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How To Farm A Warframe (Boss Part Farming Feedback)


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How to control our Kubrows: https://forums.warfr...ol-our-kubrows/

How to rush (a new game mode suggestion): https://forums.warfr...ode-suggestion/

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How to spray and not pray (spray patterns suggestion): https://forums.warfr...rns-suggestion/

How RNG can compliment enemy variety: https://forums.warfr...-enemy-variety/

How to improve the armor in the game (mechanics): https://forums.warfr...game-mechanics/

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How to make enemies more satisfying to kill (+gore): https://forums.warfr...g-to-kill-gore/

How to line of sight. (LoS feedback): https://forums.warfr...t-los-feedback/

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.:DISCLAIMER: Any one of my "How to" posts is a mere suggestion based on personal opinion as to how DE can change certain things :.



Hey there,


As most of you know in order to get a lot of the frames you have to kill a boss at least 3 times in hopes that they give you that required part.


Now that was fine last year when the game was less "big" but now I really feel like it is time a new system arises so that boss fights actually feel like boss fights and not "Ohh here comes Lieut. Kril, again. >.>"


Do you know what felt like a boss fight? The prologue had a sequence where Vor would pop up around you and you can damage him and all, it felt real because he was the boss. Not me. That is how it is meant to feel upon entering the arena, right now I go into a boss fight knowing 100% how it turns out: I kill him in less than 5 seconds, I leave really quickly and I come back and do it again if I am not happy with the reward.


Well I have a possible suggestion as to how we can fix this issue in order to make boss fights feel threatening and challenging.


This post however does not focus on bosses necessarily (I may suggest some things) and I will focus bosses on a case by case basis, for the purpose of this I will use Lieut. Kril as an example as to how an average boss fight can happen.



Ok, so let's get started




This is the first and most important step in order to begin pushing some depth and story for the boss. How DE deals with that is up to them but the intro can be part of the mystery. For Lieut Kril his position on the star map should be hidden, until you complete the last node that leads to him.


Lotus-"Tenno, I've found some encrypted data. I will see if I can decrypt the message"


*after mission ends, you are on Liset*


Lotus-"Tenno, the data you've found seems to be related to hidden Cryotic deposits as well as several laboratories and research teams within this planetary system. You should explore and see what you can find"


Here the first part is unlocked and you are given an insight about what is going on. You find out why,why Kril is here and why he has ice powers and why he drops Frost.


Part one-Research

Preferably a spy mission but this can be changed for variety purposes. You go around the tileset to do what you have to do, taking out 4 data-masses, each time the Lotus would say something.


First Data-mass  "It seems that they found a large amount of a mysterious resource. However they have had trouble extracting it, as it seems it is too hard."


Second Data-mass  "A new director has been assigned for the extraction of this resource.  He goes by the name of Lieutenant Lech Kril. Our database shows that he is a war hero for the Grineer, his battle expertise is hardly matched-odd that they would send him here."


Third Data-mass  "Ohh, no! Tenno, get out of there now! The Lieutenant is scheduled to arrive in this base now!"


5 seconds later: "Wait, the previous data-mass had an important message, it however was not finished."


Lieutenant Kril interrupts transmision "Oh so you are the little rat(s) I was sent to exterminate!"


*at this phase Lieutenant Kril would appear behind you and you should run away from him. Fighting him is an option except it is 100% not ideal. The amount of ammo required would be ludicrous


Fourth Data-mass->Extraction-> "I wasn't able to find him on my radar so this was possibly a trap. The fourth data-mass you delivered showed that the resource is at sub zero degrees temperature named Cryotic. A powerful energy source is keeping it from falling apart like it usually does."  "There seems to be a pattern across all four data-masses. They all diagonally pin-point to a location from the nodes you have completed, that seems like our next step."


Part two-Helmet

Upon starting the next mission:

"Tenno, I am scanning the ship-" 3 second delay "-it seems that the messages I thought encrypted are in fact co-ordinates based on this ship, see what you can find"


This mission is another type of go to that place and find something, here you can complete the mission stealthily which makes it easier because Krill won't be all up in there.


Triggered event: Kril "Tenno, you think you are so sneaky?"  "Like the fly gets in, it can't get out!" 


