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U15 Skill Slots ( Personal Point Of View) De Kindly Read And Consider.


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I dont know about other people but one of the things that make this game interesting for me is that you are able to build your item in numerous kinds of ways and one of the best thing is the maximization builds where you can focus and maximize your items and specially your frames potential. This is of course possible by doing forma on your gear and I will assume we all know what it is.


The thing with the new skill they are planning as I understand it is that we would only have 8 usable slots for any support mods and thats it while our current is 6 with 4 slots for skills. The problem here for me is that the slots available for an unformed frame would be higher since its 8 but come to think of it even now at 5x forma with only one skill slot left for a frame we can still find that the slots are not enough thats like 9 available for support and 1 for skill and so The way i see it this is a nerf not a buff. Thats just one major concern but what tops that for me is the time I'm pretty sure any veteran player here knows that doing forma on a frame 5x may be fun but downright boring and consumes tons of hours doing so, lets say they implemented this new skill system they planned then how do They plan to compensate for players specially veterans who did tons of forma on their frame ? Because for me hell id like to keep my frame i worked hard for maxed it 5x without gaining anything else not even mastery rank exp not even an achievement so what could they possible offer for compensation mainly for my time, forma ? lol got tons of it and its pretty common to market ? refund me 20plat for each slot ? meh i got plats my self and surely not even a damn affin boostery would compensate for the time we spent cause that doesn't even count if you cant play it also we have plats we can buy our own booster so what worth it reward can they give for us who spend a lot of time and forma for our frames that they suddenly wish to change?


 Another concern id like to voice out is the lack of love for the enhancing your gear and gear rating by the use of forma. Here are the list why I see it this way I don't know what DE is thinking about this but this is how  I see it.

1.) First are events there are events like the excav mission. I get they want to provide challenging events ok im fine with using 700 rating loadout, but come to think of it when do you really use a full loadout cause im pretty sure we dont cause even in void meh one max weapon with 6 forma and a good frame even with the rest of your weapon to rank 0 you will get by, normal runs and alerts ? nope still using low level or unmaxed weapons. So where does it pays off ? Conclave yeah it does but is there any reward in this? items or plats or even credits ? hell no ! dark sector conflicts yeah you can bring them but oops ! when you reach maxed level inside you only unlock a handful of mods you brought so thats still a no ! So where do we use 1.8k 1.9k 2k ratings ?

P.S. I really think that in events mobs should scale to match the players rating or level not the other way around. The mobs and the mission should be challenging us not us to our selves.


2. The fact that it is a part of the gaming experience specially in customizing weapons and gear from the very beginning of the game it still feels left out. Every Time there are new updates or new features a nerf or a buff those with forma are the ones that are mostly affected and still they reap no reward no mastery rank exp dont get me wrong i get it and i don't mind it since one might just use the same gun over and over when mastery rank leveling but my point here is that It seems to be a dull feature of the game why add it ? Its not like you can just pay and add slot, no the game demands that in order to do so you got to level it from ground 0 up so if the task is that demanding why is there no reward ? Ok we got new pols we got good damage but that all comes with mods not on forma alone plus just like my 1st concern i said there isn't really a purpose for most guns at this maxed out state. certainly one would prefer to bring a weapon they want to rank up than to bring a maxed one, yes you have t4 missions hard ones but you don't need to bring all your maxed out 5 forma gears since you don't really plan on going there alone since you are farming and if you do you can get by with a maxed out boltor prime with a rhino p and you are all good even with 0 rank side arm or 0 rank sentinel rank 0 melee. So basically the only reason for it, is for us to challenge ourselves.


3. DE can you please when trying to change something I know what you want is to improve the gaming experience but please give some consideration. Its not like we just put forma and thats it done we don't we grind exp for it just to get what ? nothing so please have some considerations.


Suggestion: If possible we'd like to keep our frame slots in u15 if not we don't want a refund of 20plat not even for each slot not even a forma not even a 90days affin booster hell we can buy those. You guys can never refund the days or months we spent on the game and to us that is what concerns us so I and behalf of my friends suggest or demands whichever is pleasing to your eyes that you refund 1 legendary core for each slots that are affected by the implementation or if your feeling responsible or generous to this upcoming change 2 legendary cores is appreciated.

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That is a massively dense wall of text. Nobody is going to actually read all of that, I didn't even make it to your numbered points.


Responding to what I did read:

DE already said they will compensate any work that is undone by the change. I have to ask though, who the heck formas all their power slots away?

Edited by ValhaHazred
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That is a massively dense wall of text. Nobody is going to actually read all of that, I didn't even make it to your numbered points.


Responding to what I did read:

DE already said they will compensate any work that is undone by the change. I have to ask though, who the heck formas all their power slots away?


If i want to be conspirative, not many. People are just looking for excuse to be overly compensated. If DE confirmed there will be a legendary forma, many people will purposely forma their abilities before change.

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First, it's only a nerf if you're an overspecialising minmaxer to a very extreme point. Even for normal minmaxers like myself it's a buff on at least half my frames, probably three quarters. ONLY frame I've ever run with a single ability (to which this would be a nerf) is a desecrate Nekros, which I never bothered building to the point where I didn't have empty slots.

Secondly, Tactical alerts-the previous one had a bonus mode at 500, if I recall correctly. This actually required some serious rebuilding, and did provide the pressure. 700 means you have to thin about what you use the most *some*.

Currently, high conclave is used for the top-level specters. Apart from that it is not, and should not be used for anything else, because conclave can be manipulated far too easily.


Third. Forma is your extra for experts, always has been. Something I've seen suggested is allowing multi-polarity mod slots.


