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Argon Crystals And New Players? A Concerned Tenno.


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Maybe its just me but it seems like everything "New" content related recently has demanded a argon crystal or two just too build it? I mean of course not everything is demanding a argon crystal but everyone can see Warframe is trying too make argons crystals much more "in demand" then they used too be.




By no means am I complaining as I am concerned, as a player who can get argon crystals I think making more weapons demand its use is an improvement rather then sit in my inventory collecting dust but what about new players? The new players of Warframe who have never stepped foot into the void before are going too want the newest Warframe gear and its going too demand argon crystals, this demand could possibly push new players away from Warframe rather then stick with it if too much content demands it.


This could become a real problem in the future for Warframe if they do not update new player gear along with the gear we get as well, after all for the longest time Tenno have complained about "Clan Tech" gear being impossible for new players too acquire now we have argon crystal and Clan tech gear for many new things but I feel hardly anything anyone can get right off the bat.




Again this is by no means a complaint, Warframe introduced the Quest intro in U14 for new players so I just hope they don't take this argon crystal trend too far and make everything demand it, do you Tenno agree with my concerns or am I just worried over nothing?

Edited by Monybags33
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Argon is still on Phorid Assassinations missions which is Invasion. 


Argon is really easy to obtain. Plus the fact that it decays means I worry less about stockpiling it like Neural Sensors and Orokin Cells.


On the new players wanting the new shiny... Not everything should be accessible to new players. That's the glory of progress and working toward something.

Edited by RawGritz
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Argon is still on Phorid Assassinations missions which is Invasion. 


Argon is really easy to obtain. Plus the fact that it decays means I worry less about stockpiling it like Neural Sensors and Orokin Cells.


On the new players wanting the new shiny... Not everything should be accessible to new players. That's the glory of progress and working toward something.

^^ pretty much, close the thread lol 

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The thing is that many of the Argon-related weapons are quite powerful it seems.

- Kronen has great attack speed and base damage.

- Amprex is arguably one of the most powerful clan techs in the game.

- The new Atterax is a very viable whip if you have the right mods equipped to benefit from the crit.

- The Nikana is also a strong melee, with the ability to be upgraded to one of the most deadly melee weapon in the game


In that sense, I think that these new players could see argons as a way for "progression." They have to go to the Void to find argons, and T1 Void might already be too much for these new players at first until they find a few mods and tried out a few weapons, while facing new enemies to know how to fight against them. By the time they want to start collecting argons, I think they would be in a point where they're "ready."


So I think the only thing that can really push these new players away due to the argon's design is if... well, I guess if they're lazy and want instant satisfaction. I understand your concern here, since I almost always talk about new and inexperienced players in many feedback I discuss, but as it stands, the argon gears might be okay where they are.


I won't be against updating some of the starter gears. Lato and Aklato are arguably some of the most horrible weapons in the game, and being starter weapons shouldn't immediately justify how sucky they are IMO, especially with how strong the enemies on Earth suddenly get. I'm glad they buffed some weapons like the Strun, but yeah.

Edited by Casardis
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All of these new weapons I would imagine needing a master rank of what, 2 or 3 to build.  Getting void keys is a relatively easy task.  Do any survival or defense to 15 minutes and you have one.  And if you manage to get a Survival T1 key, that would usually net you at least another key or more.


And the past few weekly events have also yielded void keys as rewards for doing the event or doing something extra in the event.


But, it is all RNG... and to show you how crazy RNG can be, I got 2 Argon Crystals in one T1MD key and a Nekros.  True story.


I don't see any problem with Argon.  Now if they make a weapon that requires 10+ Argon to build, then you might see some complaining from me, but it's fine as a resource. 

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90% weapons you use are not worth potato or keep dusting before getting to mr8. There should not be experience mr limit lock, if player can get materials that already means he deserves right to build that.

mk-1 baron is enough for t1 void....

I like warframe but i dislike how weapons/material/power   frame/usefulness     /fun balance is in this game.

Argon never should been made into this game. 40 min game might not yield zero argons even all containers broken. Then there are times when no need and u get frakking 6 instant and nothing that needs it.

Also  progression in  this game also horrible. It is very easy to understand who don't play this game after they have killed vor.

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I don't get why people are complaining. If you're new---everything already out is considered "new content" for you so go do that! Just cuz something's released doesn't mean lower levels should assume "me havs to hav now!". Go play through the rest of the game and try all the other weapons like everyone with high MR did. 

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Argon will be amassed in giant clumps if you do any semblence of invasions/infestations (because F*** resource variety) or void missions.

It's less a case of 'I want to make a thing but it needs argon, so sad!' and moreso 'oh, this weapon takes argon and I have it in spades and it's just going to disappear anyway, might as well make it.'

