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Update 14.2.0: Avalanche Offensive


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So no new content, no new quest line, no ship or kubrow customization, BUT yes we nerfed the hell out of the launchers to make them useless pretented to buff the snipers just enough to make you not as questions. Oh and here's a lame a55 event that we could give you dual stat cold molds with but instead we'll give you a 3 day rank up booster. and thats it. WOW you go DE that one I'd of never come up with. Bravo. And thank you for all your hard work I hope the either as a result or as reward that when you return from Europe. We cant PLEASE get out ship customization we were promised. and that it could be quest not event related.

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Hooray, another update where DE shows that they don't actually understand how their own game plays.  They finally start adjusting balance by giving different weapons different ammo pools (something that should have been done a long time ago)...and reset an entire class of weapons that each play very differently to the exact same level.  Who is it that is making these choices???

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I see some kids crying for the launchers, I think is very fine, you now can't spam it all the mission and that makes it harder, then better for a even reallistic view (we can't carry 500 rockets if we didn't even have pockets).

But I have oe request, can you put the icon over the mission (the one with that nice alien skull fron't view) as a reward? because, I really would like to have it, and I was specting that when I finished the event, and then no emblem... but if you are going to use it later, no problem then.

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I was hoping along with the new sniper buff they would give 100% crit chance apon headshot to all snipers and what ever crit chance you have on the weapon would go toward a red crit ( if you hit the body standard crit chance applies ) this would make snipers more comparable to bows and make for more challenging game play for people who wish to use snipers.


Also, This event or what ever you want to call it is way to easy and quick to finish. it should have had a difficulty system like breeding grounds to scale it and make it harder the more you do the mission. Other things like traps maby even a turret or two to try block us, Maby the eximus could have a pet zanuka type creature. late in the high lvl gameplay of the event we could have a pack of zanukas and harvys drop in to say hi and play fetch with my dread arrow (no detron drops though!!!)

the possibilities are endless yet... we get... an easy 20 min event


was kinda looking forward to this, should not have gotten so worked up about it :c

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I see some kids crying for the launchers, I think is very fine, you now can't spam it all the mission and that makes it harder, then better for a even reallistic view (we can't carry 500 rockets if we didn't even have pockets).

But I have oe request, can you put the icon over the mission (the one with that nice alien skull fron't view) as a reward? because, I really would like to have it, and I was specting that when I finished the event, and then no emblem... but if you are going to use it later, no problem then.

I agree on the nerf, before anyone whines, I'm far from an elitist.  I tended not to use the launchers much because it was a good way to get yourself killed.

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I agree on the nerf, before anyone whines, I'm far from an elitist.  I tended not to use the launchers much because it was a good way to get yourself killed.

But now, who or what are you gonna turn to for end game... Nova's m prime?... maybe the Soma or the boltor... Honestly now with this launcher nerf even the Speed M prime build is useless...

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You know, I think the thing that aggravates me the most is that DE didn't used to do this.


As someone who doesn't stand on a pillar and rain down explosive death, as well as someone who has been playing for all of open beta, I feel like DE just picked some numbers out of a hat and walked out the door to Gamescon. Bear in mind here, I'm talking about the buff/nerf cycle exclusively here.


I think they're getting out of touch with the player side of their game. I know they still listen to us here on the forums, and I really, truly thank them for that as it's more than I can say for most games, but I'm not sure they playtest as much as they used to. I remember that they used to do Livestreams with random players quite often. I can't tell when the last time I've heard of them doing this.


The fact that they're putting realism over practicality in their weapon ammo capacities and damage just feels cheap and last-minute-y, considering what sort of game we're playing here. Sure, toting around more than 20 grenades is totally unrealistic, but so is a person whose clothing is made of so much lighter-than-air material that she floats. I feel like there was no in-game practicality testing with this update. The buffs to the snipers are nice and allow for some really extreme burst DPS, but it's not that much when you consider that a well-built Soma or Boltor (Prime) can sustain that same sort of damage.


I mean, what's next, making the Soma, which, if memory serves, was tauted as being of a heavy calibur, slow down your character from having to carry around 600+ rounds of its ammo?

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Quick Hotfix to address a couple of issues regarding the Avalanche Offensive.




- Fixed a bug where attempting to join public missions would result in an endless "Please Wait" spinner.

- Fixed non-responsive Inbox UI appearing when receiving a message directly after completing a mission.
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Oh my god...... why did you guys reduce Penta's ammo capacity???????? It's so useless now sigh, replaced with sniper ammo but I can't even fit sniper ammo mutation mod on it......... If people complain about Penta killing them in PvP then just don't allow launchers in PvP and not ruin the weapon for those who use it in missions and PvE........

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Damn homie! Dats sexy!


Oh my god...... why did you guys reduce Penta's ammo capacity???????? It's so useless now sigh, replaced with sniper ammo but I can't even fit sniper ammo mutation mod on it......... If people complain about Penta killing them in PvP then just don't allow launchers in PvP and not ruin the weapon for those who use it in missions and PvE........



Calm down and forma. It's been OP, 540 ammo was more than just "good".

