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Dark Sector Credit & Resource Tribute Limit


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As nice as it is that dark sectors offer bonus xp, credits, and resources.  I won't play if the credit taxes are above 20% or if there are any resource taxes at all.  As DoG said, support the liberators when they come and in the mean time don't play dark sectors so that you aren't fueling the war machines of clans with high taxes.  If your clan has the extra resources you could even make a rail and challenge the people with high taxes.  The more that node is in conflict the less that clan is making off of it.  I have not seen anything on the mechanics of rail repair and how much damage has to be done before the current holder of a dark sector loses it, how much it costs to repair, how much the rail will repair itself on cooldown, or how much damage a single successful attack does.  That information would be more useful than putting a cap on taxes.

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Void gives far more credits than Dark Sectors ever did. Resources can be farmed in survival missions on said planets using a Nekros. Just join a PUG and YOU play as the Nekros. With this methodology I be farmin' cells all day, all night, erryday. However if you want to get rid of the taxes, you gotta fight the alliance


The solution I offer is simple, come and PvP with us.


Whether the clans have formed bonds is fantastically irrelevant. There was supposed to be some kind of group trying to take them down...yet I haven't seen much of a reaction in the actual game.


Instead of complaining with words, show your determination with action.

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This system is stupid simply because the dominant alliance can just suddenly turn into jerks and jack up the taxes. Lords of the East had reasonable taxes for a while and now suddenly 75% on everything.


The system is that our credit income is based on the whims of some A****** who owns some alliance. Brilliant.


On the other hand, when they decide to be cool we have insane credit income that trivializes credits entirely.


The system is stupid either way.

Edited by Inmemoratus
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Whether the clans have formed bonds is fantastically irrelevant. There was supposed to be some kind of group trying to take them down...yet I haven't seen much of a reaction in the actual game.

Unfortunately, it is not. By attacking their own rails and dealing a little bit of damage to them, they get bonus time to deploy them again before anyone else.

As long as they keep up with it, you'll never be able to attack the rail.

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Unfortunately, it is not. By attacking their own rails and dealing a little bit of damage to them, they get bonus time to deploy them again before anyone else.

As long as they keep up with it, you'll never be able to attack the rail.


Actually I'm supposedly on the evil clan side, since my clan is in ICE =P


I don't really support anyone but my own Alliance though.


The thing is, someone tried to start taking action, we all cheered him on and we were excited yet...nothing has happened. No fights, just the same old same old. Which brings me to the thought that the community really doesn't want to do anything about it themselves.


It's a playground fight and the kids have to fight the big bully, but instead of teaming up against the bully, they ran to the teacher and want some action taken.


It is not going to happen. Community has to fight, or nothing will change and I won't have any opponents to use as stress relief.


Edit: Regarding the rail blocking. Those within this 'underground' monopoly, have to be timing the deployments. But if the community organized and did the same thing, they wouldn't be able to prevent every single conflict. The question is, who will take action?

Edited by Semshol
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Actually I'm supposedly on the evil clan side, since my clan is in ICE =P


I don't really support anyone but my own Alliance though.


The thing is, someone tried to start taking action, we all cheered him on and we were excited yet...nothing has happened. No fights, just the same old same old. Which brings me to the thought that the community really doesn't want to do anything about it themselves.


It's a playground fight and the kids have to fight the big bully, but instead of teaming up against the bully, they ran to the teacher and want some action taken.


It is not going to happen. Community has to fight, or nothing will change and I won't have any opponents to use as stress relief.

Just for the record, I'm not calling you evil specifically, or anyone, really; just that this has happened, on PC and PS4. If these clans and alliances do not want to have any opposition, then they don't need any. The change where these clans got 'bonus time' needs to be rethought.

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Unfortunately, it is not. By attacking their own rails and dealing a little bit of damage to them, they get bonus time to deploy them again before anyone else.

As long as they keep up with it, you'll never be able to attack the rail.

that could be easily solved by putting a minimum battlepay of say, 50k credits x all missions necessary to win a node.


Actually I'm supposedly on the evil clan side, since my clan is in ICE =P


I don't really support anyone but my own Alliance though.


The thing is, someone tried to start taking action, we all cheered him on and we were excited yet...nothing has happened. No fights, just the same old same old. Which brings me to the thought that the community really doesn't want to do anything about it themselves.


It's a playground fight and the kids have to fight the big bully, but instead of teaming up against the bully, they ran to the teacher and want some action taken.


It is not going to happen. Community has to fight, or nothing will change and I won't have any opponents to use as stress relief.


