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Nyx The Abilities, Please.


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Seriously. Get rid of them. They suck. I used to love her, but now I'm wondering why I put so much work into her.


Mind Control: This cannot be used as damage mitigation from a target, because You get no affinity from the target if you kill them. The only major benefits you get from them are if they are a healer, or an osprey, because they rarely, if ever, follow along. They stand still, and attack back if other people attack them. It's bloody pointless. Nyx it, or buff it. Make them invincible against friendly fire, or give them a halfway decent AI. Something. ANYTHING. I'm sure I'm not the only person sick of teammates killing off my Thrall.


Chaos. When I run chaos, the only difference I get is the enemies act like normal, only with a prettier face attached. I used it in a defense some twenty times just now, and all it did was stun then, and then the squads ran forward like normal, and kept attacking the Cryopod as if nothing was different. That was just this match. I rarely see them actually attack one another. In the rare instance that it happens, it's super effective, but we're talking 1 in 20. Lets get some work on this power please, or Nyx it.


Psychic Bolts. The entire Warframe community acknowledges that this power is exceptionally terrible. Even if you max out damage on it, you do a paltry 458 damage. The targeting is terrible. It hits walls as often as not. It has no lasting effect, and has no noticeable side effect, aside from coloring the baddies that it decided to target. The only level of control it really has is the ability to make it go to the nearest target with fine aim, which still may not be the target that you want. Nyx it.


Absorb: You know what, I love the power. I love how it toggles, and I love the fact that you do not have to mod for damage for this to be useful (further making it pointless to mod for strength, to increase Psychic Bolts damage). The main problem I have with this, is how it swallows up energy from energy weapons (all save for the Nukor, for some silly reason.) While I think this is a cool effect to look upon, and it definitely agrees with the nature of the power, I find it silly that a power with such great utility as this managed to get friendly fire correct, while Mind Control leaves us screwed over. I also think it sucks how expensive this power gets.


Frame Buff: So Oberon gets his shields bugged from 60 something to 150. Loki gets a great energy buff, Rhino gets good movement speed, and Nyx get an...almost relevant armor buff. Not shields, not health, not power, and not Stamina. So she gets a buff to something pitiful, which makes it slightly less pitiful, but still irrelevant.


Come on. Can we please make this Frame a little more useful? I keep hearing that she really shines later on into the void, but I'm not sure she could even handle that far in, with how unreliable Chaos has been in my experience, but hey, I guess the nature fits the name.


Any suggestions?




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Seriously. Get rid of them. They suck. I used to love her, but now I'm wondering why I put so much work into her.


Mind Control: This cannot be used as damage mitigation from a target, because You get no affinity from the target if you kill them. The only major benefits you get from them are if they are a healer, or an osprey, because they rarely, if ever, follow along. They stand still, and attack back if other people attack them. It's bloody pointless. Nyx it, or buff it. Make them invincible against friendly fire, or give them a halfway decent AI. Something. ANYTHING. I'm sure I'm not the only person sick of teammates killing off my Thrall.


Chaos. When I run chaos, the only difference I get is the enemies act like normal, only with a prettier face attached. I used it in a defense some twenty times just now, and all it did was stun then, and then the squads ran forward like normal, and kept attacking the Cryopod as if nothing was different. That was just this match. I rarely see them actually attack one another. In the rare instance that it happens, it's super effective, but we're talking 1 in 20. Lets get some work on this power please, or Nyx it.


Psychic Bolts. The entire Warframe community acknowledges that this power is exceptionally terrible. Even if you max out damage on it, you do a paltry 458 damage. The targeting is terrible. It hits walls as often as not. It has no lasting effect, and has no noticeable side effect, aside from coloring the baddies that it decided to target. The only level of control it really has is the ability to make it go to the nearest target with fine aim, which still may not be the target that you want. Nyx it.


Absorb: You know what, I love the power. I love how it toggles, and I love the fact that you do not have to mod for damage for this to be useful (further making it pointless to mod for strength, to increase Psychic Bolts damage). The main problem I have with this, is how it swallows up energy from energy weapons (all save for the Nukor, for some silly reason.) While I think this is a cool effect to look upon, and it definitely agrees with the nature of the power, I find it silly that a power with such great utility as this managed to get friendly fire correct, while Mind Control leaves us screwed over. I also think it sucks how expensive this power gets.


