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De: It's Time To Get Rid Of Dna Stabilizers. Here's Why.


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The whole DNA Stabilizer mechanic is pretty grossly inaccurate and severely detached from how DNA actually works.  Let me explain.


There's no nice way to put it; Kubrow DNA "decay" and the need for DNA Stabilizers demonstrates a grievous, fundamental lack of understanding of how DNA functions, how organisms are viable or not viable, and how that can or cannot be mitigated.  More than that, the very existence of DNA Stabilizers implies non-viability of the Kubrow breeds.


Naturally, an organism that is not viable - that is, has genetic errors or mutations that prevent it from thriving, surviving growing into emergence, or achieving maturity - is an organism that doesn't survive being born very long, if it survives being born at all.  It doesn't tend to survive into maturity.  It doesn't tend to be able to reproduce.  It is, quite concisely, an error.  There are varying degrees of errors, of course, but what you should take away from this is that something is terribly broken in the organism and it cannot live properly, or at all, because of what is broken at the genetic foundation of that organism.



Enter DNA Stabilizers, and what they mean for the Kubrow.


As designed, with the mechanic of the DNA Stabilizers, the Kubrow are furry, sickly bags of cancer that should never have been born.  Hatched - whatever.  These breeds of Kubrow - which are apparently distinct from thriving, feral Kubrow - were not viable organisms.  These non-viable Kubrow breeds are being forced into a form of survival through the use of severe superfuture technology and DNA Stabilizers.  Failure to "stabilize" their DNA will result in the organism terminating, and without DNA Stabilizers, the organism will rapidly deteriorate on its way to death.  That is what DNA Stabilizers are telling us.  Sure, the Kubrow can bite something's head off, but that just means they're furry, sickly bags of cancer that can bite something's head off.


DNA isn't something that simply goes unstable.  DNA isn't something that simply needs stabilizing.  DNA is very stable - even when it's wrong. Its expression can be modified at an epigenetic level through chemical reactions.  Viral gene therapy can inject preferred genetic code into cells to overwrite existing code in the hopes that those cells will thrive and displace cells with undesired code, and express healthier or more useful traits.  But at no point - even in the superfuture of Warframe - does DNA just simply stop being stable and need to be stabilized.



So let's talk about what DNA Stabilizers actually are, mechanically speaking, in gameplay.


They're Kubrow Chow.  They're bags of Kubrow Chow dressed up in science fiction as DNA Stabilizers, because you folks at DE think that they're living things and that living things require maintenance.  You're not wrong.  (You're wrong if you think that makes them fun, but that's another post.  :D)


But by turning this mechanic into this sciencey fictiony DNA Stabilizer thing, you've narratively turned the Kubrow breeds into - one more time - furry, sickly bags of cancer.


Just let the mechanic be what it actually is: Kubrow Chow.


If that's not sciencey and fictiony enough, make it something like a Protein Sequencer.  Whatever.


Just change it so that Kubrow breeds aren't actually cute little constantly-dying batdogthings.  Or just get rid of it and let us play with Kubrows without having to maintain them.  That sounds like fun.

Edited by (PS4)Hooligantuan
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I made one and bought a DNA stabilizer. Realized I'm not a pet person. Into statis it went. Made another because apparently I don't listen to myself. Same thing happens. Both dogs are one ice until I can release them into the digital wild. Not a big fan of the upkeep. That's just me. So if other players like it then have fun friends.

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every living beings technically "dies" every seconds, like our cells and stuff so the cells are being replaced and so on and so forth, then there s growth too, it s just that in kubrows they grow and die very very fast compared to us and other living beings, consider the DNA stabilizers well "stabilizers" of their growth

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magnetizing bone shows a severe lack of understanding how magnetism works.  Sliding on the ground to increase speed shows a severe lack of how friction works, Lasers traveling slower than bullets shows a severe lack of understanding on how lasers work.I think you are misunderstanding that these are gameplay mechanics, set in a universe populated by spaceninjas using magical power armor. They are not all routed in pure science.

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i belive the origin of the "DNA stabilisation" idea was that the kubrows are being put through accelerated growth which was belived to damage telomares and the stabilisers are suppose to be a pseudo youth concoction that halts the accelerated degredation.  sadly i also belive all of the infomration about this was just theory as cloning was something fround upon by certain factions of scociety, so there is no definitve proof of weather or not this would actually be the case (dolly wasnt an acellerated growth clone afterall)


anywho i also agree they arent really necesary, just another punishment for decidng you want to own a space furbag, and one of many reasons ill be keeping my fresh meat in the freezer.


but yes as also mentioned earlyer....



