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Enemy Ideas,unit Compositions, And Weapons- Grineer Edition


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This thread is the first in a 3 part series in rendering some order to the game that will, in hope, add a sense of progression as players move from planet to planet. This is more of an exercise in thought, but any input to the project is much appreciated. Enjoy, and remember this is a Work in Project.


Units and weapons appearing in italic are of my own creation, influenced from all over the known sci-fi-verse.



Edit: 10/14/14- The original format was confusing even for me. I hope this format is more clear


Edit: 10/15/14- Another format change and additions. Corpus Edition should be posted soon.


Edit 10/17/14: Could a moderator remove this post. I have completed my series and compiled it into one large post. Thank you.

Edited by Jinkaza
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Enemy Ideas,Unit Compositions, and Weapons- Grineer Edition


Command Troops

 These are just a stratified version of the enemies we encounter now. The troops they spawn with will rush to their aid if they are attacked. These would replace the Eximus troops, but retain the possible aura buffs that are used now.  Each rank of command will add an ability to the troop making for a more formidable fight as a Tenno moves throughout the Origin System. They are armed as the units they lead.


Special Command Troops

            These troops compose the elite echelon of each factions hierarchy. They have abilities that can be very dangerous if not dealt with quickly. At low levels they will act as normal command troops, leading the fight against the Tenno. However at high levels they take on the role of mini-bosses with the compliment of abilities of their type.


Unit Compositions

            The unit load outs are set. Each unit fulfils a role in the military of each faction. The above mentioned leader types will spawn with the units and integrate with them. Any troop type can be the leader, that can be RNG'd for variety. The number of troops per unit will increase as you go throughout the Origin System. The compositions use only the troops present in the game.


Unit Spawning-

As of now in the game, enemy troops seem to spawn in a rather random fashion with no sense of order. Could the Grineer really conquer the Origin System by just heaving masses of men and women at a problem? Is it possible that the Corporate Good is fulfilled by the aimless flood of Corpus crewmen hurled at the Tenno threat?  Are the Infested just a bunch of mindless monsters bent on destruction and consumption? Maybe so, but I would say that there is some kind of arrangement that these troops could be put into to make them appear more like a military, and not a bunch of wondering goons…..but I could still be wrong…..mutated DNA, indoctrination, vicissitudinous morphing and all.


Grineer Concepts


Command Troops


  • Sergeant- lvl 0-10 Decimate: kills a standard troop to force the rest of unit to move forward


  • Captain-lvl 11-20 D, Take Cover: reduces damage for troop that take cover


  • Commander- lvl 21-30 D, TC, Switch Teleport


  • Legate-lvl 31+ D, TC, ST, and Seismic Shockwave


Special Command Troops


  • Augatur- The Queens’ Gnosis. Mad scientist with a modified Stug that can deal different types of elemental damage,a cleaver, and 2 abilities.  

                                                           Test Subject- Injects a troop with a random mutation

                                                           Mask- Cloaks for a short time


  • Archaphant- The Queens’ Caring Embrace. Carries an Acrid and has 2 abilities.
    • Mercy-Heals surrounding troops
    • Fever- can spray the air with a frenzy inducing aerosolized toxin.


  • Psycultis- The Queens’ Minds. Carries a Nukor and has

                  3 psychic attacks ( Push, Pull, and Single Target Crush) andthe voxlagator, a wearable

Regulator device.


  • Inquizar*- Eyes of the Queens. Carries the Jat Kittag and has 3 psychie support abilities


  • Second Sight- Sees through the eyes of a spotted Tenno,

                          revealing their position.


  • Clairyoence- Anticipate a Tennos next move and locks out the

                       attempt to use an ability.


  • Ire- Bombards the Tenno mental clutter, disabling the HUD.


* A big thanks to Forum-mate Lactamid. Gave me some great ideas, and because of those ideas the Inquizar took form.Thanks bud. Keep the ideas coming.



Light Troops




  • Agent- melee unit with Grineer Poison Throwing Spikes, Sheev, and an energy net attack Forest/Desert  Tile sets





  • Commando- Grakata, Sheev, and smoke grenades; lvl 0-20
  • Elite Commando- Grakata “ “; lvl 21+
  • Ranger- Sheev, Grinlok,Target Painter( “paints” a target to receive fire). Forest/Desert  Tile sets




Medium Troops




  • Executionar- Duel wielding Atterax
  • Suppressor- Riot shield and machete
  • Craven- Melee Counterpart to the Hellion


Ranged- This is a small rework of the Lancer solider to clarify were the 2 lay in the hierarchy


  • Lancer- Karak; lvl 0-20
  • Elite Lancer- Hind; lvl 21+


  • Archricator- Twin Grimlins, plants trip mines. Asteroid and Shipyard Tile sets




Heavy Units

  • Heavy Sniper- Buzlok


  • Pillager- Jat Kittag wielding heavy unit with jump jets


  • Barrage- a stocking marine wielding a Drakgoon and able use Frenzied Charge


  • Mortar Team- emplacements for defense. 2 heavies operate it. If one is killed, the second will

                                 Up a shell and run with it to the nearest enemy, suicide in the process.




The Grineer have a good mix of primary and secondary weapons in my opinion. This section will then focus on melee



  • Nasher*- A strange gun that uses compressed gas from sniper ammo to operate a pair of crushing claws. Hold down the trigger and run at your enemy.



  • Kaptchaw- net gun…..and a pun…..and a rhyme.


* This one is for laughs, but could be neat. It popped in my head, and I just had to put in here to reward those that are powling through all the text. Have a chuckle.




  • Flameblade- A curved, 2 handed Grineer sword with an edge like the machete. Deals Fire damage


  • Riot Club- An radiation baton that also has a knock back proc


  • Mourning Star- Staff class weapon capped on both ends with flails of suspended ice


  • Chepudajj- one handed axe and dagger


  • Krusk- one handed mace with blast damage


  • Komosk- Grineer one-handed small sword  Puncture and slash damage.


Grineer Unit Compositions - Each squad is led by a command troop



Light Unit Squads


Scout Fireteam- This would be made up of Commandos and Rangers (if a troop type like them is

                               is implemented)

  • WiP


Vanguard Assault Squad

  • Butcher
  • Flameblade- needs a new weapon…..like a Flameblade…?
  • Scorpion



Medium Unit Squads


Riot Corps

  • Shield Lancers
  • Troopers
  • Seekers
  • Scorch


Lancers Corps

  • Lancers
  • Elite Lancers


Long Support Corps


Heavy Unit Squads


The Queens’s Artillery Corps


Praetor Guard


The Bane Brigade

Edited by Jinkaza
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Some of this is pretty good. +1.

I'd like some type of scout/detector unit that can detect invisible units. And another unit that could temporarily block our use of skills.

Maybe one faction has an ability-blocking aura, and another has some activated enemy skill or weapon effect.

Energy remains, just timed blocking of all skills.

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Some of this is pretty good. +1.

I'd like some type of scout/detector unit that can detect invisible units. And another unit that could temporarily block our use of skills.

Maybe one faction has an ability-blocking aura, and another has some activated enemy skill or weapon effect.

Energy remains, just timed blocking of all skills.

I like that. The Special Command Units can play that part very well. The Inquizar,I was thinking, would play a supportive role for the Grineer. Do you mind if I expand on that idea and credit you in the thread?

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