Frame Buff: So Oberon gets his shields bugged from 60 something to 150. Loki gets a great energy buff, Rhino gets good movement speed, and Nyx get an...almost relevant armor buff. Not shields, not health, not power, and not Stamina. So she gets a buff to something pitiful, which makes it slightly less pitiful, but still irrelevant.


Come on. Can we please make this Frame a little more useful? I keep hearing that she really shines later on into the void, but I'm not sure she could even handle that far in, with how unreliable Chaos has been in my experience, but hey, I guess the nature fits the name.


Any suggestions?

The only move that needs a change is psychic bolts. The reason being is it like you said is useless. With a blind rage maxed its useless. Her other moves are fine. With chaos id recommend a low duration build because you want to be able to cast it multiple times. Absorb is fine the way it is it doesn't need another change.

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I grief that chaos does not give xp when enemies are damaging and killing each other.

In a game you spend 70% of the time leveling up stuff.


And I also grief, how easy it is for everyone to kill all the enemies wile you are in the bubble, making it a waist of energy.

At the same time I see there's broken aggro, most enemies still move on and ignore you, and the other half still backs out and go look for cover, out of the range of this ability.

Edited by 7grims
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Honestly, I see no issue with Mind Control. Mind Control is meant for situations such as distracting an entire unit with a heavy to keep them off your back while you revive a teammate or regen shields or whatever. To be concerned regarding getting XP from that dead enemy is a moot point.


The only issue here is psychic bolts, but I will bring an issue at least I have with Absorb. The amount of energy that is consumed with friendly fire (especially the popular ones) sap you bone dry leaving you with no energy to Chaos the rest of the enemies. The thing is, before that nerf Absorb was perfectly fine since it only output any damage given directly to it whether from enemy or friendly fire.


Chaos causes a panicked state to all the enemies. The closest thing to the enemy will be its target. In your case, if the cryopod was the closest thing to it, the unit in question would start to attack the pod depending on the situation.

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Chaos causes a panicked state to all the enemies. The closest thing to the enemy will be its target. In your case, if the cryopod was the closest thing to it, the unit in question would start to attack the pod depending on the situation.


This was on the Raftor/Bridge tileset where the enemies are all incredibly spread out. I jumped down into the major square, on top of the small rock hill, and used it there. The enemies were all hit with it, and they all flooded toward the Cryopod, despite the fact that they perceived that they are running with an army of Nyx surrounding them, and not to mention the great length they had before they reached the Cryopod. No sir, it was not the closes. There were fifteen infested closer each of them than the Cryopod.

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Seriously. Get rid of them. They suck. I used to love her, but now I'm wondering why I put so much work into her.


Seriously. This is how you fix things! you get rid of it!


Honestly OP, just because you dislike them, DOES NOT MEAN THEY SHOULD BE REMOVED! Nor is removing something is how you fix it!


Easy fix, Mind control and Chaos should give affinity for kills. 


Psychic bolts, I believe they're still balancing and what not for it.


Absorb, the damage mod increases the lowest damage it dishes out. Also for those complaining about it absorbing energy from everything, guess what, that's the whole point, any weapon fire that crosses it's bubble, any damage cause with in the bubble, is absorbed! If you hate Absorb because everyone else dies because in crease of enemy fire/grenades, guess what you need to do! you need to park your butts in side of the bubble, so all of that lovely damage that would kill you is absorbed into Nyx, so when the ability is released, it wipes out every enemy with in it's range

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Pyschic Bolts feels a little better when spammed. I tried to level her with it, but quickly discovered that Absorb is much better at killing even lowbies due to negligible cost and heavy minimum damage.


It's awkward to tell people about the awesome looking new Prime Access frame and have to explain the #2 is useless. :/

Edited by VKhaun
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Frame Buff: So Oberon gets his shields bugged from 60 something to 150. Loki gets a great energy buff, Rhino gets good movement speed, and Nyx get an...almost relevant armor buff. Not shields, not health, not power, and not Stamina. So she gets a buff to something pitiful, which makes it slightly less pitiful, but still irrelevant.


Haven't played Nyx for a while so I can't comment on the current state of her moves, but I'd like to point out that the armour buff is relatively as useful or more useful than Loki's energy buff. You want to talk about relevant? I would like you to count the number of times you run out of energy when playing as regular Loki... I'm not complaining about Loki, but Rhino is the only one that's gotten a good bonus.

