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Regarding The Nukor, Glaxion, Venka, And Kronen


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These weapons are so lackluster, it hurts. It literally hurts, especially since most of the community was waiting for the Glaxion. Let's take a look at stats here.

The Nukor


The Nukor has 1% critical chance, with 4.0x critical damage multiplier. Who the Hek thought of these stats? With the way critical hits are calculated, the Nukor will almost never be able to utilize that critical damage multiplier.

Proposed Changes

Critical chance changed from 1%-25% base.

Critical damage multiplier changed from 4.0x-2.0x base.

Status chance increased from 20%-25% base.

The Glaxion


The Glaxion has a measly 6.30 cold damage base. Really? On top of that, the Glaxion's ammo consumption is way too high for the low damage it does. Again, similar to the Nukor, its critical chance is 1%, with the multiplier being 2.0x. 

Proposed Changes

Accuracy increased from 12.50-100.

Cold damage increased from 6.30-30 base.

Fire rate decreased from 40-15 base.

Critical chance increased from 1%-20% base.

Status chance increased from 15%-30% base.

Ammo maximum decreased from 1800-840 base.

Clip size decreased from 300-175 base.

Reload speed decreased from 1.5-1.

The Kronen


The Kronen has a pitiful 65 base damage, consisting of mostly slash. Please let it compete with things like the Dual Zoren. The Kronen has a 5% critical chance, with a 1.5x multiplier. Y U DO DIS DE DUN DISPOINT WIT TONFAS. On top of that, the Kronen uses the dual sword sliding animation, which is made for coptering. Not only does the Kronen have a 1.1 base attack speed, but it has the coptering animation. Despite this, the Kronen is not able to copter. It falls short in the animation, halting momentum, which leads to further complications when trying to use slide and wall attacks.

Proposed Changes

Able to copter, momentum increased on wall and slide attacks.

Damage increased from 65-90 (15 puncture, 15 impact, 60 slash).

Critical change increased from 5%-25% base.

Critical damage multiplier increased from 1.5x-2.0x.

Alternatively, you could have a Dragon Kronen with these stats or raise the mastery rank requirement.

The Venka


The Venka has a 37.10 base damage, 15% critical chance, and 2.0x multiplier. You would think this would be satisfying enough, but that is not the case.

Proposed Changes

Damage increased from 37.10-45 base (consisting mostly of puncture, rather than slash).

Critical chance increased from 15%-25% base.

Critical damage multiplier increased from 2.0x-2.5x.

Attack speed increased from 1.0-1.1 base.

Status chance increased from 15%-20% base.

Alternatively, you could have a Dragon Venka with these stats or raise the mastery rank requirement.

EDIT 1: reduced the Glaxion's proposed damage changes.

EDIT 2: balance changes and revisions.

Edited by APBladeX
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yes these weapons are lackluster but your suggestions are a tad bit unbalanced



imo youre asking for too much when changing nukor stats....youre essentially trying to make it a hybrid crit and status gun


your proposed changes to glaxion increases its damage potential 5x what it is already....thats kind of asking for too much as well...


i have not really seen a problem with glaxion so far....the status chance and fire rate makes this gun extremely powerful in terms of status proccing.....i can safely say that i burn down high level mods with viral procs without having to spend too much ammo....but the gun seems to be used more as a support gun for other players to attack and kill the targets


kronen seems fine for what it is....it is not as terrible as venka...it comes with high base damage...and is the first of its class...you have to give them credit for even giving it 65 base damage to start....i believe kronen is fine the way it is....it needs adjustments when it comes to its attacking animation and the range of the attacks


venka....i just dont wanna talk about venka....if they made it super duper op...i still wouldnt use it because of the bad experience i had x_x




*just saw ninja edit....even at 63 dmg per second with a fire rate of 15....the damage is still increased by 3x at least....still asking for too much

Edited by sekushiiandee
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I think the venka needs a lot more piercing damage. We dont have any hand piercing weapons and it is a claw weapon. Raise its crit muliplier along with the chance.

Taken into consideration. It does seem like claws would pierce things easier.

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Am I the only one who doesn't find any thing wrong with any of them?

Haven't tried the Nukor yet. And I find the Glaxion and Kronen to be in a good place right now, as I find myself decimating hordes of enemies, even those Level 40 and above. That's not to say they don't deserve or need buffs, mind you, but I definitely wouldn't call them lackluster... at all. The Venka, while being a weapon I truly love, do feel needs some sort of buff or tweak, primarily to it's slide attack.


EDIT: For the Kronen,

many people like the fact that you can't copter,because they say that the slide attacks are more precise


This is the primary thing I agree with in many Kronen Feedback posts. I like the short slider/copter because it's much more precise. I've made much better use of its slide attack than other weapons supposedly made for coptering and sliding, same for the Dragon Nikana.

Edited by PsychedelicSnake
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I read only the kronen part,and I say that many people like the fact that you can't copter,because they say that the slide attacks are more precise

No, you gain more mobility, thus having more reliability in your slide attacks, making them more precise from a distance and close range. Coptering is officially here to stay (confirmed by DE in a devstream), so there is absolutely no reason for the Kronen to not copter, with its 1.1 attack speed base and dual sword sliding animation.