Edit: Regarding the rail blocking. Those within this 'underground' monopoly, have to be timing the deployments. But if the community organized and did the same thing, they wouldn't be able to prevent every single conflict. The question is, who will take action?


actually fighting is inconvenient as dark senctors aren't actually so efficient as they seem (even sechura), for farming rare resources the best way is still fighting bosses or mobile defenses, for credits i can run a pluto (or even better, void) capture in half the time it takes me to do 5 waves of defense and definitely less than 5 minutes, why should i even want to try to get a node to some acceptable level of taxes when i have better alternatives? you big alliances can keep your (most likely going to be empty if you put 75% taxes) dark sectors as much as you want couse no one really needs them (if they did as you've said someone would've done something instead of this whisy-washy wining)  and they aren't really suitable for long runs due to abnormous amount of energy drain eximus mobs.


conclusion: de made a sistem whose only practical purpose is to let big alliances play monopoli, the only practical benefit from dark sectors is that new players can access infested nodes to get mods that drop from infested and the abundance of ancients for rare stance farming.

Edited by bl4ckhunter
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Just for the record, I'm not calling you evil specifically, or anyone, really; just that this has happened, on PC and PS4. If these clans and alliances do not want to have any opposition, then they don't need any. The change where these clans got 'bonus time' needs to be rethought.


I know, we use the term evil alliance because we're supposed to be the bad guys...which would have been nice, because it was like a big roleplay. It just never happened and I'm just seeing that the community is not taking the right action.


Anyway, can you elaborate on the blocking mechanics. Perhaps if we put it in a section like player versus player, the community can figure out a way around it.

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that could be easily solved by putting a minimum battlepay of say, 50k credits x all missions necessary to win a node.


Wouldn't work if it was the 'underground' monopoly attacking their own rails. They're not doing it to take the node, they're just blocking.


Hence why I'm asking for the mechanics of how it is done, because if the community organized to take us down, then they should be able to, but its not happening.

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I know, we use the term evil alliance because we're supposed to be the bad guys...which would have been nice, because it was like a big roleplay. It just never happened and I'm just seeing that the community is not taking the right action.


Anyway, can you elaborate on the blocking mechanics. Perhaps if we put it in a section like player versus player, the community can figure out a way around it.

There isn't much of a way around it. If a clan had damaged a rail, then they get to deploy another rail to that node before anyone else the next time around. It's easily abused, and with large alliances having, say, 20 rail deployers active waiting to deploy said rails, everyone else is blocked out.

I heard enough cases where 'I have been waiting to deploy a rail on this node, but 10 minutes before the armistice was up, I found this other clan had started to attack 10 minutes before!'.

It's impossible to work around unless that alliance/clan, messes up.

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Wouldn't work if it was the 'underground' monopoly attacking their own rails. They're not doing it to take the node, they're just blocking.


Hence why I'm asking for the mechanics of how it is done, because if the community organized to take us down, then they should be able to, but its not happening.

except that random people will play their node and get credits, as long as they haven't got infinite credits they're bound to run out as alliances can't give each other credits afaik, once they are without credits they can't do it anymore.

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except that random people will play their node and get credits, as long as they haven't got infinite credits they're bound to run out as alliances can't give each other credits afaik, once they are without credits they can't do it anymore.

Sure, I suppose that would eventually bankrupt them, but it'd also bankrupt everyone else.

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The solution I offer is simple, come and PvP with us.




Instead of complaining with words, show your determination with action.

I do, try (sometimes fail) to give Ice and The Lords of the East etc..(There are others).... a bloody nose at every opportunity i can as i believe in freedom of movement not constraints. 


As for players doing something about it  - maybe, like myself, there are ppl who do not want to get involved in large Clans and/or Alliances, so the that  solution is not a solution to this issue.


If players do damage their own rails - perhaps when this happens the players/team/Alliance cause a negative effect on their own bonus.


All in all I think that the rails are set up ok and ULTIMATELY it is up to us the PLAYERS not to use them at the time of overpriced increases same way you would with any monopoly you can avoid. 

Edited by ComplexLain
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There isn't much of a way around it. If a clan had damaged a rail, then they get to deploy another rail to that node before anyone else the next time around. It's easily abused, and with large alliances having, say, 20 rail deployers active waiting to deploy said rails, everyone else is blocked out.

I heard enough cases where 'I have been waiting to deploy a rail on this node, but 10 minutes before the armistice was up, I found this other clan had started to attack 10 minutes before!'.

It's impossible to work around unless that alliance/clan, messes up.


Okay, that should be classified as a bug. I mean, the clan attacking has had their chance, so someone else should have a go. That would be fairer and allow world war tenno to finally happen :D

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F@ck This "Lords of East" alliance and many other like this one who use more then 15% tax, why they putting so much tax if the game allready give so much rewards as a winner like 10000 credits, +35% Resource drop rate, +30% More XP From kills, +25% more xp from rifle kills, but still they want more then a fair amount of money and resources. who knows tomorrow they will put 100% tax and what if there is no limit of more then 100% tax. they gonna put 1000% tax or limit less, infact they use our money and resoucres to win again.


stop supporting these Bloody Greedy F@Ckers.

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