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Corpus Glass Crash


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Tenno, I heard your call for help and I am here with links!

Yay! Ninja Intern to the rescue! :D

(Also, hi!)

(Wow, that's a lot of exclamation points for just 2 sentences...)

(Wonder if I need to see someone about that...)

(Ack! It's spreading to other punctuation marks! RUN!)



I might need some sleep.




Once you have your WAR ##### send it over to support :) 



Tried, can't.

Game freezes, it doesn't crash, which means that the bug reporting application doesn't start.

Relevant ticket: 229106, contains EE.log, and has already been seen by a support staffer.

Edited by Chroia
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Once you have your WAR ##### send it over to support :) 



Tried, can't.

Game freezes, it doesn't crash, which means that the bug reporting application doesn't start.

Relevant ticket: 229106, contains EE.log, and has already been seen by a support staffer.




Super support team is on duty! This definitely seems account specific, so they'll take a look and track down the issue. 


Hold tight, Tenno :) 

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