Edited by DeltaTimo
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I agree on the nerf, before anyone whines, I'm far from an elitist.  I tended not to use the launchers much because it was a good way to get yourself killed.


nope, I agree with you. Im just going to say what the rest of us are thinking. I see 12 pages of scrubs declaring their scrubbery.

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Oh my god...... why did you guys reduce Penta's ammo capacity???????? It's so useless now sigh, replaced with sniper ammo but I can't even fit sniper ammo mutation mod on it......... If people complain about Penta killing them in PvP then just don't allow launchers in PvP and not ruin the weapon for those who use it in missions and PvE........

It's not so much that it kills people in PvP. That's WAY too much Grenade Launcher ammo is the thing. I can understand carrying around 500 bullets because they are small and in clips. Grenades are.. Well no need to explain.


The launchers do splash damage and the damage itself is not changed at all really. You just need to aim better and be on the lookout for more ammo. I usually scavenge ammo perfectly fine in lockers, stashes, etc, so there should be no ammo problems ever. Mind you, I use Dread all the time and never run out of ammo, let alone drop below 40.


Edit: 1 post count? Did you literally just log onto your account on the boards so you can complain about it? Kinda petty imo.

Edited by TVerres
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I really don't think the launcher nerf makes them useless. A pain to use due to the ease with which you can run out of ammo, but they are still capable of killing stuff like you were before, just not as long. You can try using a secondary to fall back on while you get the ammo for your launcher. They didn't kill off the launcher, they just made it less of an easy option as they were before. Even though 540 is just downright excessive, i think they overshot the nerf by going with 20 (but it's still usable).

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But now, who or what are you gonna turn to for end game... Nova's m prime?... maybe the Soma or the boltor... Honestly now with this launcher nerf even the Speed M prime build is useless...

Amprex, Quanta, Nyx's Absorb, Attica, Soma, Lanka, Mirage, etc

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Okay, I don't usually post in these threads but some things need to be said.


To the people whining about the event, grow the hell up and stop being greedy.  It's a small event with a small reward; not every event they give us has to be some big fancy thing. There's no real story/lore importance to it yet so there's no reason for any big rewards.  Chances are this is a precursor to a larger event to come later. For example, has anyone else noticed that all the Corpus can Proc Cold right now? Kind of suspicious if you ask me; easily hinting at a Cold/Status mod or freeze ray event later.  


As for the launcher nerf; personally I haven't used any of them yet (honestly because I've rarely used any primary other than the Dread after I got it but I recently built a Penta that I was going to try and use soon) but I can still see that 20 is very little for an ammo pool, especially when combined with Sniper Ammo.  Take a bow on a normal, non endless mission, you'll be running out of ammo probably 1/2 or 3/4 of the way through unless you get some very nice, multi-target shots or get lucky with ammo drops (so maybe I just have horrible luck with them) even with the Bow ammo pool of around 70.  Was 540 too much? Obviously; a grenade launcher shouldn't have the same ammo capacity as an assault rifle, but now they've got 1/3 the ammo of a damn bow.  100 or even 50 ammo would have been nice.  Now, unless you completely maximize your killing potential (aka, make sure you kill 3-5 enemies per explosive shot) any launcher is incredibly outclassed in any mission type that isn't defense/mobile defense/survival. And lets not even get into the fact that bows, while having 3x more ammo; can't kill you, have ridiculous innate punch-through on a full charge, the ability to destroy lines of enemies because of the punch-through and corpse launching and the end game bows have damage that is plain absurd.  I wanted the penta because, no matter how much I love the Dread, the lack of AOE made some things difficult, now, unless I've got an ammo mutation on it it'll be incredibly difficult to level...and apparently it's marked as a rifle still so the ammo mutation won't even work.  I'm still going to try and use it mind you, maybe my opinion will change after I've leveled it.



And to the people mocking people for staying on pillars during stuff like ODD, yeah, go ahead and stay on the ground level when surrounded by level 60-80 toxic/disruptor ancients and energy drain leaders, have fun dying before you can even see the enemy or try and survive while losing 10 energy per second. That the entire reason I stay up there, not because I don't want to fight against them, but because I actually want a fighting chance against them. (I say that but now the aura range of toxic/drain enemies can actually reach those pillars so there isn't much point in complaining).



As for the Sniper buff, again, haven't really used many main weapons other than the Dread but, with only 2 getting innate punch-through (especially since those two aren't available to most of the player base currently)...I don't really see the point.   

Edited by Aumaan
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I'm not sure about you guys... And I'm sure you guys disagree... But:


That's what you get!!!!!!!!!

SNIPERS FTW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Look. You can deal 300dmg, without aiming and do AOE...

While: I can only deal300dmg AFTER charging and after aiming, which results in ~2 kills with skill (Lanka)

Plus geez, just stick a sniper ammo mutation and everything happy!

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YES! YES! THE DAMAGE NERFS AND WEAPONS! WE WERE WAITING FOR THAT!!! YEEESSSSS!!!! thank you DE <3 you gave love to my attica.


You and I both will relisl this.


I just tested the attica today after putting a final forma on it...and..it's beatiful. The firing rate, the damages, I can see it!

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