Edited by EdgeKasim
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Why can't DNA stabilizers just be future fancy talk for feeding your pets damn it. Because when your kubrow is dying it literally says its having the symptoms of malnutrition. And as a pet owner I know that I have to feed my dear doggy twice a day for him to stay nice and healthy. Also take him out for walks. If I start skipping days he's going to start starving and his health will start to look bad just like with the kubrows.

Edited by Senketsu_
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I'm no geneticist, but I would like to blindly (and ill-informed-ly) mention Senescence and Telomerase. DNA can degrade, and it can be reversed. Sure, it's nothing like the representation in game, but what can you expect? :P


If I were one to speculate, I'd guess they went for the system they did because "Feed your Dog" doesn't sensible/mature enough. 'cause, you know, caring for another animal doesn't require maturity(?)

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I think there are plenty of ways to explain Kubrow DNA decay scientifically/realistically.

Radiation poisoning is one such explanation. Maybe there's a small leak in the Liset's core? Maybe Ordis is secretly venting radiation into the ship to kill us or our puppies. Maybe the List isn't shielded that well against solar radiation? Warframes may be completely unaffected by radiation poisoning because of the frame itself or being exposed to the energies of the void have caused Warframes' cells to mutate such that the don't decay and are immune from the iionizing damage of radiation.

Another is DNA decay from rapid aging/rapid cellular division due to genetic disorders caused by the breeding process. We don't know how being in space affects kubrow eggs before they hatch or as they're developing.

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magnetizing bone shows a severe lack of understanding how magnetism works.  Sliding on the ground to increase speed shows a severe lack of how friction works, Lasers traveling slower than bullets shows a severe lack of understanding on how lasers work.I think you are misunderstanding that these are gameplay mechanics, set in a universe populated by spaceninjas using magical power armor. They are not all routed in pure science.


I know my OP was squarely in the realm of TL;DR, but I did address the DNA Stabilizers from a game mechanics perspective later into the post.



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I'm no geneticist, but I would like to blindly (and ill-informed-ly) mention Senescence and Telomerase. DNA can degrade, and it can be reversed. Sure, it's nothing like the representation in game, but what can you expect? :P


If I were one to speculate, I'd guess they went for the system they did because "Feed your Dog" doesn't sensible/mature enough. 'cause, you know, caring for another animal doesn't require maturity(?)


The problem then is that the Kubrow are still sickly and have some superterrible form of Kubrine progeria.  That doesn't make things better.  :D

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The problem then is that the Kubrow are still sickly and have some superterrible form of Kubrine progeria.  That doesn't make things better.  :D

Well, to quote my Facebook post after my 7th Kubrow:

"They grow up so fast... Only 23 hours old, and she's already 6 ft. tall."

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i think all you've shown here is that that calling them DNA Stabilizers is silly.


but they're clearly necessary for some reason to keep our Cloned Dogs from turning into jello or something.



you're right, they're clearly broken. they need continuous injections to survive. 

perhaps these injections are combating the decay that the Grineer are experiencing due to Cloning en masse.


Lasers traveling slower than bullets shows a severe lack of understanding on how lasers work.

i encourage you to read the Hardlight theory. and the controlled situation tests which have been successful thusfar.


besides, a fair amount of Corpus Weapons are Plasmatic Projectiles, not Lasers.

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Well, to quote my Facebook post after my 7th Kubrow:

"They grow up so fast... Only 23 hours old, and she's already 6 ft. tall."

Well, cancer is basically abnormal cell growth.  Cancering up are dogs would explain why they are able to grow to full size in a manner of days.  It also works as a good way to build in a fail safe into what are essentially weapons of war.

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Also to add Your forgetting one key element between game time and real time. Yes it is a matter of days for us to collect, hatch and mature our pups. But how many of us have done a mission on the same node of the same planet in and hour or two of each other to fine that one time its day and the second time its night. Thats the difference between the two so whats to say that in the coarse of 2 days to hatch 2days to mature Thant in game time it hasn't actually been say 4 or more months and the 3 hour stasis hasn't been 5 days or more in the game so yeah unless there is more lore that explain some of these things or DE explains them I don't really see the point for them in the game AT ALL other than to make up spend credits and platinum to perform the above functions in the game.


To further explain why there not need it is. If they are genetically enhanced then at some point would they not also develop a resistence to the dna stabilizers or an immunity of there own and not need them anymore. Which then DE could come up with some sort of resource that has to be farmed to make the specific food that we need to feed them instead of having to buy it.

Edited by Ookami_Nihonto
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