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Why Is The Meta, Even The Meta...


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Rhino? I find it so much easier to cheese through most missions with Loki's RD and Nova's MP. They all line up in a conga line to be shot in the head with a bow for the former. I suppose you just have issues with certain players who don't really know what they're doing yet. MR ≠ actual game experience. I personally use Rhino just for Infested to avoid the cheap toxic and energy drain. There are also other players who use the frame and weapon that you abhor so much but can still hold their own in missions. Maybe next time you see one of these people shouting that they're low on ammo, introduce them to the mutation mods or god forbid, the ammo restores. I play solo almost exclusively so I can't say I know how you feel but yeah, good luck in dealing with them. 

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Warframe: Valkyr (dont give me that look, i don't use a perma hysteria build, Valkyr can do much more than just being immortal forever)

Primary: Dread

Secondary: Akmagnus

Melee: D.Nikana


so other than your frame you just stole my loadout :( i prefer trinity or nyx to valkyr though

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Complains about the meta players, but uses loki p, dakra p and amprex.






People will be people, humans always strive for the easiest way to do something. The combos you talked about are just one way to "breeze" through stuff without engaging the brain.


Boltor p might not be the best but it's "good enough" for the majority. All they do is look up the most popular builds and surprise surprise, its boltrhino p. After that they don't bother looking farther and just go with it. Meta builds are usually like chart music, its liked by the majority but it doesn't mean its "good" music. Sooner or later a new thing comes along/gets discovered and the crowd jumps the wagon to the next "meta".


Play for yourself, play for your own fun and don't care what everyone else thinks or uses. At the end of the day it's your choice how you spend your free time but it feels less "wasted" if you had fun.

Edited by kiteohatto
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I think everyone needs back off each other before this becomes a seriously heated argument.  We all have different play styles & yes there is a meta that has come up in this game.  But we should not expect evey player no matter their mastery rank is to be just as good as our selves when it comes to long 40+ min runs of survival.  We do not know what resources that player had or has.  Maybe they never had enough fussion cores to max rank a serration.  Maybe they never got a ammo mutation mod or they just dont have enough ready made Forma to add it on a weapon.  If you are recruiting for a long survival run then set that expectation in squad chat before you leave & give time for them to be ready & why not ask "Hey if you are using a ammo guzzling weapon say something so ammo restores can be dropped."  I think any load out can be viable as long as its setup for intended play style & duration. 


I find the biggest problem in all the current video games is a lack of communication between players.  Either it be fault of the players or the game developer, use the in game voice chat or text chat please.  We do not have to like each other or our play styles but we can all co-operate to reach a goal.

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I for one like rolling with my Glaxion. It is not eh most ammo efficient weapon, however anything durable enough to not die in a moment of fire from it is going to be slowed down to the point they wont be able to do jack S#&$. It is rather hilarious against bosses when they are within my snowglobe, getting hit by my Glaxion and with me being in range for my sentinel's Coolant Leak to affect them. Poor guys can hardly move.


Though I do not use that combo against Ruk though. I have seen what Coolant Leak, Snowglobe, and Molecular Prime do to that boss fight.

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Warframe: Valkyr (dont give me that look, i don't use a perma hysteria build, Valkyr can do much more than just being immortal forever)

Primary: Dread

Secondary: Akmagnus

Melee: D.Nikana


so other than your frame you just stole my loadout :( i prefer trinity or nyx to valkyr though


i like nyx 2

specially nyx prime

dat swag

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This thread is depressing.


All I've read is elitst people complaining that people enjoy guns/frames/loadouts that they personally believe to be "cookie-cutter" or "inferior", or other derogatory terms.



I thought we were better than this, Tenno.

Edited by Nomicakes
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Angry bubbles frost to the rescue!

Your puny meta cannot handle the awesomeness put out by my Tigris, Kraken and Galatine.

Your pathetic dps numbers mean nothing in the face of my blind rage boosted globes!

I defy your silly carrier/Kubrow use with the power of my Shade and it's stinger!

Tbh I'm a little sick of meta discussion, sure I typically avoid the most op gear because using it isn't fun, but then again I run Latron Prime and Mirage amongst other things, so I am hardly a saint. Hell half the people stating their loadouts here are the same, but pretend otherwise.

What next?

Is serration and multishot too meta as well?

Should we all go back to unmodded starting gear?

The meta isn't a bad thing, it is just kinda boring.

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I'm surprised more people haven't mentioned Zephyr. She doesn't have an I-Win button but she does have a You-Lose button: a mobile pre-rework snowglobe that your allies can see and shoot through. Combined with her immense health and shields it's virtually impossible to die in Void unless you get trolled by a laser orb.


