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The Accelerated Leveling System In Rails


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I've been thinking about the solar rail leveling system and its never really sat right with me the way that a mod just turns on fully is nice but if you have a serration or another highly expensive mod its a wall you cant get through easily or quickly so I've been thinking about what changes i might make to the system and id like to share them as input on the system 


i think there should be a second use for forma to set up a kind of circuit path if you will for the order things turn on 

the way the current system works is top right to bottom left and would continue to work this way without the system turned on with a forma but you cant partially turn on a mod its all or nothing. well  the way i propose this new system should work would be when you apply a forma and select level progression it would bring up a menu with a box asking you to select a mod and you would select a basic level of serration on it for a tiny cheap boost in damage and the then a basic reload mod and so on with the basic unleveled versions of all your mods or maybe not maybe after that reload mod you want a little more damage so youd slot there the level 1 version of serration and then keep selecting mods its a fully customize-able level progression for your guns and frame and that's what warframe is about customization 


you may be just another rhino prime running around with a boltor but you chose the mods on that boltor and its powerful in the exact way you want it to be people can tell you that boltor is best with puncture damage boosts(i don't use the boltor and don't know its stats) but you wanted yours to focus on poison damage cause shields annoy you and people may tell you that CC rhino is best and to max power duration but you wanted a power strength build because you only want iron skin and nothing else you just want to shoot things with your toxic boltor and you can do all of this in the skin of a hot pink body builder suit lined with gold because that's how you roll 



i want to like the solar rail pvp i really do but i cant with the brick walls the system has now and i know my clan is going to get into them soon and i wont really have too much of a choice in doing them ill have to support my clan but i feel this would increase enjoyment and balance in the solar rails


Disclaimer: Now I'm not demanding this be put in i'm giving a suggestion to the devs and whether they take it whole sale or just one aspect of it or if they ignore it completely it'l be all the same to me (ill just have more fun in solar rails if they do take it :P)

Edited by Swiftfingers
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im saying why cant we level our mods one level at a time instead of the all or nothing we have now serration maxed is to expensive to level through

Defining expensive varies from person to person. I leveled few of them, and could level another one in 2 days if could force myself to grind some cores.



Steve said that Serration ( or any "essential" mod ) could be changed in the future.

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...Aaaaaaaaand still lost.

I have absolutely no idea what are you talking about.

I have no idea what the hell do you do with your mods, but I leveled my Serration one level at a time alright.

Took me more than a frikkin year, but I'm now the proud owner of a fully maxed Serration

Edited by CenSilver
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Less swift fingers, more paragraph formatting. Your post is very hard to read and understand. I realize that what you are suggesting is a different method of mod activation for use in solar rail pvp, but can hardly make more of your post.

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Your mods should turn on going from left to right, row by row.


For anyone who's actually lost, he's talking about mod activation during a Solar Rail assault or defense. You start at rank zero when you join, with all your equipment, and the mods you have installed activate as you level the gear up and gain the capacity for them. What order they trigger in is decided by the sequence they're slotted in, with the possible exception of your powers. I've only bothered with a rail conflict once and I didn't take any notes.

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yes i know my sentience and paragraph formatting is terrible its something i have to improve (its sad when my friend from Argentina has better grammar than me an american) but thank you for understanding what im talking about

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