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yes these weapons are lackluster but your suggestions are a tad bit unbalanced



imo youre asking for too much when changing nukor stats....youre essentially trying to make it a hybrid crit and status gun


your proposed changes to glaxion increases its damage potential 5x what it is already....thats kind of asking for too much as well...


i have not really seen a problem with glaxion so far....the status chance and fire rate makes this gun extremely powerful in terms of status proccing.....i can safely say that i burn down high level mods with viral procs without having to spend too much ammo....but the gun seems to be used more as a support gun for other players to attack and kill the targets


kronen seems fine for what it is....it is not as terrible as venka...it comes with high base damage...and is the first of its class...you have to give them credit for even giving it 65 base damage to start....i believe kronen is fine the way it is....it needs adjustments when it comes to its attacking animation and the range of the attacks


venka....i just dont wanna talk about venka....if they made it super duper op...i still wouldnt use it because of the bad experience i had x_x




*just saw ninja edit....even at 63 dmg per second with a fire rate of 15....the damage is still increased by 3x at least....still asking for too much


as mentioned above....if the proposed all stealth auto crit frame is created....nukor will become an auto critting secondary soma.....so we will just see with time

An auto-critting stealth warframe? No.

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No, you gain more mobility, thus having more reliability in your slide attacks, making them more precise from a distance and close range. Coptering is officially here to stay (confirmed by DE in a devstream), so there is absolutely no reason for the Kronen to not copter, with its 1.1 attack speed base and dual sword sliding animation.

^ just because coptering is here to stay does not mean all weapons should be able to copter



i can understand dual zorens and dual ichors....but its because their damage is low

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^ just because coptering is here to stay does not mean all weapons should be able to copter



i can understand dual zorens and dual ichors....but its because their damage is low

Low? The Dual Zorens and Dual Ichors with critical chance and critical damage can reach insane numbers, especially on the slide attacks which they were made for.

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No, you gain more mobility, thus having more reliability in your slide attacks, making them more precise from a distance and close range. Coptering is officially here to stay (confirmed by DE in a devstream), so there is absolutely no reason for the Kronen to not copter, with its 1.1 attack speed base and dual sword sliding animation.

What they mean is that you don't go sliding way past your enemy when you execute a slide/spin attack. The Kronen seems to deliberately have a shorter distance so that you can reliably hit enemies with the spin attack. It's a spin attack weapon, coptering would make it too frustrating to use mid-combat.


Nobody I've ever played with cared about coptering. I don't think it's the problem you see it as.

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Low? The Dual Zorens and Dual Ichors with critical chance and critical damage can reach insane numbers, especially on the slide attacks which they were made for.



low base damage


what your proposing for kronen is a complete overhaul with coptering, high crit, high status, high damage....with the same mods that would be used on dual ichors or dual zorens...it would cause kronen to be a bit too OP

Edited by sekushiiandee
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the kronen is fine, it's not supposed to be a crit weapon, build it the same way as you build the jat kittag and it'll shine, it just needs more range, thought i would like the damage to be shifted towards puncture and the nukor crit stats are just de trolling us, it's a radioactive spectra with mr 0, it's fine as it is imo, definitely agree with the glaxion changes thought

Edited by bl4ckhunter
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Guest Tehnoobshow

That was fast. They've only been out for a day.



Anyway, it would be cool to see the Venka have decent amounts of puncture and slash, so Rending Strike would finally be good on something.

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Am I the only one who doesn't find any thing wrong with any of them?



Glaxion is not a damage weapon. It is a crowd control weapon. ('Freeze Ray' anyone?) People expected it to BE a damage weapon so they all think it sucks. It slows targets with every SINGLE hit and seems to slow more and more with each hit. Either crits or Procs freeze the target for a bit. But it doesn't do DAMAGE in huge lots, so it sucks.


Nukor is a microwave gun. It makes organic enemies EXPLODE and do radiation damage to everything around them. So it too sucks. Not sure WHY they think that. Anything more than 1% crit rate would be SERIOUSLY OP. Virtually every stream I fire, I crit at least once. And no, I haven't increased the crit rate. But it has to crit more, and it HAS to red crit or it sucks apparently.


And as for Kronen? Seriously... have you guys whining about them even BOTHERED to TRY them? Or do you just look at the stats and go 'meh'? With a potato and no formas, Infested go down like wheat before scythes. Grineer and Corpus do not last much longer. The combos are ****ing cool. But they too suck because... well, not sure why. People seem to want to say they suck. Because.


After all, all of these must suck. They are different and everyone knows, different = bad.


Personally? I have fun with all of them. I know, my own enjoyment of the game comes secondary to people saying things suck. I have had fun with all of them and plan to use Kronen as my main melee from now on. The Glaxion I will reserve for when I run with my clan. Its a support weapon and most PUGs wouldn't know the word 'teamwork' if it bit them. The Nukor? My Vauban always wanted a cool sidearm. He likes the smell of cooked meat.

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The Glaxion has... I dunno, inconceivably poor ammo efficiency. To make up for its absurd ammo consumption, you should retrieve 150 ammo per found rifle mag. I'm also a bit confused as to why its critical chance is so low while it has a 2.0x multiplier. Doesn't make any sense whatsoever. Its base numerical DPS is sitting at 252, but without the ability to retrieve enough ammo to keep this thing from leaking like the Exxon Valdez, it doesn't matter because of its poor sustainability. This base DPS is higher than the Flux or the Quanta, but it is lacking in the utility department.


Even though it says 12.whatever accuracy, it's still almost pinpoint. The sound it makes is also somewhat unsatisfying. I'd like it to make a terrifying whirring sound while it's firing.


Glaxion should proc cold 100% of the time.


Outside of these three things, the Glaxion is powerful, just unsustainable.

Edited by Vaskadar
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