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Void Questions



1# Is it worth looking into containers in the void for forma/mods? Sinve ive started playing ive yet to run into any.


2# Any tips on how to get people (preferabluy decent people) in void missions? I got keys, but it feels like im asking people to pull their teeth when I ask them if they want to join me.


3# If you lose the void mission do you still lose a key?

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3. It is consumed upon completion only, failure means you keep it.

i thought they made it so that you lose it either way



I'm sure it was only the Derelict keys that did that.  Though, I haven't really checked to see if what I typed was correct.

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I just joined a clan, but no luck there.


What I find so weird with void survival 1, is its supposed to be between lvl 10-15, but  its so mcuh easier then other survival missions due to the fact the void acutally spawn units, and since units drop those packs its makes surviving longer in the void easier...

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I just joined a clan, but no luck there.


What I find so weird with void survival 1, is its supposed to be between lvl 10-15, but  its so mcuh easier then other survival missions due to the fact the void acutally spawn units, and since units drop those packs its makes surviving longer in the void easier...


The amount spawned is affected by how much space you're giving the computer to spawn them.  Say you're in a room with only one unlocked door.  The spawn from that room will be considerably decreased just because of only having a single unlocked door.  If you have, say 3 unlocked doors and they all had plenty of other rooms, the enemies will spawn in numbers where you'd need a Vauban spamming Vortex just to live.

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That makes sense, but I still have issues...


Today I did three survivals:

1# normal survival: was 15m by the skin of my teeth.

2# normal survival: was only 10m or so

3# void survival: 22s away from 25m (yeah I know, bad luck on the last oxygen spawn and I did not want to risk it).


Maybe the void just has more open doors? But it always seems the void has so many more enemies comming to give me drops, while normal survival my fingers get hurt running around looking for enemies. Is this possible also due to the fact the void always spawn the same amount of enemies, while non void missions do not scale if you solo?


Since i play rhino I never die in survival, I always run out of oxygen (one expection was a void laser once got me)


Also any good clans that do a lot of void missions on america east server for PC? I still want to give my new clan more chances, but so far ive had no luck.

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I got good aim and got a Strun Wraith with a few forma's on it (so does my rhino and my lex), I kill at an acceptable rate. My rihno build has over 1200 eagles.


If I were to pick a non rhino warframe id die and/or get knoked down too often making it a much worse solution.

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3# If you lose the void mission do you still lose a key?


You lose the key on Survivals and Defense missions if you make it to, or past, 5 minutes/waves. This is to prevent abuse in reusing keys infinitely until you find the "right" item.


For survival tips:



I'd read it when you get the opportunity.

Edited by Otenko
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Hmmm, had a fourth survival today, was with a guy with over 2000 eagles, and it almost hit 35m. Often many enemies... Weird, ive had survivals with 4 people with fewer enemies to kill.


I also found it interesting that this guy was prime x4 (I got no prime) yet I did about 45% of the dmg, so my build must not be that bad...

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