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Warframe/weapon Slots


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You went after how someone said something as well, with the attack on someone pointing out that the only things that 100% require a plat purchase are cosmetic and slots, but because they said the word need you attacked it saying slots are the only thing you "need" to spend plat on. 


Point is the slot system is fine, they're cheap and they are just as needed as cosmetics, and your whole targeting of DE making money from people buying plat not slots falls through when well... a lot of people buy plat just for slots, and slots are another plat sink that far more people will buy since several people don't want to spend money on weapons. For every person willing to buy a gun chances are there are way more willing to just buy a couple slots. 

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Slots are the only thing I bought plat for.


I don't need plat for anything else, everything else I get for free by playing.


The point the OP oh so gracefully ignored is a lot of us did buy platinum for those slots. If they give them for free now then i'm betting a lot of us will want our money back. 


It won't end well for DE.

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You went after how someone said something as well, with the attack on someone pointing out that the only things that 100% require a plat purchase are cosmetic and slots, but because they said the word need you attacked it saying slots are the only thing you "need" to spend plat on. 


Point is the slot system is fine, they're cheap and they are just as needed as cosmetics, and your whole targeting of DE making money from people buying plat not slots falls through when well... a lot of people buy plat just for slots, and slots are another plat sink that far more people will buy since several people don't want to spend money on weapons. For every person willing to buy a gun chances are there are way more willing to just buy a couple slots. 


What you are describing is distasteful for a small amount of sales. Slots are so cheap that in most cases where someone would but plat for them they will not be buying much plat. Arguably, it chases away more potential sales than it actually makes. 

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Warframe has such a good system going on.

Platinum is used for convenience and cosmetics, and you can earn it yourself by working towards it.

Nothing in the game is impossible to get with enough hard work besides exclusive cosmetics.


And the cosmetics are actually nice enough to make me want to spend money on them, and DE is such a good team that I don't feel bad for supporting them.


Then again I come from Nexon games, so everything seems like heaven after them.

Edited by Draciusen
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If you want to play Warframe completely for free, you are expected to put some effort in to get what you want. As mentioned above, this game is pay for convenience. In effect, you could reach mastery rank 16 and have a very powerful loadout with just the starting amount of slots. If you want more slots, there are many alternatives to paying for them. Not only do you START with platinum already in your account, you can earn in-game items and trade them to other players (as already mentioned). On top of this, there is also the referral system, which grants you an additional 2 weapon slots and a warframe slot. Additionally, any event weapon comes with its own weapon slot, meaning if you don't like it, you can sell it and you get to keep that weapon slot.


When a game has this many free alternatives to simply spending a few dollars, I think it's completely fair to have a limited amount of starting slots.

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WF has one of the BEST F2P Models ever, but still there are ppl which want even more for free, unbelievable.


I am also one who uses Plat only for buying slots and i know many others doing the same, you basically want that a large number of players dont pay anything for playing this awesome game?

So to get DE payed,since i dont want them to go bankrupt or slow down expanding WF, i would need to buy cosmetics, which i dont really care about, or weapons/frames, which i consider as "taking away the reason to play WF"...


TLDR - I Disagree!

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Wow, people just bìtch about anything...

Oh I played warframe for some time now and I feel like 12 plat for weapon slots is a rip-off or should be removed or is limiting blah blah blah.

Guess what, "IT'S A FúCKING FREE GAME".

Thank you.

Edited by Oranji
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You can have every weapon with the starting slots. You will miss out on a big selection to choose from, nothing more. If a gift from the Lotus or an event-reward includes a pre-built weapon, the Slot comes free of charge though and won't be lost if you actually sell the weapon. Pay4Inventory.


12/20 plat are actually easily acquired by trade. Sell duplicate rare mods somebody is looking for, sell prime-parts you don't need, you will accumulate quite some plat over time.

Edited by RedEyedRaven
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Paying for inventory space is as common as can be in F2P games.  The inability to get potatoes except through the very rare alert or login reward, that's no fun.  It basically equates to paying for power.  You'd have to check alerts 24/7 for a month straight just to get 1 character and a single set of weapons up to par.  If it happens while you sleep, too bad so sad.