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Before the new Prime Access came out, the last time i played Nyx was about a year ago, she as gotten much better in a year thanks to Fan boys and community cry babies, not that she didnt deserve a buff but players who only play her ask for too much.


With the exception of Chaos Bolt, i see nothing wrong with the rest of her skills. As for Chaos, i see the skill as both a crowd control and defensive skill. I rarely use it, triggering mostly when trapped by Infested mobs or taking heavy fire from Grineers.

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Haven't played Nyx for a while so I can't comment on the current state of her moves, but I'd like to point out that the armour buff is relatively as useful or more useful than Loki's energy buff. You want to talk about relevant? I would like you to count the number of times you run out of energy when playing as regular Loki... I'm not complaining about Loki, but Rhino is the only one that's gotten a good bonus.

the extra energy is for QT

not so that you don't run out of energy

and most frames have a useless ability

loki with ST

valkyr with paralysis

hydroid with barrage

ash with tele

excal with all except radial blind

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Seriously. This is how you fix things! you get rid of it!


Honestly OP, just because you dislike them, DOES NOT MEAN THEY SHOULD BE REMOVED! Nor is removing something is how you fix it!


Easy fix, Mind control and Chaos should give affinity for kills. 


Psychic bolts, I believe they're still balancing and what not for it.


Absorb, the damage mod increases the lowest damage it dishes out. Also for those complaining about it absorbing energy from everything, guess what, that's the whole point, any weapon fire that crosses it's bubble, any damage cause with in the bubble, is absorbed! If you hate Absorb because everyone else dies because in crease of enemy fire/grenades, guess what you need to do! you need to park your butts in side of the bubble, so all of that lovely damage that would kill you is absorbed into Nyx, so when the ability is released, it wipes out every enemy with in it's range

I get what you mean, and honestly, I'm not serious about getting rid of it. It's a play on her name, is all. I really want there to be a buff, but people keep saying that she is fine the way she is. I think Mind Control should be more than just awarding affinity, because it's really only a mini me version of Chaos. I think it should give you a worthy companion.

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I main Nyx, have been for a year.


Psychic bolts is completely useless, comically so. This ability is in dire need of either a complete rework, or to be replaced by something that actually works.^^' (Though I do know that other abilities and frames are higher on the priorities list^^)


Mind control needs to make the controled target only register damage taken from friendly fire at the end of the ability. That way no trolling from Nyx users, and no issue with energy wasted because randoms don't pay attention/care about teamwork.


Chaos seems fine to me. Or is there some kind of random bug? I haven't experienced anything like what OP describes.^^'


Basing energy consumption on damage absorbed was a monumental mistake, and that's a... monumental understatement. Trolls are having a blast, while Nyx users cry in a corner or simply stop pressing 4 when in teams, unless of course we play with clan/alliance mates who we can trust and rely on, and do I really need to talk about scaling? This mechanic needs to go, and the maximum duration mechanic must come back to avoid "afk coffees". Give Absorb a maximum duration of 10-15 seconds, unaffected by Power duration to avoid duration builds. Or, as an alternative, base the energy consumption rate on the time spent in the bubble. The more time it stays up once a certain threshold is reached, the more energy it cunsumes.

Also... Dear devs, for Lotus' sake... swap magnetic damage for finisher damage already. It should have been done long ago, and would have fixed the whole Absorb "conundrum" much more easily than making Aborb unable to... absorb (lots of "absorbs" I know^^') magnetic damage.^^'


As for Nyx Prime's "bonus" armor... Well, it's just my opinion, but it is once again, comically useless. By the time armor becomes really important, enemies do so much damage (thank you again broken scaling...) that the damage reduction provided by 50 armor points (about 14.3%) is not even noticeable, not to mention it doesn't fit the "Nyx's way" at all.

But again, that's just MY opinion, it only makes sense to me, I perfectly understand and RESPECT other players' opinions on that matter. Also I love Nyx again (thanks to the community^^) and I ultimately don't care if Nyx Prime's bonus sucks, it won't make me play her less, not one bit.^^

Edited by Marthrym
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The last time I used psychic bolt was like a month ago, and I think it can now bypassing obstacles and walls etc ? Coz I used it upstairs and the bolt hit a leftout enemy who hided inside a room downstairs with the doors closed. The utility is still quite limited though.


