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I Would Like To Welcome You To Cephalon Suda


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Answering a question with a question eh?

Answering a question with a question too eh?

And Sam

Since your Profile says: No cost too great, no blood too precious hail the veil

I think your on the wrong thread anyway

If binary is all the red veil can offer I will gladly decline any cooperation with them.

Cephalon suda knows the most and with that knowledge comes the knowledge of making the best cookies in the galaxy

This knowledge has allways made the most recrutes join the ranks of organizations.

Do you still believe the red veil can hold up, with that red spiderman costume of yours?

Edited by Seyenas
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Answering a question with a question too eh?


And Sam

Since your Profile says: No cost too great, no blood too precious hail the veil

I think your on the wrong thread anyway.

I'm saddened that nobody will answer my question.


Maybe I am on the wrong thread, but I like it here.


And I like arguing philosophy, so...


May I have an answer?

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I'm saddened that nobody will answer my question.


Maybe I am on the wrong thread, but I like it here.


And I like arguing philosophy, so...


May I have an answer?

Everyone able to join cephalon suda and passing the entry test is ready and willing to utilize the given knowledge to its full potential

Since you rather join the red veil it seems you are not worthy of bestowing such infinite knowledge on.

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We exist to bring balance.


The Red Veil will help us attain this goal.


Afterwords, we will help restore peace after the turmoil, and then sleep until when needed again.

Ah, but doesn't corruption have to balance purity?


If Tenno exist to bring balance, and the Red Veil exists to remove corruption completely, wouldn't they be disrupting the balance?


Arbiters of Hexis, because Tenno can be so much more.

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I am confused. Do this mean the term Cephalon is now confirmed to be a sentient A.I?


According to the dictionary, Cephalon is a Zoological term; basically, it means the 'head' of arthropods such as trilobites, via fused segments.




Ok...what's your point?


Aside from the fact that the word is a nice change from the Sci-fi habit of terms like Muse, Ancilla or the like, the meaning also makes some measure of sense. Look at a picture of Suda and Ordis.





What do they have in common?


Blue cuboids comprising their 'face' or whatever you want to call it. These cubes appear to be collected together. Ergo, the term Cephalon here is perhaps indicative of the 'designation' of AI; it may be that Orokin Cephalon AI are higher functioning AI only through a manner of fusing lesser 'minds' into a larger whole.


So, in effect, it could be that if each one of those 'cubes' represents a processing centre of some kind, then the Cephalon is as unto a gestalt of these lesser systems. In short, Cephalon could be comparative to Geth. Networking is a superior form of information distribution and communication, after all.


Alternatively, and this is the more boring idea: Cephalon is the designation for any Orokin AI responsible for the functioning of an Orokin machine. Ordis is the 'head' of our ship, so to speak, whilst Suda is the 'head' of...whatever she's the head of.


As for whether they're truly sentient would be happily debated for aeons I don't doubt. What is sentience, after all?


Capacity to feel pain?


Capacity to feel emotions?


Capacity to think beyond survival?


Capacity to pursue things on intrinsic merits alone?


Cephalon may well be Sentient AI. Or, they may be extremely advanced AI that merely give the impression of sentience with extensive resources to draw from.


Imagine if you had the knowledge of all ways to engage in any conversation. You wouldn't need to be intelligent or self aware to be able to apply that information. This would be the 'Chinese Box' problem; you can follow a scheme but not understand what it is you are doing.


http://plato.stanford.edu/entries/chinese-room/ :- For those who'd like to do some further reading.


And with that, I don't believe I could really contribute much more for the time being and still be on topic. Sorta.


Happy hunting.

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Ah, but doesn't corruption have to balance purity?


If Tenno exist to bring balance, and the Red Veil exists to remove corruption completely, wouldn't they be disrupting the balance?


Arbiters of Hexis, because Tenno can be so much more.

The Lotus is a fool and a coward.


Balance is a lie, corruption has no purpose.


It just hurts the innocent.


We were created for a single goal, destroy the enemies of the Orokin, and with them gone we find ourselves without true purpose, no real goal.


I have taken it upon myself to eradicate corruption to serve the greater good.


Everyone able to join cephalon suda and passing the entry test is ready and willing to utilize the given knowledge to its full potential

Since you rather join the red veil it seems you are not worthy of bestowing such infinite knowledge on.

There is a correct answer.


You will not utilize your knowledge, as Suda hates violence, and violence is why we exist.


And the fact that you follow Suda, and yet will not listen to my logic is funny.


You collect knowledge, hoard it even, and yet can't accept the truths I give to you.


Remember, trust no one, knowledge can be a lie.


Question your master Tenno.


Hail the Veil

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I might as well join, Steel Meridian all the way !!


ok binary nemesis, i have to agree while you do seem corrupt, at least you feel emotion.


having a emotionless ruler reducing lives to a mere binary digit is a nogo, lives are infinitely valuable, and have incalculable potential.


celaphon however, is a restricted AI, i betcha if you give it a paradox it will go mad or something .


oh wait, maybe it already is? :P



Edited by Personwithhat
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The Red Veil will implode on itself once fo run out of enemy's yo fight. They know only war and destruction for that is wat drives them and their 'charismatic' leaders. They will not last in peace, so i choose Cephalon Suda for they thrive and survive in and through all times. Our Cephalon, our collective mind, will guide us through ourselves. The wise know leadership bebegets strife for power and thus corruption and destruction. So we are equals without a leader but our collective mind.

Govern your mind, control your emotions and aid your equals, fellow Tenno of Suda.

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We seek knowledge for it lays dormant beneath the war that plagues our system. Without knowledge we are mindless as is the war waged by our enemies. These enemies are not only our own but also the enemies of knowledge itself. All must be known to Cephalon to begin to repair knowledge; to understand the universe is to control it. Emotion simply inhibits our ability to know and to not know is to not live. So go forth and learn.

That is all...

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