Edited by SleepingSentry
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No, you don't NEED cosmetics. Slots are the only thing you NEED to spend plat on. If you need to spend plat it is required and that puts it in a pay to win area. 


Look, I am not ragging on Warframe. I love Warframe and it is my favorite game, I just hate to explain this oozing pimple to friends who are new. I hate explaining that they can't have fun with plat if they buy it because they need to save it for weapon/warframe slots. 


Word it however you want, change whatever you like. If nobody buys plat, nobody can upgrade weapon/warframe slots. People should be able to buy plat because they like the game and want to get cool things. Slots are not cool. That is like League of Legends charging you real money only for champion slots. 


It is a silly mechanic and has no purpose but to push plat out of circulation when there are plenty of things that have come out since that push plat out of circulation like cosmetics and various materials. 



Also, it's like I want Warframe to fail or that nobody should buy plat. I have spent 300 or more USD on this game and I still think about spending more on it. I love this game, I don't love how it takes the moral low road that keeps getting lower and more and more weapons and frames are released. 


I didn't say need. It's the only things I've spent my platinum on and I still have plenty. Be more mindful of what you are spending money on. It's not P2W, again, nothing here needs to change.

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90% of the game involves hoarding items.

That is my only beef with the situation at hand.


"Everything is farmable, but you have nowhere to put it unless you pay for it."


Very similar to PSO2's system.

Pay a subsciption for 'special services' so you have room to store the things you farm.

Otherwise, slow down and hope you get lucky enough to get a ticket and use that to sell items before you can make room!


In Warframe's case, selling often doesn't have any relation to hoarding. None of the items you need more slots to hoard can be sold to the market anyway. (selling for credits is essentially throwing it away and is, thus, not hoarding, as no expected profit is gained)

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Paying for inventory space is as common as can be in F2P games.  The inability to get potatoes except through the very rare alert or login reward, that's no fun.  It basically equates to paying for power.  You'd have to check alerts 24/7 for a month straight just to get 1 character and a single set of weapons up to par.  If it happens while you sleep, too bad so sad.

You don't need to constantly look for alerts. Get a phone app that alerts you for reactors or catalysts. If you miss it too bad. There will be other oportunities to get them. I have missed some and gotten some. You will get a reactor or catalyst at some point though. If you want one for every frame in game right now then pay up. You can also forma slots while you wait for a reactor or catalyst to help out with polarity. Forma are easy to farm in the void.

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DE makes money on selling plat. People will still buy plat and spend it on things. Cosmetics, weapons, potatoes.... 


All slots are is a pay to win wall of a sense. Some times you need the ability to swap weapons and frames for each mission.


no the walls arent pay to win, P2W is a model which means you cant progress further into the game without paying, which this isnt. i can probably go to the void with mk1 weapons and a mag and still do good, aswell as unlock all planets.......if you want P2W, go play NFSW (you cant speal stEAl without EA)

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P2W is a model which means you cant progress further into the game without paying,


No, it's not.


That's a pay wall not pay to win.


Pay to win is buying the absolute best in slot gear in a cash shop and having no other way to get it through normal play, thus paying to win.


It's quite sad the amount of times I see people use pay to win and have no idea what it actually is.

Edited by Ailissa
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How to get easy platinum:

1. Get a team of four

2. Make dragon keys

3. Farm corrupted mods

4. Sell them

How to trade:

1. Never rank up unranked corrupt mods

2. Take the unranked corrupt mod to the trade thing

3. Ask for a really high price (ie 30 platinum for an unranked heavy caliber)

4. Repeat this offer for 5-7 times, about 5 minutes in between each post

5. If no one bites, lower the price and repeat steps 3 and 4 until someone bites the offer. If someone bites, go to #6

6. Invite them to your dojo. Be friendly. Never be aggressive and never make fun. In the trade menu, add some fusion cores or (if you have none) give them some useless mods. In other words, be a good businessman.

NOTE: You can always argue the price. You start at a high price for a reason.

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