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[Suggestion] Melee Weapon - Thunder


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Thunder is a fist weapon similar to the Furax. The pros of Thunder is in it's fast basic attacks and it's high stun rate that applies on basic attacks only. The cons are in it's slow charged attack and low basic attack damages. Additionally, Thunder has innate Electrical element damage bonus of 5.

Basic Attack: 15

Attack Rate: 2.0 attacks per second.

Charged Attack: 75

Charge Rate: 1.5s

Crit Damage: 2.0x

Crit Rate: 10%

Stun Rate: 25% on basic attacks only.

What are your thoughts and suggestions on improving this suggestion?

EDIT: Thunder's design would be like having a pair of Brass Knuckles made of energy on a pair of boxing gloves.

Edited by matrixEXO
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How does the weapon would look like?


Knuckles?  Claws?


Boxer gloves?

I forgot the most important part! Gonna edit OP for it.

Imagine a pair of Brass Knuckles that are energy based. It's on a pair of gloves that resembles the Boxing gloves.

Edited by matrixEXO
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