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Ridiculous Hikou Prime Parts Drop Rate


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Alright, so I know there has been a lot of complaints regarding drop table in Warframe over the past few months. But we all know we have to go through the frantic effort when trying to get our golden bits(except you lucky few who could afford prime access :|). But that been said I don't think I have gone through so much effort for one prime weapon than I have with the new Hikou Prime. So before you ask me to keep quiet and leave it to the RNG Gods without making a peep, hear me out. 


Since the release of the new prime access the past week, I have done more than 30 T1 Captures for the pouch, and it hasn't even dropped once. And I have also played cumulatively over 5 hours of T2 Survival and still no blueprint. Now I have been really unlucky in the past when it comes to item drops, such was the case for Nekros, getting all parts after 16 runs and also Hydroid. But wow I never had to grind so much for parts in Warframe. I have also checked with some other players who are having the exact same issue, and also across YouTube people are complaining about the same thing. The only parts we were all able to get with ease was the stars and that was about it.


Now the good news is, I'm not the only one that has been damned by the RNG Gods, there's a bunch of us, and yes this is good news (I'm sad like that). And the bad news is, you better get out your hoes and other farming tools because the grinding continues. I have personally gave up on the whole idea of trying to get the parts for at least the next few days or weeks before I resume my endless grinding. To other games I go. 


P.S - As for others who got the parts in like 4 runs or something, I will find you, and I will desecrate you.



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I had everything after maybe 10 runs or less. In survival it was easy because when you know the rotation early you can stay or exit. Bad luck punishes some of our fellow Tenno. You must be Born under a Bad Sign like in that Albert King song. When this happens the only thing left to do is relaxing and keep playing for fun so the grind doesn´t kill you. Hope I helped a little with the issue. 

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Is this some sort of hate thread, OP?

Have faith and stay vigilant.

It's all RNG. look at me for example:

It took me 40 T1C's to get the  Hikou P pouches.

3/3 T1D gave me Hikou P stars (1 donated to clan)

Hikou P BP - never bothered farming it. bought for 15 p.

Scindo P BP - 10 T3E total, 3 BPs

Scindo P handle - 5 T1S - nothing. bot bored. bought it for 20p.

Scindo P Blade -  ~25 T3MD. No drop. Bought it for 15 p

Nyx parts - 1 run of each.

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Anything above tier 1 was pretty easy but oh lord the tier 1 is hell, all i got were keys to and even some of those were bugged.


Example: Running tier 1 capture with 2 keys left, reward: tier 1 capture. So basically that means i still should have 2 of the same key type right?


NOPE, 1 key left of that type because void consumed it.

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Well, it's definitely not easy to get them all farming. I'd suggest somehow collecting plat, then weaseling yourself through deals while also selling spares, if you are able to farm them, also supplement your farming with trading, have a collection of rare / uncommon items that you can sue to leverage trades for the not sure moments when your seller isn't sure whether he wants 5p or 10p


So far, RNG has been very kind to me, this works most of the time bro, all the best <3

Edited by Somedude1000
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Problem with prime drops seem to be this: 


Low drop rates

Rigged RNG for people


Low drop rates is self explanatory but remember in addition to prime parts, some 'genius' decided to dilute the tables with void keys and rare fusion cores for exterminate, capture or mobile defense missions, FOR WHICH WE ONLY GET ONE ROLL TO GET THE @(*()$ LOOT DROP unlike defense or survival. Also remember they split the survival and defense tables into rotations so divide your drop rates even further.


Rigged because some parts never drop for ever with increasing number (exceeding 40 runs) of runs for some people but it drops repeatedly for others in short runs. DE seriously needs to revisit their RNG because it is not even remotely random, or pseudo random as it should be. Pure shoddy work is what it is. 


Great job, DE. You must really like drop table complaints since IT IS THE SAME STUPID SITUATION/COMPLAINT AFTER EVERY SINGLE UPDATE.


EDIT: If you really want to sell the prime S#&amp;&#036; then just make it exclusive and release the drop later. Frustrating your players on pointless grinding is pure stupid and discourages people from playing the game long term.

Edited by Tubercle1801
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Great job, DE. You must really like drop table complaints since IT IS THE SAME STUPID SITUATION/COMPLAINT AFTER EVERY SINGLE UPDATE.


Exactly. This same thing happens after every update, DE does nothing, and then the complaining stops on its own. Why? Because it's not a game balance "drop table" issue. It's an "I can't get the thing I want right away" issue. Are people getting nothing from each run? No, everyone gets something every single time. But that's not good enough, because it's not the exact thing they wanted.

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Exactly. This same thing happens after every update, DE does nothing, and then the complaining stops on its own. Why? Because it's not a game balance "drop table" issue. It's an "I can't get the thing I want right away" issue. Are people getting nothing from each run? No, everyone gets something every single time. But that's not good enough, because it's not the exact thing they wanted.


Getting 10 Mag Prime bps in a row is not getting something.


Just saying.


It's literally 10 mag primes flipping you the bird. I don't even like Nyx Prime or Nyx because she's a frame that slows things down too much, I was moreso running my keys for Rhino Prime BP.


10 mag prime bps, 10 exterminate 3 keys wasted.


For nothing.

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Getting 10 Mag Prime bps in a row is not getting something.


Just saying.


It's literally 10 mag primes flipping you the bird. I don't even like Nyx Prime or Nyx because she's a frame that slows things down too much, I was moreso running my keys for Rhino Prime BP.


10 mag prime bps, 10 exterminate 3 keys wasted.


For nothing.


So sell them.

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Hikou pouch - 12 T1Cap = 2 pouches

Hikou BP - Ran x3 T2 cap = 1 bp

Hikou star - Traded rhino helm for 1, traded malicious raptor for 1

=No plat, success.


Nyx prime - Too lazy to farm so I stayed on trade tab and sold some stuff and mods, after an hour got nyx set for 120plat.

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So sell them.


The keys are still wasted regardless of what one does with the Mag Prime BPs, which is only either make 10 mag primes or sell them for credits.


You can find more credits in one mission run of Capture 2 than selling those 10 mag prime bps.


Again, keys are not only wasted, you have gained nothing substantial that would equate the use of your key. You used your key, for no reason.

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So sell them.


Who would trade mag prime bps for plat? You? I could scream in trade channel for hours and no one would buy them for a simple reason. Everyone has them since it drops like candy. And for creds? Sure, dubious use though considering the a void mission pays for 5-10 of those suckers.


If we were to build them all I bet we could populate entire clans with mag primes. Going back to the point that the drop table is horribly bloated and should be put down!

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