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Green Energy Door Blocks, Cams, Sentry Guns Etc.


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Today I encountered a nice game mechanic while slashing through the bad guys. Green energy bars blocking the doors when we get detected by the security cameras. Great idea! Forces the players to pay more attention the the environment and plan the moves carefully. Sadly, most of them ignore the danger rushing through like mad men and women. Those green babies should be unbreachale. For the time being you can slide under, jump through or even force yourself through them. Such a nice mechanic spoiled completely. What is more, on many occasions players not fast enough will be blocked from the action.

1. Make them unbreachable. 
2. If we are detected by the cam maybe it would be nice to pop some sentry guns from the sealing to spice up the action. The bases and spacecraft we infiltrate are high security after all.
3. Make it a bit more demanding; Higher damage? More security troops/bots rushing in?
4. If we get detected, make the encounter past the green bars more demanding. We are being split for a reason right?

For the time being it is completely unnecessary to have those implemented. They do absolutely nothing apart from blocking others from not really demanding fights.

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1. I think they're supposed to be; the ways to get through them are glitches. I think.

2. Cameras already activate sentry guns, where available.

3. They used to do a ton of damage and instantly kill newer players. Problem is twofold; new players usually don't realise the lasers are camera-triggered, so it's frustrating to introduce a mechanic to them without giving them a chance to learn (i.e instadeath without realising what caused it). Second problem is lag - sometimes you're running through a door and the lasers activate, but you don't see it on your screen due to lag and proceed to instantly die or get trapped in the lasers and then die. That's why they changed it so that it only affected the shields.

4. I think they're meant to stop progress, not to split the party (though it'd be pretty cool if that was the reason they activated!). Either way, this kind of ties into the whole incomplete stealth thing - right now the map can only either be on full alert or none. I'm sure the mechanic will be addressed again when alert states are more fully implemented.

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@4. I think they're meant to stop progress, not to split the party (though it'd be pretty cool if that was the reason they activated!). Either way, this kind of ties into the whole incomplete stealth thing - right now the map can only either be on full alert or none. I'm sure the mechanic will be addressed again when alert states are more fully implemented.@

Stop progress for what reason? There is no reason in stopping the progress just for the sake of it. Better to spawn some bots or make the upcoming fighs more demanding. Otherwise it is nonsense to keep it this way.

As for point 3. What is wrong in learning it the hard way? What is in the end it will be a case forgotten by time and we will end up in dumbed levels?  Instant death is too much but a little challange would be nice. 


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As for point 3. What is wrong in learning it the hard way? What is in the end it will be a case forgotten by time and we will end up in dumbed levels?  Instant death is too much but a little challange would be nice. 



When has been screwed over by something you don't know fun?

There are times where I have walked into the laser grid. Camera Activiated by a Team mate just as I walked though.  I got hit by the laser 6 times before I was pushed out.  If it had affect HP I would of died because the game refused to push me out of the lasers properly.  Nothing to do with me. I made sure I hit all the Cameras before I went though but some rushers triggered a Camera way down the line and activated all the laser gates causing me to lose all 870 pts of shield in 3 goes.  I always hated it when it damage HP, cause there are a number of times where you aren't pushed out of the game properly and therefore you take extra damage.  When the gates push you out properly and not decided to move you 0.00000005m and you are still in the laser gate, then they can make them more dangerous.  Taking the control out of the player is almost never a good idea.


Damage cause you didn't look for Camera - Should of looked for them

Damage cause a member of the team triggered them - Bearable

Death because the game doesn't work properly - Out right Frustrating.

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