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The Best Designed Mods In Warframe: We Need More Like This!


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With the reveal of the new slash damage mods, I began to wonder what kinds of mods the game really needs. I'm going to cut right to the chase, and show you the best designed mods before I explain why. These are not the best mods or best balanced mods. I'm not going to include Sentinel, Kubrow, or Ability mods, because more of those are better designed like the following:


Warframe Mods: Heavy Impact, Aviator, Equilibrium, Master Thief, Retribution, Shield Flux, Shock Absorbers, Rage, Quick Thinking


Rifle Mods: Charged/Prime Chamber, Thunderbolt


No Shotgun or Pistol Mods


Melee Mods: Berserker, Energy Channel, Life Strike, Parry


Hahaha what? These mods?

These mods are the best designed mods in the game because they change the way a Warframe or weapon works without simply changing damage, speed, or some other stat. They give a qualitative change to our equipment, which means these lead to more build diversity. Quantitative mods lead to more strength in the builds, but don't diversify them and change what they do much.


You probably noticed most of these mods are hardly used. That is because they are completely dwarfed in value by the base stat mods (why would you use Aviator instead of Vitality, Vigor, Steel Fiber, Redirection, etc? Why use Charged Chamber instead of another elemental?). This is why, if and when DE finally rebalances the mod system, they need to decrease the importance of stat mods so that there is a real contest between qualitative mods and quantitative mods.


More qualitative mods

I'm going to start a list of ideas of qualitative mods we could use in this game. I may add other people's ideas (with credit).

Magic Bullet: First shot in clip homes in on enemies

Critical Status: Critical hit doubles chance of a status hit for melee weapons

Attrition: Deal back 100/200/500/1000% damage to enemies who down you (excluding bosses)

Headshot Hunter: Deals double damage to weak spots

Bloodlust: Killing enemies who deal you slash damage will return health lost

Medic: X times fire rate for Y seconds after reviving a teammate.

DarkTails' thread: https://forums.warframe.com/index.php?/topic/298315-here-we-go-more-mod-ideas/


TL;DR: The point is, increasing % of this and that won't increase build diversity. The best mods will always be equipped by everyone, unless players decide to handicap themselves. Instead, we need more mods that augment our equipment in more imaginative ways.

Edited by (PS4)WiiConquered
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It would be interesting to play warframe with a gun or frame you "liked" insted of the most efficient one.

The mods as you say focus alot on power with no downside, save the corrupted mods. This is rather boring in the long run.
It doesn't do much for the teamplay either.

Had some ideas for mods too, tell me what you think if you have the time


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Rebecca read off an idea to DE_Steve about conditional damage mods a while back (U11ish?) during a devstream and Steve said that was a sick idea and he was going to do it. I'm hoping and praying that these show up every patch. When I saw the names of these mods in the event, I got super hyped thinking maybe we were finally going to see them.


Specific suggestions were...

+% damage on unaware targets

+% damage per target hit (blast/punch-through)

+% damage on headshots

+% damage on CC'd targets

+% damage from behind/beside

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Might have to change Revenge, seeing as that's Shade's attack precept. Beyond that, I agree with you and hope DE takes a look at this.


You caught me being lazy. I'll edit it.



It would be interesting to play warframe with a gun or frame you "liked" insted of the most efficient one.

The mods as you say focus alot on power with no downside, save the corrupted mods. This is rather boring in the long run.

It doesn't do much for the teamplay either.

Had some ideas for mods too, tell me what you think if you have the time



I like these. Yes, they'd need balancing (four players standing next to each other with Symbiosis would be near invincible) but I could definitely see them being nice for friends to equip. The only thing is, I'd suggest making them very low cost (and max of three ranks) so that players aren't discouraged from using them instead of helping themselves. So Heroism would cost 0/1/2/3 mod slots.

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Rebecca read off an idea to DE_Steve about conditional damage mods a while back (U11ish?) during a devstream and Steve said that was a sick idea and he was going to do it. I'm hoping and praying that these show up every patch. When I saw the names of these mods in the event, I got super hyped thinking maybe we were finally going to see them.


Specific suggestions were...

+% damage on unaware targets

+% damage per target hit (blast/punch-through)

+% damage on headshots

+% damage on CC'd targets

+% damage from behind/beside


That's really interesting. I had only just started playing then and didn't know about Devstreams and all of that stuff. Hopefully with friendly reminders from the forums that will come to fruition soon.

