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Locust- True Scavenger Frame [Added Ability Augments!]


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Hey all, new concept! I noticed that Nekros has been unofficially dubbed "the farmer frame". While I agree that Desecrate is the god power for farming, I thought isolating the idea of the scavenger into a warframe could play out really cool. So, here are my thoughts thus far-

Locust (name debatable, we already have the locust helm)-

A lighter frame focused on survival, Locust is a mix of support and manipulation by depriving enemies of their resources, implementing them to his own whims.

Concept Art:


Older Concept



Health: 300

Shields: 150

Armor: 130

Power: 150

Sprint: 1.1


Quarry: Single target; Locust marks an enemy as his prey. Target receives a radiation proc and debuff of Fire rate and reload speed for a limited amount of time.

Augment: Prey on the Weak- In addition to radiation proc, Locust slowly drains and absorbs armor off of his quarry. This buff only lasts as long as the duration of the ability.

Glass Armor: Locust releases a pulse that marks all enemies in a radius. When killed, a percentage of their armor is added on top of his and allies in range. Affected by duration.

Augment: Blinding Reflection- Glass armor acts as a reflective surface, reducing enemy accuracy while active. Locust's speed also increases while ability is active.

Scavenge: Locust restores a percentage of ammo to himself and allies. Restored ammo has increased damage, and has increased chance to proc puncture.

Augment: none, at the moment.

Forced Offering: Locust releases a pulse of energy that completely strips enemies of armor and proc's viral. Enemies killed within the initial radius have a 100% chance to drop health and energy orbs.

Augment: Cruel Thievery- Forced Offering now doubles the effectiveness of armor and ammo stealing abilities, increasing the total gained overall as well as over time.

Locust's purpose is to serve as a survivalist on the team, restoring ammo, while buffing allies and debuffing enemies. Obviously, I'm still working on stats and powers to make him as fair and interesting as possible, but I would love to see this type of frame in the game. Essentially, you're combining Loki's utility with the core reasoning behind Desecrate. Hopefully, it turns out to be a good combination.

With all that said and done, I'd like to add that I'd love to see your ideas visually for this frame (a wall of text isn't too aesthetically pleasing), So please give suggestions. Thanks for reading this wall of text!

Edit 3.2.15- Its been a while since I touched this concept. With the introduction of ability augments, I thought it would be interesting to see if I could provide more ways to play Locust. While his primary focus is still survivability, there are now different ways to go about it. You could build for armor steal, in an attempt to gain as much as possible, and then keep that value high for as long possible. You could play him like a rhino or Mesa, buffing glass armor to keep yourself away from any bullets or cross fire. Or you could play him as true glass cannon, focusing everything on Forced Offering, in order to keep enemies weak and at bay.

Well, that's all I've got for now. I'm excited to hear your opinion on the augments, whether suggestions on the existing three or entirely new ones. So please leave comments and suggestions!


EDIT #1- Changed stats to better balance Locust.

Removed Radiation Proc from Forced Offering.

EDIT #2- Changed Armor value from 300 to 130

EDIT #3- First Concept art of Locust! Added quick sketch.

EDIT #4- Art Concept 2.0!

EDIT #5- Added potential Ability Augments!

Edited by TheGlade
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I love this concept.


About scavenge: The idea of replenishing ammo was a refreshing thought. I'm wonderin though, how could you tell which ammo you are using? The regular, or the scavenged ammo, how do you know when you run out of the supercharged ammo? Or is it a durationbased overal increase in damage, such as Roar? 

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As to scavenge, my original idea was for it to restore a percentage of ammo, similar to how blessing works. In addition (this would require an addition to ui) a percentage of your max ammo would show up colored above your ammo bar. This would deplete as you used up ammo.

Edited by TheGlade
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Base stats just yell POWERCREEP.

I'd rethink these in your place.

Alright. What would you suggest? My idea was that he would have lower stats in exchange for higher armor and energy. The reason for his higher armor was so that when he activated glass armor, it would actually be useful. Edited by TheGlade
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Those stats are WAY too high, and those abilities are way OP.

Like I said, as a wip, Locust is bound for changes and edits. I agree with a fix to stats. However, why do you think the abilities are over powered? How can they be better balanced for the game?

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If you say lowered stats in exchange for high armor and such, please don't give him more armor than the Rhino. The Rhino is built to be a tank, this guy is a survivalist.

I agree. Right now, I'm just trying to find a balance, preferably with higher armor. Depending on how Glass Armor pans out, I want it to be useful, instead of only minimally buffing something like 50 armor. Because a majority of his skills focus on eliminating enemy armor and boosting his own, I thought a frame with higher base armor would work better. Would you say 200 is appropriate? Honestly, I just don't know how it would scale.

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190 is the armor value that Rhino has. Excalibur has 65. I'd say considering enemies die pretty quickly and there's a lot of them, armor gain from each should be minimal... 5-10, min to max amount each.


And starting armor value should be something like... 115, maybe? Decent amount but not a huge amount.

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190 is the armor value that Rhino has. Excalibur has 65. I'd say considering enemies die pretty quickly and there's a lot of them, armor gain from each should be minimal... 5-10, min to max amount each.


And starting armor value should be something like... 115, maybe? Decent amount but not a huge amount.

Sounds good! Yeah, I was basing most of his stats off of Loki and Valkyr, so I got a little trigger happy on the armor.

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Still got 450 armor in the post.


EDIT: After looking over all Warframes' armor values, something's a little fked up here...


EDIT 2: I don't think the Valkyr is supposed to have 600 armor, considering that would make it over 3x as much armor as Frost and Rhino... I wonder if the page creator meant to type in 60 but added an extra zero by mistake.

Edited by HadronVictorioso
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 I don't think the Valkyr is supposed to have 600 armor, considering that would make it over 3x as much armor as Frost and Rhino... I wonder if the page creator meant to type in 60 but added an extra zero by mistake.

No, this is the way she is supposed to be. The devs edited her a lot, and they gave her ridiculously high armor for increased survivability. It panned out well because she didn't have any directly defensive abilities to mitigate damage. 


Oh, and I fixed the values. My phone screwed up the order of numbers.

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  • 2 weeks later...

A question, I get the steal and restore-mechanics of 2-4, but 1 feel out of place.

Not sure what would suit it better though.


Well, the general theme is steal/restore, but to be honest, I didn't quite know what could be a power for 1. I'll probably change it, but it was more or less a way to deal with high level special enemies, like napalms. That way, you could deal temporarily with high level enemies in order to take out big groups of standard enemies.

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  • 4 months later...

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