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Where Can I Find This Color? (Nyx Prime Standard Energy Color)



4 answers to this question

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I have every color pallet but when I open Nyx's energy color it takes me to Bastille (first in alphabettical order) with nothing marked and I see nothing marked on any other pallet so I don't think it's available yet.


The far right green and teals in classic and classic saturated are damn close, but I can see the color changing a bit when I highlight off and on. The far right of the brightest line of blues in the bottom half of Ice look identical on my screen, as best my eyes can tell, just looking at the energy of the frame but the pallet swatch is clearly a little tiny bit greener so you could probably see a difference in her powers.


The icy greens on the ice pallet look similar to her body colors, too. Though not exact.



Classic Saturated, Ice and Grineer all have colors very close if not dead on.


It could be it's own color not in any palette we have yet. I wouldn't be surprised if down the line, the DEv's released another color palette titled "Prime" or something that has the colors of the Prime warframes the same way that the "Tenno" palette has the colors for most of the base frames.

Thanks for the answers

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I have every color pallet but when I open Nyx's energy color it takes me to Bastille (first in alphabettical order) with nothing marked and I see nothing marked on any other pallet so I don't think it's available yet.


The far right green and teals in classic and classic saturated are damn close, but I can see the color changing a bit when I highlight off and on. The far right of the brightest line of blues in the bottom half of Ice look identical on my screen, as best my eyes can tell, just looking at the energy of the frame but the pallet swatch is clearly a little tiny bit greener so you could probably see a difference in her powers.


The icy greens on the ice pallet look similar to her body colors, too. Though not exact.

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It could be it's own color not in any palette we have yet. I wouldn't be surprised if down the line, the DEv's released another color palette titled "Prime" or something that has the colors of the Prime warframes the same way that the "Tenno" palette has the colors for most of the base frames.

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