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90% weapons you use are not worth potato or keep dusting before getting to mr8. There should not be experience mr limit lock, if player can get materials that already 

Name a single weapon that's Mastery 8 or above that's worth a potato. The only thing at mastery 8 is the embolist...

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Argon is still on Phorid Assassinations missions which is Invasion. 


Argon is really easy to obtain. Plus the fact that it decays means I worry less about stockpiling it like Neural Sensors and Orokin Cells.


On the new players wanting the new shiny... Not everything should be accessible to new players. That's the glory of progress and working toward something.

Argon dropping from invasion/infestation/phorid was stealth fixed with the latest updates. It's only available in the void now.
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Argon is still on Phorid Assassinations missions which is Invasion. 


Argon is really easy to obtain. Plus the fact that it decays means I worry less about stockpiling it like Neural Sensors and Orokin Cells.


On the new players wanting the new shiny... Not everything should be accessible to new players. That's the glory of progress and working toward something.

Not anymore its not. I was farming phorid last night on jupiter for sensors. Have like 30 sensors now.


As for the topic at hand. Any weapon that actually uses argon crystals is rather decent. Much better than the ones that dont. It is like this for a reason. Many new players should not be going for the most powerful gear right out the box. its supposta be a build up. You get to use good gear when you can obtain said gear. Or you could always buy with plat. (but buying weapons from the market with plat is a ripoff)

Edited by armedpoop
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Just got one last night from Phorid.

Phorid's dropping neural sensors on Jupiter for me. The argon dropping was because invasions/infestations were using void tileset resources instead of the resources from the planet they were on. The fact that he is now dropping planet resources instead of void confirms that it's been fixed.

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Argon is just a part of a larger problem. Any time the community accumulates too much of a given resource, DE just hacks up another resource for everyone to farm for, and ignores the older stuff forever. When was the last time you needed to use gallium to make something new? I have HUNDREDS of morphics, it might be sought after by new players who use it, but at mid/late game it's a joke. And don't even get me started on nano spores.

Furthermore, remember the controversy when they introduced oxium? "Why are they introducing a new resource for me to farm, this is going to take forever." It didn't' take forever, and now some players have a surplus of oxium, so they introduced argon crystals. Now every time DE comes out with a new weapon, you have to go get more, provided you don't happen to have gotten some in the last 24 hours. And now cryotic. Granted there's only one use for it currently, but then why bother introducing it in the first place except to fuel a single event?

Argon might keep people playing, but DE needs to figure out what it's doing with it's resource situation, before we wind up with a game with dozens of resources that nobody uses for anything.

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Argon is just a part of a larger problem. Any time the community accumulates too much of a given resource, DE just hacks up another resource for everyone to farm for, and ignores the older stuff forever. When was the last time you needed to use gallium to make something new? I have HUNDREDS of morphics, it might be sought after by new players who use it, but at mid/late game it's a joke. And don't even get me started on nano spores.

Furthermore, remember the controversy when they introduced oxium? "Why are they introducing a new resource for me to farm, this is going to take forever." It didn't' take forever, and now some players have a surplus of oxium, so they introduced argon crystals. Now every time DE comes out with a new weapon, you have to go get more, provided you don't happen to have gotten some in the last 24 hours. And now cryotic. Granted there's only one use for it currently, but then why bother introducing it in the first place except to fuel a single event?

Argon might keep people playing, but DE needs to figure out what it's doing with it's resource situation, before we wind up with a game with dozens of resources that nobody uses for anything.

^ this, so much this.
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Argon is just a part of a larger problem. Any time the community accumulates too much of a given resource, DE just hacks up another resource for everyone to farm for, and ignores the older stuff forever. When was the last time you needed to use gallium to make something new? I have HUNDREDS of morphics, it might be sought after by new players who use it, but at mid/late game it's a joke. And don't even get me started on nano spores.

Furthermore, remember the controversy when they introduced oxium? "Why are they introducing a new resource for me to farm, this is going to take forever." It didn't' take forever, and now some players have a surplus of oxium, so they introduced argon crystals. Now every time DE comes out with a new weapon, you have to go get more, provided you don't happen to have gotten some in the last 24 hours. And now cryotic. Granted there's only one use for it currently, but then why bother introducing it in the first place except to fuel a single event?

Argon might keep people playing, but DE needs to figure out what it's doing with it's resource situation, before we wind up with a game with dozens of resources that nobody uses for anything.

All resources have a use though depending on what stage of the game you are in. From when i started, till now i have had different resource bottlenecks. Because weapons don't break or need repairs i can understand why they add new resources for newer weapons. I do think there should be more supplemental gear or items that require more resources to help make them have more of a use. That or being able to sell for credits or trade for other resources perhaps. That would take testing to see what works. Many people may not like this but what about making different types of ammunition with resources? Edited by RoelYento
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