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Xb1 Performance Issues - A Post About Information


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Hey Warframe Dev Team.


I know you are working hard on changes and optimizing the game for XB1 - What I ask is information about what kind of changes you are planning to make, or considering to make.


Some information regarding the performance is quite appreciated, at least something more than "We'll look into it".


Just knowing what kind of options you are considering for the game, boosts my overall motivation to play the game as I know that the issues are being worked on. I check the your forums, facebook and twitter account about information regarding this issue, but nothing has seemed to pop up.


Is this in anyway a possibility?


Thanks for your time!


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Hi DaVixxy,

While I can't go into too much detail, I can say that Mirage should run quite a bit better in the next update (currently no ETA unfortunately). Her 'Hall of Mirrors' ability should no longer cause as much stress on your Xbox One if yourself, or another player, decides to cast a fully upgraded version of the mod -- or any version for that matter. While there will be an improvement this does not mean we are finished with Hall of Mirrors quite yet. We are continuing to look for ways to improve Mirage's performance any way we can.


So with that said, I can assure you we are trying our best to stay on top of everything in terms of optimization. I strongly suggest keeping your eyes on the build notes as we continue to roll out Xbox One updates. They can be found here: https://forums.warframe.com/index.php?/forum/253-update-build-notes/


As for issues specific to performance then you can usually find your answers on the Xbox One performance forums, found here: https://forums.warframe.com/index.php?/forum/267-performance/


Don't be afraid to sneak around in the PC / PS4 performance forums either. Chances are our brothers / sisters in blue may have run into an issue similar to something you have experienced, and the more information we can get on those threads the better it is for everyone. 

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Thanks for the reply, most informative.

I appreciate the more in-depth answer, and I'll make sure to poke around the PS4 and PC forums as well!

Again, I thank you for your time and interest in your players! Even though I've just started playing, I feel this is a game I can invest a massive amount of time in, if the performance issues are resolved.

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