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Nyx The Abilities, Please.


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I know EXACTLY how to use Nyx, and I know exactly what everybody is going to tell me. I stay far more than 20 Meters away. For example, I maximize Range on her, since Power Strength provides little to no benefit. I've marched into Sachura, and when the tile set is the elevated square platforms, I have stood on the small rock hill in the center below, because it's good for Chaos. There, I used Chaos, and hit the whole level. At that point, the enemies, surrounded by what they perceive to be Nyx, kept running as a battalion toward the Cryopod, despite the thirty or so enemies in the way, and did nothing. Chaos rarely ever accomplishes much when I run with her. I've sat on top of a Cryopod, and used Absorb while Maximized. There should have been nothing doing any damage to the pod, but the pod was half dead by the end of the wave. Either my game glitches...and does so every time I run with Nyx...or she's broken.

It's entirely possible the tileset you are describing has scripting to get enemies into position that is interfering with chaos, I haven't played on that tileset (assuming it's the corpus tileset I think it is) in a long while so I can't say. It's also possible that (if you're soloing) you are too far away from the cryopod and enemies are actually spawning near the cryopod outside of your field of view. I know this is an issue with void mobile defense tiles, if you let the objective out of your LoS enemies materialize on it within seconds. 


That said I regularly solo defense missions with nyx and chaos works as advertised every time for me, only one out of every ten or so enemies continues towards the defense objective, with ranged enemies I find it's often that they are moving to take cover from other chaos-ed enemies and then come into range of the defense objective and switch targets to it, even so it thins them out plenty to be manageable. 

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Seriously. Get rid of them. They suck. I used to love her, but now I'm wondering why I put so much work into her.


Mind Control: This cannot be used as damage mitigation from a target, because You get no affinity from the target if you kill them. The only major benefits you get from them are if they are a healer, or an osprey, because they rarely, if ever, follow along. They stand still, and attack back if other people attack them. It's bloody pointless. Nyx it, or buff it. Make them invincible against friendly fire, or give them a halfway decent AI. Something. ANYTHING. I'm sure I'm not the only person sick of teammates killing off my Thrall.


Chaos. When I run chaos, the only difference I get is the enemies act like normal, only with a prettier face attached. I used it in a defense some twenty times just now, and all it did was stun then, and then the squads ran forward like normal, and kept attacking the Cryopod as if nothing was different. That was just this match. I rarely see them actually attack one another. In the rare instance that it happens, it's super effective, but we're talking 1 in 20. Lets get some work on this power please, or Nyx it.


Psychic Bolts. The entire Warframe community acknowledges that this power is exceptionally terrible. Even if you max out damage on it, you do a paltry 458 damage. The targeting is terrible. It hits walls as often as not. It has no lasting effect, and has no noticeable side effect, aside from coloring the baddies that it decided to target. The only level of control it really has is the ability to make it go to the nearest target with fine aim, which still may not be the target that you want. Nyx it.


Absorb: You know what, I love the power. I love how it toggles, and I love the fact that you do not have to mod for damage for this to be useful (further making it pointless to mod for strength, to increase Psychic Bolts damage). The main problem I have with this, is how it swallows up energy from energy weapons (all save for the Nukor, for some silly reason.) While I think this is a cool effect to look upon, and it definitely agrees with the nature of the power, I find it silly that a power with such great utility as this managed to get friendly fire correct, while Mind Control leaves us screwed over. I also think it sucks how expensive this power gets.


Frame Buff: So Oberon gets his shields bugged from 60 something to 150. Loki gets a great energy buff, Rhino gets good movement speed, and Nyx get an...almost relevant armor buff. Not shields, not health, not power, and not Stamina. So she gets a buff to something pitiful, which makes it slightly less pitiful, but still irrelevant.


Come on. Can we please make this Frame a little more useful? I keep hearing that she really shines later on into the void, but I'm not sure she could even handle that far in, with how unreliable Chaos has been in my experience, but hey, I guess the nature fits the name.


Any suggestions?


Um, Nyx is fine the way it is. Chaos is designed to keep aggro away.


My Chaos stops ALL mobs and makes them attack each other.


Maybe Nyx just doesn't like you because you came to the forums to insult what is a GOD amongst warframes.


Lol, Nyx's abilities suck. I think you're playing on the wrong planet Tenno. My Nyx gets more requests than my Loki and THAT's saying something.


Edit: By the way, her abilities are super cheap and I never run out of energy. Learn to mod before speaking. Otherwise you will simply be looked down upon by those of us who know what we're doing with a frame rather than thinking it is broken because you didn't master your mod setup.

Edited by Semshol
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Um, Nyx is fine the way it is. Chaos is designed to keep aggro away.


My Chaos stops ALL mobs and makes them attack each other.


Maybe Nyx just doesn't like you because you came to the forums to insult what is a GOD amongst warframes.


Lol, Nyx's abilities suck. I think you're playing on the wrong planet Tenno. My Nyx gets more requests than my Loki and THAT's saying something.