My other main build is super (as opposed to speed) Nova. I enjoy running circles around everything while their seconds per shot fire rate keeps me safe. The biggest draw however is Anti Matter Drop, or shall I say ONE MILLION EXPLODING SUNS Drop. I will freely admit this ability is bugged to hell and back both negative and positive. Half the time nothing happens. The other half... genocide happens. There seems to be a bug where punch through lets a weapon strike the drop hundreds or thousands of times. I've gotten 200,000 damage off of one shot from a completely unmodded Lanka, and that was against infested. Yo dawg I herd you lieked ammo efficiency. You can also drop more than one at a time and they'll absorb each other for exponential gain, but that's even more buggy. UNLIMITED POWAH is a *@##$ after all.

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This thread literally is full of high horse elitists who desperately want to insult the 'majority' using boltor prime and going the easy way killing mobs. I have seen people saying this but this is very extreme. What some of these people did in this thread was stress as far as they can that their playstyle is better than people spamming rhino/boltor prime.


Hey, I understand there are players who want to play easy with rhino and weapons with insane base stats but it's not necessary to make a thread like this to show off hey I'm using something different and still do more dmg or actually aim while shooting attitude. I really had enough of this kind of thread.


If people are having fun, that's all that matters. It is sooooo pointless to criticize people based on their loadouts. Although I say this, it will never end.


Because we're human.


Edit: And so much generalization. I won't point out who it was, but someone really went full out generalizing groups of people whom he thinks exist. He visioned this general 'noob' who went through low level content in game with op weapons, reached end game in void and use the same loadouts. Some people want to believe other people cannot actually think. This is so laughable.

Edited by GaiaNyix
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I for one like rolling with my Glaxion. It is not eh most ammo efficient weapon, however anything durable enough to not die in a moment of fire from it is going to be slowed down to the point they wont be able to do jack S#&$. It is rather hilarious against bosses when they are within my snowglobe, getting hit by my Glaxion and with me being in range for my sentinel's Coolant Leak to affect them. Poor guys can hardly move.


Though I do not use that combo against Ruk though. I have seen what Coolant Leak, Snowglobe, and Molecular Prime do to that boss fight.

Ouch, my eyes. I remember strolling in there with my maxed out nova, and watched for over a minute as Ruk just stood there. Was totally painful.


On topic, the Boltor Prime wrecks Corrupted Vor, as does any weapon to shred him. Personally, I'm a fan of bows and the Marelok myself, but use my hard-earned Boltor Prime for T4 Void content when I'm not trying to one-shot everything with my Paris Prime. But, again, that is coming from a player who mainly wants to have fun, and if bringing a Boltor Prime/Rhino Prime combo to T1 void just so I can watch the real noobs awe at my 80+% of all kills and dmg, and for the vast majority of my WF life had the Snipetron Vandal as my most used weapon, and could get top kills with it 9/10 runs. It's not about the damage of the weapon ALONE, but also how you play it. And if the player-made Meta is offensive to you, then there are choices at your disposal. As a rather active player, or at least as active I can be outside of college life, I have to day I disagree on your assesment. Especially since Iron Skin makes you immune to energy disruption, that alone is worth running a Rhino for.

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My Loadout


Rhino Prime: Built for energy efficiency, and DMG. Iron skin is only good against enemies higher than lvl 40+


I usually go with a Amprex or Glaxion.

Lex Prime: Does more dmg than the Latron Prime. And very good reload time.

Dakra Prime. Good rate of swing and dmg. Mostly channel efficiency and raw dmg. I don't have life strike.

Edited by Reddemon159
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This thread is depressing.


All I've read is elitst people complaining that people enjoy guns/frames/loadouts that they personally believe to be "cookie-cutter" or "inferior", or other derogatory terms.



I thought we were better than this, Tenno.

Sad to say but you hit the nail on this one, but I think it's just us humans in general....

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Wow this thread actually survived. I made it for lulz to see what people would say. I'll add this comment right here:


Seeing as how much of the community has come out to talk about different load-outs and play-styles and to denounce me for being elitist (which I am and don't care about). The question is, why is this information not being propagated?


Why do I see players that are so afraid to try something new, even though they've played tons of different weapons to reach their particular rank in the game. Players STILL do not make use of the active synergies between their weapons and the secondary weapon is not treated like a back-up, its treated as a slot to put in their nicest piece and then it just remains unused.


The Boltor Prime problem would never be a problem, if a player brought a viable secondary into T4. With that kind of setup you do not need ammo restores or a mutation and you can achieve even greater damage/CC. The Hikou Prime can definitely keep up if full-auto is your thing and if the Hikou P is not what you like, there are good replacements available. By switching between the primary, secondary and melee, ammo never becomes a problem. Why then do most people shy away from this experience? 