The event above happens when you take the helmet from its case or if you are discovered before that (which is what I meant that it will be harder).


The mission then becomes another escape mission but with mini bosses (like a member of the G3 there or the new sisters we've received from the event)


For your escape maybe even Archwings can be added in who knows...



Upon boarding the Liset, the Lotus said "That helmet, it seems familiar." "I believe it is part of an older frame who can freeze entire ships in an instant" "Such power is too much for the Grineer to have, we should proceed to seek the remaining parts."


Part 3-Chassis

Upon loading the next node the Lotus says "The chassis of Frost has just been uncovered, proceed to this location and intercept the transport"


You are now placed in a 15 waves defense mission where you go to a cryopod about to board another ship, if you defend this successfully you receive the chassis.


Upon completing the mission "Good job, we now have the chassis, two more parts remaining"


"This shipment was to be sent to ********, I wonder who that is"

^above could be anybody, Sargas, the queens etc.


Part 4-Systems

Again you begin another mission, here you can have a series of objectives with a riddle:


Lotus "Tenno I've marked your obj-" interrupted.


Kril "You ignorant fool! You think you can overcome me? Well no worries, my engineers have prepared something for you"  "The Lotus cannot speak to you anymore, do you feel..alone?" he now scrambles up your objectives and you get several ones.


Upon completing all (just go to location) Kril "You think I am stupid?" and this moment he would charge at you with lots of Grineer soldiers and commanders


The Lotus "Tenno, I thought you were captured" "I've found where he has hidden the systems, go forth now"


Here Kril isn't easy to defeat and your best options are again to run past/away from him to the systems, you can down him but killing him will not be possible


Part 5-Final boss fight-blueprint

The last mission is this


Kril "Your path ends here, for the queens!"


You are pretty much assaulted from the ship, you don't go to an end room but instead he comes to you. In fact he puts so much pressure on you that running around the map is certainly a chosen options.


Upon defeating him you are given the blueprints and can now fully build Frost.


Part ***-Other Rewards (i.e weapons)

Weapons such as the Mitter are achievable only through playing the certain boss matches, like with the above upon completing the rest of the quest (or even at the beginning or in the middle) there could be a side objective, example:


Between part 2 and 3,

The Lotus "Tenno I've also discovered another item being transported, the actual contents are not mentioned"


Then you go there and find the blueprint for it and you will continue to receive some more missions if it requires any additional parts






-Any of the played nodes is then unlocked, so if you want to receive the helmet again you can just replay that one node and will probably have to go through the cinematics again


-Each of the steps are standalone points but backed up by written examples the quests can be varied and contain different additional objectives and rewards


-Would this take longer? Maybe, but it does give you specifics as to why the specific boss has certain frames and gives you a purpose (basically, more lore)


-Blueprints could/should be removed all together from the market (they aren't very good credit sinks anyway, I seriously see no point in having those there)


-The examples aren't crazy award winning stories because they are basic examples of what DE could do, like I said you can replay any of the nodes you want to





What do you guys think? Please read the notes



<|>I've had this written up in a .txt file for a while but forgot about it (got reminded by Zirion_Bk)

Edited by noveltyhero
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So basically, we should make the boss fights into Quests? Eh, why not? But what about boss dropped weapon like the Miter and Seer?

Yes, I have updated OP.


The other things will be part of side quests that can be given at any time. All in all this should remove the super annoying grind :/

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Looks good to me. Not a big fan of spy missions (I would prefer it if there was an actual stealth requirement to add some depth-of-gameplay) but the basic system is sound. Quest-like boss encounters with set-in-stone rewards. Hopefully the difficulty could be adjusted accordingly, since the rewards are now guaranteed, but maybe that's just a personal preference.

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Looks good to me. Not a big fan of spy missions (I would prefer it if there was an actual stealth requirement to add some depth-of-gameplay) but the basic system is sound. Quest-like boss encounters with set-in-stone rewards. Hopefully the difficulty could be adjusted accordingly, since the rewards are now guaranteed, but maybe that's just a personal preference.

Difficulty should probably be based on conclave rating per item on overall team (so you can't bring 1 powerful item to make it easier).


As for spy it is simply an example, the mission types can be anything at all :S

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  • 3 weeks later...