Edit: By the way, her abilities are super cheap and I never run out of energy. Learn to mod before speaking. Otherwise you will simply be looked down upon by those of us who know what we're doing with a frame rather than thinking it is broken because you didn't master your mod setup.


I love how presumptuous people are on here, spewing vitriol like they know anything. The only time I have issues with energy is in T4 Defenses, which wasnt an issue before it began costing 8 per Thousand damage.


And if I were worried about how I looked to someone who, for all I know is a 40yo living in his moms basement, I think I'd probably move on and get a life. Last I checked, people are allowed to come on here and ask questions from one another. Now, it's clear that I've hit a nerve with my OP, so you may want to reassess your self worth, if you have enough of your identity wrapped up in Nyx being a God that you respond like this, instead of contributing something useful to the conversation.


Now take a deep breath, look in the mirror and ask yourself, "I rip on people when I think they know less than me at something which is completely arbitrary, and has nothing to do with their inherent worth; Why do I need to do this to feel good about myself?"

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Emm my absorb cost 1 energy per 1000 damage and 2 energy to channel absorb , you sure you got your numbers right? Wiki pretty much says the same with maximized efficiency , assuming you actually modded nyx correctly.


Aye, I am noticing a difference here lately. I was running defenses with guys that love the Ogris, and the Angstrum, and was pushing Absorb over 100k before letting go. I am noticing a great difference now that I'm not taking all that player damage into my absorb. When I dont have to account for that, on top of enemy damage, I notice I could hold Absorb perpetually.


It's entirely possible the tileset you are describing has scripting to get enemies into position that is interfering with chaos, I haven't played on that tileset (assuming it's the corpus tileset I think it is) in a long while so I can't say. It's also possible that (if you're soloing) you are too far away from the cryopod and enemies are actually spawning near the cryopod outside of your field of view. I know this is an issue with void mobile defense tiles, if you let the objective out of your LoS enemies materialize on it within seconds. 


That said I regularly solo defense missions with nyx and chaos works as advertised every time for me, only one out of every ten or so enemies continues towards the defense objective, with ranged enemies I find it's often that they are moving to take cover from other chaos-ed enemies and then come into range of the defense objective and switch targets to it, even so it thins them out plenty to be manageable. 


I really appreciate the feedback. I have noticed that in most other tilesets Chaos works well. Some still give me problems, but that one above all others is the worst.

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Personally, the only changes I really want to see on Nyx is Psychic Bolts actually being made useful and Mind Control doing something like letting the enemy live through the duration even if my teammates kill it. I can't tell you how many times even playing with my friends whom I tell "Hey I'm Mind Controlling this Heavy Gunner" they still end up killing it far before it even registers to them that I'm controlling it. 


As for Chaos it does sometimes feel like the aggro switching mechanic doesn't work as intended sometimes. It doesn't happen all the time but entirely too often for me to think it's been bad luck I've had entire squads of enemies just go right on about their business after the stun ends. There have even been times where I've seen not a one of the enemies I've hit with Chaos attack anything other than myself or the pod. It doesn't happen all the time, but enough for me to suspect there's some kind of bug going on. 


Since I heard about the Absorb nerf my first thought was exactly "great, good thing none of my friends have a Brakk that will kill my energy pool in a single clip" and I've entirely refrained from using it in groups with randoms. Hell, I've even had to tell my friends to not try to put damage into my shield in defense/mobile defense missions because of how fast a sufficiently modded player weapon eats through your energy. Let alone how fast high level mobs can do it. 

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I get what you mean, and honestly, I'm not serious about getting rid of it. It's a play on her name, is all. I really want there to be a buff, but people keep saying that she is fine the way she is. I think Mind Control should be more than just awarding affinity, because it's really only a mini me version of Chaos. I think it should give you a worthy companion.

Ah, okay, so you're not one of those people who have the strong opinion that all broken things should be removed, which is something I run into in one of the other communities I some times post in. As for the rest, I agree, mind Control needs to be adjusted/buffed, it should be a lot better than it is currently.

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Nah Nyx is fine.

All she really needs is for the energy-consumption scaling on her bubble to be reduced and psychic bolts to be completely revamped.


Right now Oberon's smite is basically a better version of the bolts.

They need to be changed to a new spell completely.


Or perhaps make it into a passive but castable ability.

Like casting it gives Nyx the chance to deflect any damage to a nearby enemy or to her attacker instead (when she's outside the bubble) with the ability able to have its chance to deflect increased with efficiency mods or something. In this sense she can always have a damage mitigation + reflect ability that isnt her bubble.

Edited by Kruglov
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Mind control on heavy units and eximi


Chaos trivializes alot of content? Youre doing it wrong


Absorb is ridiculous with max eff and doesnt really hurt your other powers


A friend of mine was literally takin in 20k damage and regening each round with drops left over for rounds to come


Cant balance a game on llv 150 enemies

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