I am fine with the other 3 abilities currently

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The last time I used psychic bolt was like a month ago, and I think it can now track down enemies and bypass obstacles and walls etc ? Coz I used it upstairs and the bolt hit a leftout enemy who hid inside a room downstairs with the doors closed. The utility is still quite limited though.


I am fine with the other 3 abilities currently

Edited by climatiseur
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Chaos is unreliable and there is no point in this game where I can't kill the mob faster with my gun than they can kill each other (at least, not before level 500 or so corrupted or 1400+ infested, haven't gone farther yet). Mind control should be immune to friendly fire until the end of the ability as mentioned above (absorb it so to say til the end of the ability, then eat all the damage) but is otherwise pretty useful. Clutch MC's prevent heavy gunners from knocking you down which saves you from getting instagibbed later on. Psychic bolts is garbage but every frame has at least 1 that is trash so not a big deal IMO.


Absorb nerf suckkkkkkkkkkkksssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss. Really dumb that a few Brakk rounds is pretty much GG energy pool, or a few seconds of enemy shots/hits later on. All they had to do was make absorb not take absorb damage into account and it would have been fine. Make it a different damage type, call it absorb. Absorb can't absorb absorb. Fixed without borderline ruining it. Or change it to finisher damage and make it immune to finisher damage. Also fixed, without borderline ruining it. Way more logical choice. Who cares if someone sits in absorb for 3-5m or whatever you used to be able to do? Also, why can enemies shoot through it and hit the pod on defense? Massive fail.

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Am sorry but your wrong in everything you have said, nyx was and still is top tier defense frame, easily handled t4 def 50 waves, mind controlling lv 120 eximus gunners sitting back while all the enemy kill each other with chaos and molecular prime, you know to stay at least 20 meters away from chaos units to work, i could go on, but you quite clearly need educated how to use nyx,maybe hit me up ill show you sometime.

Edited by (PS4)Veg1ta
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i am not an active nyx player, but i started playing her recently because of nyx prime. here is my impressions:

1. mind control is not user friendly in coop, because your teammates kill controlled target fast anyway. 

2. psychic bolts suck as a damage ability. it doesnt have any synergy with other abilities. it needs changes badly.

3. chaos is fine. but i hope enemies can switch their target slower, so that they wont target me instantly after the duration ends.

4. absorb is ok but a larger range would be better. since its insanely high damage was nerfed, i dont see why it still only has 10m base radius. 

in conclusion, mind control can be changed so that only nyx can damage the target. remove psychic bolts, or totally rework it. other two abilities can remain the same, but some buff would be appreciated.

Edited by Eric1738
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I agree on Psychic bolts and Mind control. Psychic bolt is just bad in general while Mind Control takes too long to initiate even with max Natural Talent. Noone can wait for 3 seconds for the enemy to mentally stabilize before becoming "useful"


However, I must say that sometimes I when I cast Chaos to a horde of enemies. They just run toward me instead of attacking each other when they are clearly close to each other

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Am sorry but your wrong in everything you have said, nyx was and still is top tier defense frame, easily handled t4 def 50 waves, mind controlling lv 120 eximus gunners sitting back while all the enemy kill each other with chaos and molecular prime, you know to stay at least 20 meters away from chaos units to work, i could go on, but you quite clearly need educated how to use nyx,maybe hit me up ill show you sometime.


I know EXACTLY how to use Nyx, and I know exactly what everybody is going to tell me. I stay far more than 20 Meters away. For example, I maximize Range on her, since Power Strength provides little to no benefit. I've marched into Sachura, and when the tile set is the elevated square platforms, I have stood on the small rock hill in the center below, because it's good for Chaos. There, I used Chaos, and hit the whole level. At that point, the enemies, surrounded by what they perceive to be Nyx, kept running as a battalion toward the Cryopod, despite the thirty or so enemies in the way, and did nothing. Chaos rarely ever accomplishes much when I run with her. I've sat on top of a Cryopod, and used Absorb while Maximized. There should have been nothing doing any damage to the pod, but the pod was half dead by the end of the wave. Either my game glitches...and does so every time I run with Nyx...or she's broken.

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