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Mirage Is So Unbalanced She Ruins The Game.


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Well, not at first anyway. Not until people really started understanding how Hall of Mirrors works. Nowadays, if I see one more Mirage running faster than everyone else around with an Attica carpet bombing entire levels with thunderbolt explosions, and barely having to aim...I might just quit.


Hall of Mirrors might just be the most broken ability that has ever been put in this game, and it's a 1 move! So you can keep spamming it forever! Joy!. For a 1 move, the MOST it should be is damage mitigation, but here its mitigation + roflstomp any enemy in the game.


She makes Nova look perfectly balanced by comparison. At least Nova is actually a glass cannon. Mirage has 2 very solid mitigation moves, and is faster. You'd have to put lasers and double-doors on every square inch of a level to keep people from rushing through a map and murdering everything before anyone else has a chance to do anything with this frame.


Also, kills from Hall of Mirrors have their xp go mainly towards the Warframe and not the weapons. So not only are Mirage players stealing the fun of playing from other players, but they are even screwing them out of proper xp rewards for even bothering to play along with them.

As more people see how completely broken Hall of Mirrors is, and have their matches ruined by callous players abusing the power, one of two things will happen: 1 They either get disheartened by having their game ruined by Mirage-abusing players, and stop playing. Or 2, they become Mirage-abusing players themselves because its the only way to play at that point.


Please DE, fix this NOW, not 6-12 months later after a large percentage of your player based has convinced themselves that this is how the character SHOULD play.

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Also, kills from Hall of Mirrors have their xp go mainly towards the Warframe and not the weapons. So not only are Mirage players stealing the fun of playing from other players, but they are even screwing them out of proper xp rewards for even bothering to play along with them.


You're not necissarliy wrong about the rest but this bit is totally false. The Xp you recieve from others is spread evenly through your equipped gear.


Unless of course that is a Hall of Mirrors specific bug.

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i don't see why mirage is game breaking or making me feel disheartened, personaly i find valkyr's hysteria being more annoying than anything (try a dark sector conflict with a hysteria spammer and orthos prime secondary if you want to feel disheartened)

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Yeah, I'm recrafting frames that I've used in the past and have been meaning to try out again while I wait for Mirage to be balanced. I just don't want to play her in her ROFL stomp mode and then have to "remember how good she was" when she's nerfed. Also, my comp is crap, so yeah.... FPS.

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I would like to point out that Mirage needs a bug fix.The maximum damage the holograms can achieve is 45.8% of yours, but this penalty doesn't apply to Thunderbolt.


Should this be fixed (it should), then the best you can hope for with Thunderbolt is 120 damage, which isn't much (all things considered).

Additionally, thanks to the ammo nerf on explosives, Pentogris spamming is less viable.


If we fixed everything that can obliterate level 30 enemies, nothing would be left in the game.

Edited by Astrotrap
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For me personally, Hall Of Mirrors doesn't do anything for me. It doesn't help me out in any way, shape or form.


In fact there is only one power of hers that I find useful and works as intended. And that is, Prism.


For me, Prism works amazing wonders and her only power that I even use. 

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You either haven't played Mirage much, or at all yourself, is what that suggests to me. Hall of Mirrors doesn't do a lot of damage, moreover the shots from the images aren't centered to where you aim either. Her main strength is in Eclipse, which again, doesn't increase the damage the images do. The Attica+Thunderbolt combination is only powerful due to a bug. Normally it should only be able to kill low level enemies. And that is not an amazing feat, plenty of other frames can do that, and can do that better. Ember's fireball can do it, so can Oberon's smite.

TL;DR : Her strength to wipe out enemies is not in Hall of Mirrors. It mostly provides survivability instead, which is fine.

Edited by Shizuzu
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You either haven't played Mirage much, or at all yourself, is what that suggests to me. Hall of Mirrors doesn't do a lot of damage, moreover the shots from the images aren't centered to where you aim either.


Me? Or, MSD3000?


If me, Iv'e been playing as Mirage since August 1st which is when I bought her. And I only play solo. 

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I personally dont really see anything game breaking when I play as or play with a Mirage. I think more of the problem is that you use OP weapons and her clones do half the damage effectively making you OP weapons more OP, Mirage dosnt need a rework, the OP weapons need a balance pass.


Mirage is one hell of a glass cannon aswell, One toxic ancient gets the jump on you you go down in a second.  

Edited by Senketsu_
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Its not just that it is a No1 ability, its very powerful, cheap, helps her survive, and lasts forever.

With Energy Syphon, Streamline and Continuity, you can have it running permanently.