In order to reach a higher mastery rank, one would have had to, at least, give a few different weapons a good try. This means that a meta should not exist in the game and yet there are players that gravitate toward what might appear as a 'one size fits all' loadout. This is really not what I would expect of players that have worked hard for the high mastery ranks.


There are so many different frames and play-styles available to the Tenno in this game. Yet very few are choosing to go beyond what a youtube video teaches them. They do not want to try changing their mods around, they do not want to try experimenting with different styles. This means that a lot of the effort put in by DE, that is supposedly to diversify our game, kind of goes to waste.


Everyone has their favourite weapon, but the first thing I noticed when DE gave us Load-outs, was that I started to build my favourite combinations.


I have one build for PvP, one for T4 (where, because I have to live the PUG Life, I will invariably end up carrying), one for Fun Play, and the rest are based on frame synergies that I've liked and temporarily immortalized.


Yet I still see players that see no purpose in furthering mastery rank after the D. Nikana. I see players who will literally never change their load-out and when they do, its because they are forced to, in order to get into the mission they want. Because of this they are not able to play as well as they should be able to. Had they actually experimented a little more, they wouldn't feel so locked down and they, and the team on the whole, wouldn't have to suffer. Nothing is more frustrating than having to quit a good run, because one man in your team can't handle the pressure.


When you are experienced enough in the game, it is easy to tell when a player is simply not comfortable with the frame they are forced into. It is easy to tell when they haven't maximized it and have just hopped into it, in order to get into the mission.


Considering that Tenno work in four man cells; when even one Tenno is under-performing, the team as a whole is under-performing and this can be frustrating for players trying to grind for items and deal with the RNG at the same time.


So I hope that, having seen the kind of response this thread receives, that more Tenno will teach others to experiment with their weapons and work with the various tools that DE has given us. 


Edit: Having fun is all well and good, but some of us do want to try and get the rewards. When we join up with teams and the host says we're going for something, I make sure I'm ready for it. Yet its very disheartening for the host when people come into his team and just fail. You can tell when a run is failing and I feel more sorry for the host that had to waste a key, just because some guy didn't want to adjust his play-style away from what is fully accepted by everyone. Fun is good, but it only brings frustration for others if you are the one hurting the team. You can have fun and still be viable by learning what best fits you. Not what an instructional video says should fit you. If understanding that makes us all elitists, then elitist I am.

Edited by Semshol
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My process for getting new weapons:


If it looks cool, I'll build it.

If it's fun to use, I'll potato it.

If it's really fun, I'll forma it.


Honestly I never play missions to the point where DPS actually matters (40 minute survivals are my limit, gets less as the towers go higher), so I haven't really cared about how much damage my weapons are doing, Do I care about getting to the endgame? Not really, the gameplay is identical to what it's always been, except now my weapons are useless in the face of bullet sponges. Why would I want to do that to myself?


However, some weapons are bad/subpar even for standard fare, and that's the bigger problem. Attica used to be one of them, Silva and Aegis and the Venka are currently in that phase, in addition to a slew of other weapons. I'd rather they make everything at least usable for the majority of the game before tackling the big issue of endgame viability (Better yet, deciding what is the endgame).

Edited by Draciusen
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I cant even find people for fun runs like with 4 Valks or all-Nekros ult party. 

Doesn't help that this game has slots for premium so almost everyone goes for the supposedly best and most versatile frames and weapons discarding weaker gear.

Did a few void 40m survivals with nothing but ash, and pangolin swords.


I remember when Hek's were meta.

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The Boltor Prime problem would never be a problem, if a player brought a viable secondary into T4. With that kind of setup you do not need ammo restores or a mutation and you can achieve even greater damage/CC. The Hikou Prime can definitely keep up if full-auto is your thing and if the Hikou P is not what you like, there are good replacements available. By switching between the primary, secondary and melee, ammo never becomes a problem.

According to your previous posts, you can see when "noobs" are out of ammo because they switch to a melee weapon, now you suggest a melee weapon so your ammo economy survives longer survival runs. There are tons of threads of people suggesting to nerf the boltor prime because it's to strong in which you even commented and then there are threads where you say boltor prime is not that strong try xxx weapon. Your posts give people cancer, you got no idea what the hell you are talking about. You are a hypocrite.

Edit: And lol at your "try out some new mod combinations on your frame/weapon", but "all the frames/weapons are bad because you cannot mod them". Hilarious...

Edited by Deccode
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