the first kill can spell the end of the entire game. Not to mention that it handicaps those who got killed, making them spawn with no energy which in warframe as an extreme disadvantage. Afterall, what's a warframe without thier abilities?


Progression system:


I actually like the idea behind the leveling system. It allows for people to make pretty creative combinations, which right now are being phased out by OP. The problem with it is a matter of punishment. To level you must kill stuff. It's a lot easier and safer to kill stuff with abilities. Those who die not only lose all of their energy, they also lose time that could be spent killing stuff to level. In the meantime, those who got the initial kills snowball to Primedom. It makes it very hard to make a comback, and in the case of attackers they quickly loose all of their revives. If snowballing were reduced, we may see more interesting matches. For one I think people should respawn with thier energy. As the one wrecking, I see my opponents respawn and I think to myself, "lol dat ash cannot bladestorm I paunch him lolz too EZ" and as the one getting wrecked, "If I had energy enough to cast radial blind, I could blind that guy stronger than me and take him down!". There's a problem with both sides. One has tons (sometimes all) of options taken away to overcome the stronger enemy while the other one has pressed the win button. In pvp, this is not a good thing.


The Great OP:


Then there is OP. In OPvP, there should be a coutner to everything. Whether it be rock-paper-scissors style or simply not outclassing everything, it should have a counter. Some things do not have a counter. This is mainly because skills are designed for PvE, and while the may be fine there (well, not really lol) they are super OP in OPvP. I'm sure you can search the forums for examples, but there's also a lot that's not being mentioned. I mean, when you are seriously trying take a node away, why WOULDN'T you use OP things? For honor? Is it honorable to purposely gimp yourself for the sake of fairness to the one you are trying to conquer? I would feel insulted as an opponent, and as a clan you are merely dragging them down, unless there was some mutual agreement not to use OP things. Basically though, people should be able to throw out their best shot without the added OP factor.


OPvP does have much potential, like a Leauge of Legends with farm more custmoization options. However, this potential is being limited by the Great OP and the very punishing snowball system. If these were changed, I could see this going a long way.






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Over powered vs Player.
That sounds like a game I would play. Where a team of "regular" people try to kill another regular guy, but his stats (Health, Ammo pool, Fire rate) are way out of control. And when they win, they all shout "DOWN WITH BAD GAME DESIGN!".

But yeah, balancing issues that happen in PvE also happen in PvP. DE Is probably working on it...
Well, okay, they MAY be working on it... When they're not procrastinating on the UI- Which is important mind you! Just... not as important as balance I guess...
Thankfully balance is next on their list... after looking at pictures of cats... and making the next RedText...


But yeah, DE has got it covered... Okay, that's a lie. But they WILL have it covered!... Eventually...

Edited by Lukap99
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You know, I have a quick idea to counter it: 


We set up a linking system, meaning both attackers and defenders will have to level up 'together', so to speak. 


How it works is that if one side has a higher level than the opposing side, then if the higher level side hits the level difference cap (say if the difference cap is 2 levels, the attacking side is level 12 and the defending side is level 10, then the attacking side has hit the cap), the higher level side cannot continue to gain levels until the opposing side has gained levels that would make the level difference not hit the cap. Any experience that the higher level side, once it has hit the cap, would have gained would be wasted instead (tradeoff for being at a higher level), and the higher level side will be notified that they have hit the cap through a small warning message at the top middle of their screen. 

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As far as I know the conclave rating system doesn't come into play in DS at all. Maybe it should. How about this: each side has a conclave rating limit that is set by some kind of multiplier of the opposing side's level. The conclave limit applies only to mods (not frames/weapons), and is an individual limit (each mod is checked against the limit and allowed or barred on an individual basis). So if you're a L30 Ash with Bladestorm in your first mod slot, you still can't use it if your opponents are all still L1.


Actually, maybe each individual mod level could be considered separately. So if you're a L30 Ash with a fully-ranked Bladestorm in the first slot, but your team's conclave limit is 40, you can't use Bladestorm at all. When the other team levels up a bit, your team's conclave limit goes up to 50, and now you can use rank 1 Bladestorm. The other team levels more, your conclave limit reaches 85, you can use rank 2 Bladestorm.

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I agree with the OP a lot. and from what I experienced today it is really unfair all around. now I know there is a better way to mod weapons for pvp but I can't be bothered. which leaves me getting my but kicked over and over.


not that im complaining. that is how it should be if me with my crappy load out used for squishing grineer goes in against someone who knows how to mod there weapons. but the stun locking is what's unfair. even I with my piece of crud poorly modded cronos' I was able to stun-lock some poor loki into oblivion. same happened to me as well when that same loki went invisible behind me and stun-locked me to death.


fair enough that I was using the snail speed fire of the angstrom but it just seems a bit unfair if you are the only member of your team and someone pulls the trick I said about above and then stands behind you to kill you.


reviving also seemed a bit pointless as the moment you stand still your either head shot or rocket launcher bait.

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