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Interception Mission



I just hit this mission on my first planet (mercury). I had no idea what to do on this one, so I checked it out on Wiki and got an idea of what to do, but died quickly. Can anyone please explain to me exactly what you are supposed to do? I know you have to capture the 4 towers before the enemy does. But how do the points work into it? Do you stay and defend each tower or do you run around in a circuit? I'm doing this solo,as I want to learn the game at my own pace and I enjoy doing things that way. Usually I can figure out what to do and if I die, well, I keep trying different tactics until I can get through the mission. But this one...well, I'm just totally confused. I'm feeling a bit on the thick side here as I'm just not getting what your supposed to do. :p Feel like an idiot..lol.


Thank you :)

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6 answers to this question

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well the best i can say is to keep trying because i am pretty sure this capture mission were not designed to "solo".... do the math



4 flags to capture and a S#&$ load of enemies



maybe the tier 1 interception are soloable but wish you good luck trying to do it on tier 3.





also, volt seems to be good option to solo this missions since you have speed to patrol the flags and shield to take cover at any situation.




Remember to bring a couple of energy restore and health restore so you make sure u get to the end

Edited by OneUp.
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They aren't that hard to solo assuming you have a weapon that can reasonably kill the enemies without wasting a lot of time.  Each tower you control adds to your percentage complete, the enemies controlling a tower adds to theirs.  First to 100% wins.


So at the start quickly capture all four towers in sequence.  This will give you a huge head start.  Then as enemies take a tower from you, you are still gaining 3x the amount they are.  It is important to re-take that tower before they capture a second.  If they manage to get three towers from you all at once then the scales will tip in their favor and you might not be able to recover.


The other main thing to know is how they capture a tower.  At each one there are two console looking things.  The guy at that console is who you have to kill first.  If they have access to the console for a little time that is how you lose it.  If you are sniping from a distance (say with a Latron) then picking off the guys at the console is the key.

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All that you need to do is go from tower to tower, capture each one in turn. If you lose one recapture it as quickly as possible. The more towers you have under your control the greater percentage/number of points you gain towards the total until you reach 100%. Not much more to it then that really.

It's easier if you have multiple players since each one can cover each of the four towers and thus quickly get to 100% total (not just 100%total for each tower). Obviously the better weapon you have and the more players you have with you the easier it will be since you can quickly kill any enemies and keep or retake the towers. Best of luck either way you go. If you need help you can message me on PS4 and I'll help out. You can also make a post under the recruitment part of the forum and ask for some assistance.

Edited by (PS4)FrellMeDead
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Thank you everyone for your suggestions :). I have to admit I was getting a bit peeved with this mission. I happened to look at Earth missions and saw that there is another one of these, which also happens to be blocking the way to getting what I assume will be the jump to the next planets? Or will I get Jupiter at the end of Venus? I'm so confused. I figured if it's this hard to get help (I've been looking in game btw with little to no luck. One guy said he would do it until I made the mistake of telling him I'm just really starting out and not all that great at the game. He suddenly had other things to do) I'm going to be stuck because I won't be able to progress to the next planets. It is a shame really as I do love the game and support it $ wise. I also do realize it's a co op game, but the option is there for solo players as well, plus with my schedule, I can not get set times to play. I hop on when I'm able for as long or short as I"m able. That makes it difficult to game with others.


I wouldn't mind to much if I didn't need to clear that hurdle to be able to move on or even be able to set up an extractor. I won't be able to do that either on those planets if I skip the mission.


I want to thank you all again for the advice and help. Thank you Frellmedead for the offer of help, I will look for you when I am online in Warframe. :) I would hate to give up the game, but frustration is not fun in my book.

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This game definitely struggles with presentation of information. The way planets unlock is by looting specific "Nav Segments" from a boss that drops it. To get access to any further planet requires you to kill a previous boss, and then when you get to a planet you need to work your way around the nodes to get to the boss of that planet to keep moving forward. This wiki page details the order in which planets are unlocked.


That said, the game is brutally difficult solo as a new player. You lack the apporiate gear and mods to be able to handle challenges by yourself, and the game itself is difficult solo as well. Add in the fact that the starter frames aren't the best solo frames for new players, and you are going to have a very slow progression if you don't play with someone, even just opening the game to the public.

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