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Hydroid's Undertow Seems Unviable, Here's What I Like It To Be.


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So while undertow makes you invisible and invincible, it practically takes you out of the game. At the same time you can't protect team-mates or pods, you can only capture a few of the enemies in a specific area. 


So in order to make the skill a little more defensive and gameplay with hydroid more fluid, I feel we should be able to use the other powers while still in puddle mode. That way we can rescue a pod with our 1 and 4 abilities and still keep some enemies captured. And we can activate Tentacle swarm to catch everyone as we come out of the puddle. It would also add a more stealth feel to him because he can move around with tidal surge while remaining as a puddle, allowing him to stay as water.


Valkyr's hysteria and rhino's iron skin allow them to cast all their other abilities, and it works for them. I don't feel it would make hydroid too OP because it would require a lot of energy in order to do this too long, even with efficiency.


Right now I find undertow funny when enemies walk right into it, but at the same time its very boring to watch others fight while I'm stuck in the same spot and can't really kill anything as the puddle.

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undertow doesn't need any change, it's a perfect ability for Hydroid, and how do you suggest using tidal surge when using undertow? :P

and just using it when you're on the pod, that's pretty good on infested defense, and you can use it when you're close to a friend waiting to be revived, so another squad mate could revive him and you sink all the enemies 

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I'd almost want Undertow to become a giant cube of water, rather than a puddle. A lot of this game depends on height and vantage points, and to have a perfectly flat object does almost nothing. If the power become a cube instead, or a ball, it would be reasonable to lose your invisibility, but retain your invincibility. That way, the power can at least act like a shield if nothing else. It would also be quite effective in hallways and other enclosed areas, giving your teammates time to escape or organize. It would effectively make Undertow a valid power for use in end-game.


Some might argue that being able to cast your other powers might be overpowered; after all, with your 2 and good power efficiency or range, you could stay invincible while moving across the map. However, that option is limited by your energy pool, and unless you want to have a Trinity shepherding you across the map, you're going to run out pretty fast. The limitations could be enforced by having a considerable penalty to energy cost if you use any power while in Undertow form.

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I use it for when I need my shields to recharge, use restores, or just need to go AFK for a min. If you are strategic where you use it, you can cover entire hallways and entrances with it so it is helpful. My build does 50 damage/sec to every enemy that falls into it. When Oxygen is low or running out, you can cover extract while waiting for your other team mates. On Xini, Infested defense, Undertow keeps everything away from the pod. You can also use it to help cover someone being revived from melee enemies or infested. 

This is one of Hydroid's most useful, but also under-utilized ability. I think it is fine as is, but like most other abilities, it depends on how you play and how you use the ability. 

Edited by YoreGawd
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Banshee does the "activate channeled ability while teammates are reviving" thing better with Sound Quake.


Being able to move around with Tidal Surge would be cool.



I'd almost want Undertow to become a giant cube of water, rather than a puddle. A lot of this game depends on height and vantage points, and to have a perfectly flat object does almost nothing. If the power become a cube instead, or a ball, it would be reasonable to lose your invisibility, but retain your invincibility. That way, the power can at least act like a shield if nothing else. It would also be quite effective in hallways and other enclosed areas, giving your teammates time to escape or organize. It would effectively make Undertow a valid power for use in end-game.


Another thread turned Undertow into a whirlpool that drew enemies in and allowed teammates to fire into it to deal damage. This might infringe on Vortex's role, but I think it's a step in the right direction to making Undertow more of a team-oriented ability while retaining its flavor.

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I'm not saying I agree with undertow being unviable or that your version is good - but certainly the way it is, it's nothing more than a sad excuse for a washed up Bastille - where you can't even move around or attack the captured enemies. Sadly this isn't the only copycat skill in our arsenal - Nekros's Shadows of the Dead is incredibly similar to Chaos in it's role, just not even closely as efficient or player-friendly.


I would do this:

- Undertow as toggled skill, 25 energy on activation, 5 per second to hold it up. NO duration, time mods affect time between ticks, essentially touching on the field of energy consumption.

- Players can move in Undertow form, capturing enemies and holding them down. Speed is low.

- Upon exit, surviving enemies are launched into every direction (more logical than Vortex's "just let them fall in one place" style), kicking down and damaging enemies and hurting themselves if falling too much.



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- Undertow as toggled skill, 25 energy on activation, 5 per second to hold it up. NO duration, time mods affect time between ticks, essentially touching on the field of energy consumption.

- Players can move in Undertow form, capturing enemies and holding them down. Speed is low.

- Upon exit, surviving enemies are launched into every direction (more logical than Vortex's "just let them fall in one place" style), kicking down and damaging enemies and hurting themselves if falling too much.

Sounds OK, but I would remove the part that scatters enemies, as Undertow is a good way to gather enemies up for mass melee, AOE, explosives, etc.

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how do you suggest using tidal surge when using undertow? :P


Well the first thing is to change Tidal Surge so that it carries enemies all the way from start to finish (like a tidal wave), rather than just pushing them out of the way (like a glorified Rhino Charge).


Then, casting Tidal Surge while affected by Undertow would temporarily disable the puddle but allow you to pick up all the enemies from your Undertow and carry them on the Tidal Surge, along with enemies you pick up along the way, and finally splash down into another puddle when Tidal Surge ends.


In other words, Tidal Surge becomes a way to move the puddle without ever shifting from your watery form.

Edited by Archwizard
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