Nice ideas and good construction !

One remark though : it's quite complicated to design a boss so that you have to flee him. Players would have the impression to fail, unless they see clearly that they have to run away for some reason. Like a timer, a wave of "something" coming towards them (no idea what though), a justified infinite heal for the boss, or even knowing that the enemy is immune to damage for a good reason (in the story, you would have to find a way to damage him in the next steps).

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  • 3 weeks later...

I'd love this, as long as you don't have to build the part to continue like with Mirage and Limbo (Hated that so much). It breaks the questing flow, wastes time, and is just an overall fun-killer. Just end all the Warframe quests with something along the lines of "You now have all the required blueprints to reconstruct the [x] Warframe, please do so at your own leisure"


As for starting the quest, I think it should be changed to running the first (or any) node on that map, after which the Lotus will prompt you with some flavor text and have you discover parts on appropriate nodes on the planet; with the quest trackers ultimately leading to the boss node. Encourages players to complete the whole planet instead of bee-lining to the boss node, actually provides a somewhat 'set' path throughout the game, most importantly introduces lore.

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I'd love this, as long as you don't have to build the part to continue like with Mirage and Limbo (Hated that so much). It breaks the questing flow, wastes time, and is just an overall fun-killer. Just end all the Warframe quests with something along the lines of "You now have all the required blueprints to reconstruct the [x] Warframe, please do so at your own leisure"


As for starting the quest, I think it should be changed to running the first (or any) node on that map, after which the Lotus will prompt you with some flavor text and have you discover parts on appropriate nodes on the planet; with the quest trackers ultimately leading to the boss node. Encourages players to complete the whole planet instead of bee-lining to the boss node, actually provides a somewhat 'set' path throughout the game, most importantly introduces lore.

Actually that will not be needed because if this is also added:https://forums.warframe.com/index.php?/topic/262718-how-to-leak-more-lore/

The players can be teased with info and sneak peaks and lots of small bits and pieces that builds up the ultimate experience ;)

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This seriously needs to be a thing. Gives us purpose and makes acquiring warframe parts feel more fun and immersive, whereas now it feels more like a chore. Gives the bosses more of a boss feeling to them, especially if we encounter them multiple times before the final battle with them. DE seems to be slowly but surely going in this direction based on Mirage and Limbo. I hope they do this for all of the frames, although that would take a loooooot of work and time, considering there is 20 plus warframes.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Looks good to me. Not a big fan of spy missions (I would prefer it if there was an actual stealth requirement to add some depth-of-gameplay) but the basic system is sound. Quest-like boss encounters with set-in-stone rewards. Hopefully the difficulty could be adjusted accordingly, since the rewards are now guaranteed, but maybe that's just a personal preference.

de should add tilesets that are stelthible, like one with holes around the cealing. basicly tenno can run along beams on the cealing in almost all tiles in the new "stelth" mission. the tileset could just be a grineer gallion or a corpus ship, just with a few parts hollowed out. to make it hard enemies would need to be able to react to eachothers death, and also some enemies should be looking up. dont forget camras and arc traps. if you get hit by the arc trap you would make a noise, which alerts everyone within 15-30m. people then start looking for you. basicly you have to gtfo or get found (or kill everyone). camras will send 10 grineer to find you if they see you, which will search within 30m of the camras. for the purpose of getting to it they have jetpacks.

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We alredy have it, no?

1. Unlock boss node through missions.

2. Boss will taunt you after sucessful mission.

3. Go and kill boss in 5 sec.


Where is the difference? Special quest, custom maps and 100% reward?

Yes, it gives you a reason to interact with that boss on a more personal level.

Right now I don't care about Lt. Krill and probably won't care about Nef Anyo either, which is sad. The different distribution means it becomes less "farming" and more enjoyable because killing the same boss the same way more than 3 times just doesn't make sense and is boring.

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I have been saying this stuff for quite some time now. It is not even that hard for DE to implement a basic version of quests for every frame. Something that has no lore, just gives y you a set of missions and lays the foundation for later revision.

https://forums.warframe.com/index.php?/topic/312147-no-more-rng-for-obtaining-warframes-quests/ https://forums.warframe.com/index.php?/topic/284611-make-just-about-everything-a-quest/

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