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Ether Items


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I loved the overall style and design of the Ether weapons and I was wondering if there was a possibility of there being more weapons of that theme (Staff, Axe, etc.). My main reason for wanting this is that I'm sure there are plenty of players out there who love have the style of weapon and its bonuses (extra infestation damage), but prefer to use more heavy hitting weapons or just single weapons in general. Ether weapons also seem to have a bit of a lore behind them saying that they were exclusively used by the Tenno. Thus, it seems perfectly reasonable that there might be more Ether items in the future.

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I loved the overall style and design of the Ether weapons and I was wondering if there was a possibility of there being more weapons of that theme (Staff, Axe, etc.). My main reason for wanting this is that I'm sure there are plenty of players out there who love have the style of weapon and its bonuses (extra infestation damage), but prefer to use more heavy hitting weapons or just single weapons in general. Ether weapons also seem to have a bit of a lore behind them saying that they were exclusively used by the Tenno. Thus, it seems perfectly reasonable that there might be more Ether items in the future.


I was thinking the same thing! That would be excellent. 

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