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De: It's Time To Get Rid Of Dna Stabilizers. Here's Why.


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I really do feel like breeding an animal that is perpetually on the verge of death is classified as a form of animal cruelty. Which leads me to believe they're better off never being born or being put down.


I like Kubrow Kibble better.

They are biological weapons.

Edited by (PS4)DesecratedFlame
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The are biological weapons.

Not really; bio-weapons are defined a a harmful bacteria/virus whose only purpose is to kill the "enemy".(Edit: Source - the dictionary)


Kubrows aren't bacteria, but if you consider them to be biological weapons, then anyone given a gun and the intent to use it on another human being can be considered as a biological weapon.


If you are labeling Kubrows as bio-weapons as an excuse to not feel sorry for their perpetual state of rapid decay, that doesn't help me cope.

Edited by OptimumBow0
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Not really; bio-weapons are defined a a harmful bacteria/virus whose only purpose is to kill the "enemy".(Edit: Source - the dictionary)


Kubrows aren't bacteria, but if you consider them to be biological weapons, then anyone given a gun and the intent to use it on another human being can be considered as a biological weapon.


If you are labeling Kubrows as bio-weapons as an excuse to not feel sorry for their perpetual state of rapid decay, that doesn't help me cope.

They are biologically engineered to be weapons.  They can be released on a population center as weapons of mass destruction that automatically decay in 24 days leaving the area safe for the invading forces.  They biological weapons.

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They are biologically engineered to be weapons.  They can be released on a population center as weapons of mass destruction that automatically decay in 24 days leaving the area safe for the invading forces.  They biological weapons.

Very Umbrella... Except they sometimes give theirs Rocket Launchers.

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I still think they are mass piles of cancer that are to be starved and need the stabilizers to hold off the cancer for a short while. Of course that makes no sense given even today that cancer can be removed one way or another(recent studies about genetics, look it up if you disagree).


I give this game 4 more months before peta or some animal organization hears about this and they finally do something right with the kubrow system. Butcher doggies on earth to steal their young then leave the pup there have it starve some more before finally being able to start shoving needles into them while you take them to fight more doggies in a grudge match while you expose it to bullet rains. Not to mention while they are growing we don't clean the pod thing and they wry in their own filth and egg remains without any interaction at all from anything.

Edited by OverlordMcGeek
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it's not the cost of the stabilizers  it could be 1 credit per pack , and  it still would be a bad thing . It's the o inherent hassle of a system that makes u wait 3 hours to switch between kubrows and punishes you when you want to use them , and punishes you  if then die in mission . 

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Maybe Ordis is secretly venting radiation into the ship to kill us or our puppies


Dear god, Ordis is Glados incarnate. Wearing a shielded warframe or not, I'm suddenly less comfortable knowing that our supposedly trustworthy AI companion could be consistently exposing our puppies (and us) to radiation just for the heck of it.


"Operator, you'll be happy to know that while you were away, I have analyzed and successfully determined the survivability rate of Kubrows when exposed to minute amounts of gamma radiation".




"It was zero by the way".

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Dear god, Ordis is Glados incarnate. Wearing a shielded warframe or not, I'm suddenly less comfortable knowing that our supposedly trustworthy AI companion could be consistently exposing our puppies (and us) to radiation just for the heck of it.


"Operator, you'll be happy to know that while you were away, I have analyzed and successfully determined the survivability rate of Kubrows when exposed to minute amounts of gamma radiation".




"It was zero by the way".

Glados likes to use neurotoxin made from potatoes... Orokin reactors/catalysts are called potatoes... COINCIDENCE?!

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magnetizing bone shows a severe lack of understanding how magnetism works.  Sliding on the ground to increase speed shows a severe lack of how friction works, Lasers traveling slower than bullets shows a severe lack of understanding on how lasers work.I think you are misunderstanding that these are gameplay mechanics, set in a universe populated by spaceninjas using magical power armor. They are not all routed in pure science.


The difference between these things and DNA Stabilizers is that the former are used to advance gameplay in some way. DNA Stabilizers are not an example of gameplay mechanics, they're a bad way to explain why Kubrow's are credit sinks.


Also, if this is what the game means when it references genetic decay, the technology to save the Grineer apparently exists and is out for sale.


Personally I think they should just be removed. I really don't see who's helped by having them.

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magnetizing bone shows a severe lack of understanding how magnetism works.  Sliding on the ground to increase speed shows a severe lack of how friction works, Lasers traveling slower than bullets shows a severe lack of understanding on how lasers work.I think you are misunderstanding that these are gameplay mechanics, set in a universe populated by spaceninjas using magical power armor. They are not all routed in pure science.


This..and it was on the first page.


I can only assume most of the people that up'd the OP are more wanting DNA stabilizers to be removed instead of actually agreeing with the OP's statement about them.

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I'd be happier if they simply changed it to food, got rid of the 3 hour wait for stassis removing and made it so they got really weak (so damge became petty) but didn't actually die.... I think it's rather stupid to spend all those days/weeks/money on a kubrow to simply get an E-mail saying it's died and it was all for nothing. I play warframe when I want to, not when I have to. That is why my first and only kubrow is perma-stassis and the other egg I got recently has become an egg statue in the incubator... until this system is changed, sentinels are far superior as they can be swapped as and when, never degrade, and no punishment for dieing (in fact there's a mod for them to drop gear on death!). So i can't see any advantage a Kubrow has other than to infuriate/upset/waste money and time/[insert negative here]. Name me one thing that kubrow has over sentinels? they're both there to kill stuff, only sentinels last long enough to do it.


Kubrow - money sink that ultimately is a waste of time because of perma death.

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Regardless of how necessary a pet maintenance mechanic is to the game, what it is, currently, is thoroughly loaded with the implication that Kubrow breeds are not viable organisms, are sickly, and are essentially on extraordinary life support just so they can follow you around and maybe bite somebody's head off.


It's the animal cruelty of the superfuture.

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Here's my two cents.  I love my Kubrow, but I can't afford him.  Petting is free and cute.  DNA Stabilizers cost more than I typically make in a session.  I've put over 500 hours into the game like many but I don't want to run Sechura or something 5 times a day just to pay for the DNA Stabilizers.  


Why can't we just feed them food we scan or purchase and have it last a month?  I get wanting a real pet simulator but its more of a chore than a pleasure at this point.  Most days I have to run Voids or Sechura just to afford whatever new weapon I'm going after on top of finding some place to get a decent amount of Orokin Cells or Neural Sensors.  


Matter of fact, how about make it so we can feed Kubrows Polymer or Rubedo or some other resource that I literally have over 100,000 of.  

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I don't mind having some upkeep, it IS a pet after all and the least we can do is feed them and provide basic needs. That makes sense.


But those stabilizers are also out of my budget most of the time. There's weapons and frames I'd rather be building than spending 100K on something that doesn't even bring my pet back to full health. The least they can do if they want to charge that much is to have it fully restore Kubrow health, none of this 40% stuff. Would give us a good 6 days more of play before worrying about it.


There are things I won't spend real money on in this game and feeding the kubrow is one of them. I'll buy things out of desire (weapons, some components) or to alleviate the grind, but not for the kubrow life support.

Edited by (PS4)Folkeye
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