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Man this is one sick idea. I think this is exactly what the warframe modding system needs. Less damage/stat add ons and more creative mods like these that can truly let us mod our gear into the unique set of snowflakes we like to pretend we are! 



The only issue I'm seeing is will the utility of these mods out-do what we already have unless Steve re-works all the base damage/stat mods so that we aren't gimping ourselves and these fresher concepts can honestly compete? 


Will the way the current game is built and played even allow for it within everyone's favorite/masochistic end-game scenarios? 




On top of that, what of the weapon balance itself? I'm sick of things being in tiers, because I can never bring myself to deviate from a specific path of weapons knowing how hard I'll gimp myself if I put down the Boltor/Burston/Paris Prime, Dread, Dakra, Marelok, etc because I loathe knowing that by trying new interesting things that I'm not being even half as effective a lot of the time with most of the other more fun looking weapons. 


Why can't everything just be a unique side-grade with enough differences between each weapon and its class (Dojo, Market, Prime) to encourage us to truly have a unique build? 



What's the point of that ramble? I don't think re-working the mod system in this way will have as much impact when at the end of the day the Boltor Prime/Soma/Penta/Etc are going to remain the Meta and still dominate every other gun in terms of power and killing efficiency, and that's my biggest concern if Steve manages to pull this off. 

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Man this is one sick idea. I think this is exactly what the warframe modding system needs. Less damage/stat add ons and more creative mods like these that can truly let us mod our gear into the unique set of snowflakes we like to pretend we are! 



The only issue I'm seeing is will the utility of these mods out-do what we already have unless Steve re-works all the base damage/stat mods so that we aren't gimping ourselves and these fresher concepts can honestly compete? 


Will the way the current game is built and played even allow for it within everyone's favorite/masochistic end-game scenarios? 




On top of that, what of the weapon balance itself? I'm sick of things being in tiers, because I can never bring myself to deviate from a specific path of weapons knowing how hard I'll gimp myself if I put down the Boltor/Burston/Paris Prime, Dread, Dakra, Marelok, etc because I loathe knowing that by trying new interesting things that I'm not being even half as effective a lot of the time with most of the other more fun looking weapons. 


Why can't everything just be a unique side-grade with enough differences between each weapon and its class (Dojo, Market, Prime) to encourage us to truly have a unique build? 



What's the point of that ramble? I don't think re-working the mod system in this way will have as much impact when at the end of the day the Boltor Prime/Soma/Penta/Etc are going to remain the Meta and still dominate every other gun in terms of power and killing efficiency, and that's my biggest concern if Steve manages to pull this off. 




That's a more radical post by me on redesigning the mod system. I think it would fix many of the problems you mentioned, but would require a huge leap of faith from DE.

Edited by (PS4)WiiConquered
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With the reveal of the new slash damage mods, I began to wonder what kinds of mods the game really needs




The best mods will always be equipped by everyone, unless players decide to handicap themselves. Instead, we need more mods that augment our equipment in more imaginative ways.


You've probably seen it, but if not, take a look at the link below.


Rebecca read off an idea to DE_Steve about conditional damage mods a while back (U11ish?) during a devstream and Steve said that was a sick idea and he was going to do it. I'm hoping and praying that these show up every patch. When I saw the names of these mods in the event, I got super hyped thinking maybe we were finally going to see them.


I was excited by the names as well, I thought we'd gotten my "variants of key mods" idea:


Forget Skill Trees, We Need Better Mods

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Rebecca read off an idea to DE_Steve about conditional damage mods a while back (U11ish?) during a devstream and Steve said that was a sick idea and he was going to do it. I'm hoping and praying that these show up every patch. When I saw the names of these mods in the event, I got super hyped thinking maybe we were finally going to see them.


Specific suggestions were...

+% damage on unaware targets

+% damage per target hit (blast/punch-through)

+% damage on headshots

+% damage on CC'd targets

+% damage from behind/beside

This is what we need.

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Who in his right mind puts thunderbolt as well designed mod.

30% for explosion which does less dmg than arrow itself and 70% for absolutely no effect.


As for situational mods like these mentioned by vkhaun im not sure what use would they have, unless they are stupidly op no one in their right mind would pack them instead of serration/heavy caliber/hornet strike and other more reliable options.

