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Chat Changes


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You might have noticed that there are far fewer people listed in the recruiting and trade channels these days.


Rest assured: Warframe is not dying -- we intentionally changed how people are listed in chat.


In the old days when there were thousands of people in the recruiting channel you had no hope of scrolling down the list to click on someone’s name to send them a PM to request an invitation. Even though you could use the /invite command it was often awkward for people with long or complicated names not to to mention being particularly irritating on console.


Over the last week we made several changes that cut down the number of people listed. In the new UI you now lurk in the channel invisibly and not show up in the member-list until you type something; this means that when you scroll down the member-list to find someone to PM (or invite) you don’t have to skip over hundreds and hundreds of people who have never said anything.


The first part of this change went out last weekend and when I was playing with random people I met in the recruiting channel I could already appreciate the improvement.


We made it even tighter with Wednesday’s Tenno Reinforcements because we fixed a bug where you would invisibly stay in public channels when you flew off to a mission (the UI would hide it from you but other people still saw your name in the channel). This also slimmed down the region channel slightly too because it had the same problem.


Not only has this made it easier to invite or PM people but it has also made the chat UI a little bit more responsive because it does not have to juggle such massive player lists.


We still intend to add the ability to select users in the text panel but that will require considerably more work and will take time; putting the member-list on a diet was a much quicker fix and has improved the situation dramatically. 


If you have any suggestions for how we can improve this further feel free to comment.

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wait.. i thought you were drinking and partying?!? WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE ON THE FORUMS!?! THE AFTER PARTY!



anyways, Thanks a lot for that. Finally I can get to that person with the 26 letters and 10 numbers in their names

Edited by n0lyfe
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the chat is just too complicated.


for example... writing a message to someone is awkward, people sometimes forget simple "/" before and then everyone can see the message


changes i would like to see in future:

- when someone messages you it will open in new separated window

- timestamps by default

- channels made by users

- clickable names in the text menu (nice that u already mentioned it)

- option to hide chat



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I once had a problem were I tried over and over to type a name of a player to wisper him about a trade thing.

But I had the chat text scrolled up, so I couldn't see the automatic text saying that that player was no longer online.



Other suggestions like auto-complete the name, or drag/click the players name in the chat text, are pretty standard, and I don't feel like I'll be adding anything new by suggesting those.

Edited by 7grims
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Lol so that explains what happened. I actually thought it was related to the matchmaking Ping limit I just set. I set it to 225, went to recruiting and was surprised by the lesser number of players. This is a good tweak. 

Question: How long will we appear in the chat list once we type something? Is there some kind of time limit for it? 

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We still intend to add the ability to select users in the text panel but that will require considerably more work and will take time;


Why wasn't it like this since the beginning? It's how it works in other games for a reason, nobody wants to scroll through a large list of users when their name is right there.

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Why wasn't it like this since the beginning? It's how it works in other games for a reason, nobody wants to scroll through a large list of users when their name is right there.


Because features don't exist by default; people have to implement them. 

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We still intend to add the ability to select users in the text panel but that will require considerably more work and will take time; putting the member-list on a diet was a much quicker fix and has improved the situation dramatically. 


this is what we need, click on the name in chat and have options like whisper/invite/ignore -> like every other multiplayer game out there



i do not play for a long time but i hate the ingame chat (newer player perspective)

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mhhh i like the changes for recruit and trading.

However, i do not the change in the region chat.

Whenever i have a conversation in the region chat and i decide to make a mission really quick (e.g. the current alert)  

i come back to the region chat .....and..welll


i can not see the posts who were posted after i left the chat. This makes it very hard to chat or help other players.....

well....maybe i just spend to much time in the chat <_< ... it is not really a big deal....but it kinda bothers me :s

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you can do it easier by adding a"TextBox" where you wirte some letters from the name or all the name and it find the player directly.

Also you need to improve the squad system b giving to the founder "Admin" permission that he can kick player from the squad and he only start hte timer and more like that.

 by the way i like if you will add some new starts like "void" with towers ot to add tower V.

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Dear Glorious Glen of the Canadian Shield,


Why is the new chat tab order now,


Squad > Clan > Alliance > Region > Recruiting > Trading?



I for one, prefer if Region was in first place (astonishing right? Who would ever want to see that devil's lair when opening up warframe?)


Although since my main Clan is largely inactive (as well as our alliance), I would prefer if we could either


a) Move around tabs (and the tab order would be saved upon exiting) that suit our preferences


b) Be able to delete tabs such as the mentioned above, and use commands such as /squad, /clan, /region to reopen those tabs if ever needed.



This isn't bothering me too badly, but its rather a quality of life sort-of thing.

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I understand what has been done here and it's good, but the only problem i see is when i go on a mission is that i have to connect to all the chans again when i'm back from it. And so, i missed a part of the discussions on the Region one (i guess on the English (US ?) one it's probably a mess but one the french one it's totally ok, we're not that many and we like to talk all together on it), and what is really bothering, is missing some offers on the trading one because i was away for 5 or 10 minutes :/

Edited by BrideOfFire
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Why wasn't it like this since the beginning? It's how it works in other games for a reason, nobody wants to scroll through a large list of users when their name is right there.

Warframe's chat is literally IRC (unlike a lot of other games that are using custom chat systems), they'd have to edit the server and protocol (or at least the output) to include tags in the messages for the UI to be able to interact with player names as an object.

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