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Which Is Considered The Best Dual Pistols?



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I recommend Akmagnus and Akstilettos - depends what you're going for. Akmagnus are semi-automatic, high crit chance and high status chance (both 25%). Akstiletto is fully-automatic, good crit chance and good status chance (both 15%).

Drawbacks for Akmagnus is that Akstiletto will proc and crit more per second. Drawbacks for Akstiletto are its far lower DPS (10,000 in burst damage, 3,000 in sustained - both weapons had exactly the same build) and extreme ammo inefficiency.


Personally, I recommend Akmagnus as you're unlikely to run out of ammo, do far more damage, crit more, proc more and you look like a total badass, dual wielding semi-auto pistols that one-shot everything you hit.

Edited by Blackout751
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I would recommend the twin vipers because there is something about being able to shoot your entire ammo supply in just about 8 seconds that is amazingly satisfying although you will need a extremely ammo efficient primary if you don't want to be stuck in melee mode for most of the mission.

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Wraith Twin Vipers and Akbolto had the highest DPS of akimbo secondaries, last time I checked. 

They both have pretty big drawbacks though - the Vipers drain your ammo in a heartbeat and the Boltos require inhuman clicking speed and perfect frame rate. 


Akvastos are my personal favourite because they look fantastic and have a respectably high burst DPS.

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Best for what?


They all serve slightly different purposes. If you include machine pistols, I rather prefer the Wraith Vipers for supporting long ranged primaries or the Akstilettos for complementing short ranged primaries.


Mostly, I use handcannons, but if I feel the need those two are go-to choices.

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Akboltos are one of the few twin pistols that are viable for end-game content.  The Wraith Twin Vipers/Dex Furis provide tremendous DPS but suffer from huge ammo inefficiency making them fun but hard to use for extended period of time against high level enemies.  Akvastos and Akmagnus are both respectable as well.  Yeah, that's pretty much it.

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