+dmg on cc looks interesting for few weapons with blast or radiation and decent status chance packed but thats it.

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You've probably seen it, but if not, take a look at the link below.


Forget Skill Trees, We Need Better Mods


We had a mini-debate on that thread, about the idea that eventually led to the one I linked to above: https://forums.warframe.com/index.php?/topic/300913-assign-weapon-mods-to-attachment-slots/. You wanted more numbers for the different mods, and hopefully I'll eventually do that.



Who in his right mind puts thunderbolt as well designed mod.

30% for explosion which does less dmg than arrow itself and 70% for absolutely no effect.


As I said in the original post, they are not the best balanced mods. I didn't consider anything numerical when making the list. Obviously Aviator is a joke balance-wise as well. I included thunderbolt because it changes the way the bows work, turning a single target weapon into one that has a chance for AoE damage.

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As I said in the original post, they are not the best balanced mods. I didn't consider anything numerical when making the list. Obviously Aviator is a joke balance-wise as well. I included thunderbolt because it changes the way the bows work, turning a single target weapon into one that has a chance for AoE damage.

Being percantage based is not matter of balance but rather design philosophy, it might have looked good on paper but once you try in actual game you know it isnt good.

It wasnt lack of balance that made it bad choice, it was clear design decision.

For example serration was well designed but failed at balance and even though its generic you cant deny its just good mod overall.

Edited by Davoodoo
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Being percantage based is not matter of balance but rather design philosophy, it might have looked good on paper but once you try in actual game you know it isnt good.

It wasnt lack of balance that made it bad choice, it was clear design decision.

For example serration was well designed but failed at balance and even though its generic you cant deny its just good mod overall.


You are completely missing the point. 


He's talking about mods that genuinely change up a weapons mechanics or how our frames work, rather than just flat stat increases like every other mod does. 


Just adding damage, duration, or an amount of something is generic. He's talking about mods that don't do the generic, but bring something new for a different style of play. 


Poor execution or not, these mods are there, and some are less used than others, but regardless, they're there. 

Edited by Hastur609
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He's talking about mods that genuinely change up a weapons mechanics or how our frames work, rather than just flat stat increases like every other mod does. 


Just adding damage, duration, or an amount of something is generic. He's talking about mods that don't do the generic, but bring something new for a different style of play. 


Poor execution or not, these mods are there, and some are less used than others, but regardless, they're there. 


Exactly this.


Being percantage based is not matter of balance but rather design philosophy, it might have looked good on paper but once you try in actual game you know it isnt good.

It wasnt lack of balance that made it bad choice, it was clear design decision.

For example serration was well designed but failed at balance and even though its generic you cant deny its just good mod overall.


I'm going to consider it balance, because changing a mod from percentage based to flat increases doesn't change the concept behind it. Serration wasn't really well designed. It wasn't badly designed, but it can't change the way the game is played. It is clearly a good mod, one of the best (if not the best) for rifles, but that's not my point. Once again, I'm not looking for the best mods. I'm looking for mods that change the experience of using the weapon or warframe.

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What about a sort of auto-targeting, auto-homing wall spring mod? I've noticed a general lack of melee reaching foes more than a little ways from a wall, so having this--while equipped--allows for better wall attack ranges. Nothing more than running up a wall and either not being able to see (and target) for a wall melee or having the enemy move more than a few inches away, makes them not so useful. Having the mod change the default wall melee action to this, even if the range is only increased to 2x, could very well be as useful as some of these other pure utility mods. ^_^

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What about a sort of auto-targeting, auto-homing wall spring mod? I've noticed a general lack of melee reaching foes more than a little ways from a wall, so having this--while equipped--allows for better wall attack ranges. Nothing more than running up a wall and either not being able to see (and target) for a wall melee or having the enemy move more than a few inches away, makes them not so useful. Having the mod change the default wall melee action to this, even if the range is only increased to 2x, could very well be as useful as some of these other pure utility mods. ^_^


I think this should probably be a basic mechanic.

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I strongly support the removal/redesign of damage mods for qualitative mods. Elemental mods should add that damage type to your ammo but not add damage. The procs and are more than worthy enough. Base damage of any weapon should be locked and only mods like multishot, fire rate, etc. should improve weapons.

Edited by DPV111
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