Needs nerfing, and nerfing hard.

I suspect it won't happen till the next frame is released though.

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She's the newest frame and will require quite some time to be balanced out with the rest of the roster. If you're thinking about quitting the game just because the newest addition to warframes roster happens to have an overpowered movelist then you may as well leave now because that's a damn near universal constant with videogames.

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People saying "wait and see" are the same reason it took over a year for DE to get off their duffs and fix the ammo pool on launchers. It should not have taken that long, THIS should not take that long.


The fact that it doesn't work (as well) on higher level content is not a balance, either. It just means people will continue stomp all over low level missions with it, where newer players are. The ones who are generally more apt to leave. Because, once again, there IS no late game to keep people occupied, and separated from lowbie players.


Hall of Mirrors is busted and way too easy to take advantage of. Even if the damage is lower, the proc rates for status and aoe effects are orders of magnitude higher, since there are now 5 of you rng'ing. And don't even get me started on the system load it costs, welcome to lag-town. Or how about just how damn distracting having 10 foot wide wall of fire/lasers/rockets/explosions and shiney clones can be while everyone else is trying see what they're doing.


Also Toxic ancients are not a balance for Mirage either, if ANY warframe gets a toxic proc above level 25 they are dead, with how heavy those things proc anymore.


If you added Hall of Mirror's type of functionality to other frames you'd get this:

Rhino's: Iron Skin & Roar are rolled into one move that costs 25 energy, is now time based unlimited mitigation, and provided +100% damage and %100 status proc on all primary weapons. That should keep the kids from needing to spam Stomp...


Trinity's: Blessing now costs 25 energy, has 75% standard mitigation, buffs damage 100%, emits Pink Floyd Laser Light show the entire time


Nova's: Antimatter Drop creates wall of death 100 meters long 10 meters wide, that follows the player, plus damage mitigations, randomly DC's teammates


Ember's: World on Fire now costs 25 energy, turns player into Mirage


All other Frame's: See Ember changes..


Attica's and LSD will be handed out at the start of every mission. etc....

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She really doesn't need  nerf, HoM needs to get more bug-fixes that's for sure. But HoM doesn't need a nerf. 


The simple fact is that because mirage's abilities scale with your weapons, and people are using OP weapons that need nerfs alongside Mirage, people are wrongly placing Mirage as the problem.


Mirage is, at her core, a glass cannon. If an enemy attacks you instead of one of the mirror images, you die in seconds and explosives directed at a mirror will still hit you.


I would like to point out that HoM does not provide as much bonus damage as math is telling you, the shots the mirrors fire don't meet at a central point with your own, instead it creates a horizontal line (if you were to connect the dots) with your shot in the middle. Because of this, most of the time the mirrors will not hit the same target your main shot is hitting, meaning they will likely miss or hit a different enemy. 

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HoM is fine as it is because it gives mirage her survivability since she is a glass cannon but HoM can do nothing against an Arson Eximus' Gigantic Fire Blast or any other AOE damage.


The only problem is that it can produce a lot of fps drops and if you add a weapon like penta or attica with thunderbolt then you will really notice the lag. 


I like mirage the way she is right now due to her Tanking/Nuking Abilities and IMHO replaced my Nova as the Nuker Warframe but she is still not a rhino.

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Blah Blah Blah JEALOUSY Blah Blah Blah Jealousy Blah Blah Blah Etc Etc


Grow up, move to the next planet, craft/ build new weapons and become stronger.




You're calling for a nerf on a WarFrame that is strong in Power, but WEAK in Constitution.


And what to say about the guys that spam Stomp? LoL. 


They're free to, if you're unhappy, just pass your road and for DE sake, STFU, thanks.

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I stand by my statement that you have not actually played Mirage yourself, or not enough. People stomp low level content no matter what. And misinformation again. Proc rate? You are aware that HoM deals only radiation, right? Therefore the only thing that will proc is radiation from the images. Which I don't think is anywhere near the level of viral.


Don't blame the performance issues on the frame, blame it on the coding. I agree it needs to be fixed, the ability doesn't even work properly with some projectile weapons currently at all, but I would hardly call an ability overpowered because "it lags the game".


You also don't seem to know HoM pulls aggro, same way Iron Skin does. Except you don't have Iron Skin. Stray bullets hitting you, and some enemies, like ancients outright ignore the images. You aren't nearly as safe as you think you are.


To me it all sounds like you played a single game with a Mirage using Attica+Thunderbolt and you are immensely upset ever since. Pick the frame up, play around with her, and you'll see the benefits and the downsides of her abilities.

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