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[Suggestion] Creative Random... Stuff


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Hello, first of all, this game is great and its evolving nice, thank you! And sharing my toughs about weapons, as we are in future cyber and spaceish lore I think we should explore exotic kind of weapons and techs instead of only making stylized modern weapons.



-Energy/Power Canalizer = Could be cyber gloves(kinda iron man style?) or staff or wand, but I preffer the gloves xD, and this would be a ranged weapons shooting pulses and beam, oh yeah!


-Bomerang/Big Shuriken  = Yes I´m talking about kinda Glaive weapon, I know maybe people already spoken about this, but it´s my time lol, this would be a melee(normal attacks close range, charged the trown attack) or could be ranged instead of ammo its "charges" but I don´t like this much.


-Crossbow(the best pal of the bow xP) = Could be a Paris/bow skin, or a completly new weapon.

-Cyber Tonfa = Just a idea for another melee gautlets of skin

-I know its Beta and you are focoisng in other things but you could do more skins later


-Effects and Bullets = I´m not sayng to transform things into a Star Wars or Star Trek, but bullets could be more energy than materials, if may I say kinda the style of Mass Effect, resuming: colored trails/effect when bullet is fired of weapon? lol


-Alternate type os Sentinel = In my opnion i don´t like much them floating, for me it would be much cooler if they were a cyber tentacle that stay climbing above the shoulder like robotics of global agenda: http://www.google.com/imgres?um=1&sa=N&hl=pt-BR&biw=1440&bih=763&tbm=isch&tbnid=FGldxJfl3NkDkM:&imgrefurl=http://globalagenda.wikia.com/wiki/Robotics&docid=lOsF46LwnpSsbM&imgurl=http://images2.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20120415180361/globalagenda/images/6/67/Roboticsagents.jpg&w=447&h=402&ei=1VVvUbm3EpPc4APaioGACg&zoom=1&ved=1t:3588,r:4,s:0,i:94&iact=rc&dur=482&page=1&tbnh=178&tbnw=220&start=0&ndsp=22&tx=162&ty=123, or could be fixed on shoulder like the commando from borderlands 2 https://encrypted-tbn1.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcT6OKjOeSI5a2hv4ltpcyFVClk3zGi_R8eedPtZben4Hoht1RX-bA


For now its all ^^

sorry if the ideas are a bit crazy and about my english, its not my native lenguage!


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