Fourth, they do. Any change is going to affect someone-xkcd had a brilliant comic on that, under the title of "Workflow" or something. DE attempt to make the best changes for the entire community of the game-and as a vet, they're normally trying to not inconvenience anyone too much either.


Fifth, I think I've finally worked out what you're actually complaining about after rereading for every point. You're complaining that you're going to lose the forma on the slots, correct? If they do, that will suck-but I think that would be a bad move for them. Until they do it, I'd operate under them leaving all current slots intact.

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We are gaining more then any loss, removing powers from tables and making them base skills to lvl and augment should have happened ages ago. We aren't loosing any lvls or anything and we get any formas spent back, so if you used a bunch you get that stack back, it's like getting a respec for free with some goodies to make up for the "loss". You can always re forma and re lvl on sechura in 2 runs if need be it, anyone complaing is just lazy lol.

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Well legendary forma would also do. I know they said there will be compensation but i am asking for a decent one lol booster wont give you those job leaves where you could play all day circumstances change so booster alone wont give you the same time had given before. thats why I am asking them to give a decent and proportionate compensation.

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We are gaining more then any loss, removing powers from tables and making them base skills to lvl and augment should have happened ages ago. We aren't loosing any lvls or anything and we get any formas spent back, so if you used a bunch you get that stack back, it's like getting a respec for free with some goodies to make up for the "loss". You can always re forma and re lvl on sechura in 2 runs if need be it, anyone complaing is just lazy lol.

Thats easy to say if you don't work and you don't have family to take care for. You cant get those days back any veteran would know the feeling things didnt come easy this way before hell ranking your sentinel before is a nut job even with affinity booster. We are talking here of the time spent you can never get those days passed back and stacks of forma lol any veteran would probably have hundreds of them stack up what they dont have is the luxury of time to do things all over again. You do realize that there are some people who likes to do things then move on and this will force us to relevel that is why I am asking for a decent compensation.

Edited by Xeks69
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Thats easy to say if you don't work and you don't have family to take care for. You cant get those days back any veteran would no the feeling things didnt come easy this way before hell ranking your sentinel before is a nut job even with affinity booster. We are talking here of the time spent you can never get those days passed back and stacks of forma lol any veteran would probably have hundreds of them stack up what they dont have is the luxury of time to do things all over again. You do realize that there are some people who likes to do things then move on and this will force as to relevel that is why I am asking for a decent compensation.


People always pull that arguments to justify everything and make people feel bad. The simple answer, it's a game, you play it because you have time to waste. If not, it's your own consequences.

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If i want to be conspirative, not many. People are just looking for excuse to be overly compensated. If DE confirmed there will be a legendary forma, many people will purposely forma their abilities before change.


To make legendary forma untradable solves that problem. Again time is the essense, we don't want all this time spent on forma polarities and gets nothing back but to spend more time just to redo the same thing again, that just plain stupid.

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People always pull that arguments to justify everything and make people feel bad. The simple answer, it's a game, you play it because you have time to waste. If not, it's your own consequences.

You don't get the point do you ? Thing is yeah you got that time to waste before this change will apply but what about after ? you are going to do the same thing because they decided to change it all of a sudden that is the case here kiddo. Those days and months that passed playing the game wont come back. Hell circumstances change specially when your an adult and you have responsibilities you know that a day that gone by wont come back and they will force you to redo it again without compensation ?


Just imagine you graduated failed board exams and you are forced to attend refresher courses ain't that gonna pissed you only difference here that might have been caused by your own doing here they will force us because of the change they will apply.

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you have paragraphs, but you still have large blocks of text with no breaks. so it's still hard to read.




if you consider this about a 'nerf' or a 'buff', you're on the wrong road.


this isn't being changed to be statcrepe or to create balance or to smash an exploit. it's a change.




hm. Forma is 'useless' to you. well, it's certainly unnecessary and kind've broke balance, but it's certainly not useless, just more overkill to go on top of the overkill.


Legendary Cores should never be rewarded. for anything. ever again. no item should skip the entire game like that. period.

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You don't get the point do you ? Thing is yeah you got that time to waste before this change will apply but what about after ? you are going to do the same thing because they decided to change it all of a sudden that is the case here kiddo. Those days and months that passed playing the game wont come back. Hell circumstances change specially when your an adult and you have responsibilities you know that a day that gone by wont come back and they will force you to redo it again without compensation ?


Just imagine you graduated failed board exams and you are forced to attend refresher courses ain't that gonna &!$$ed you only difference here that might have been caused by your own doing here they will force us because of the change they will apply.

For one the game is still in beta and changes should be expected, and said changes may potentially make previous top tier min maxed builds/styles/whatevers completely obsolete. Heck major content patches frequently do this in full release games when anything significant changes.


No one likes to feel like they've wasted a ton of time but that's reality, most games are essentially giant timesinks with almost no real return value beyond your own amusement.

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you have paragraphs, but you still have large blocks of text with no breaks. so it's still hard to read.




if you consider this about a 'nerf' or a 'buff', you're on the wrong road.


this isn't being changed to be statcrepe or to create balance or to smash an exploit. it's a change.




hm. Forma is 'useless' to you. well, it's certainly unnecessary and kind've broke balance, but it's certainly not useless, just more overkill to go on top of the overkill.


Legendary Cores should never be rewarded. for anything. ever again. no item should skip the entire game like that. period.

Why are you so bitter with legendary cores didnt you have them with your steel charge lol. Then forma your frame 5x and asked them not to compensate for your effort if thats how you see it jeez man if you think highly of yourself why don't you do it. The post is not even meant for you its for DE. 

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For one the game is still in beta and changes should be expected, and said changes may potentially make previous top tier min maxed builds/styles/whatevers completely obsolete. Heck major content patches frequently do this in full release games when anything significant changes.


No one likes to feel like they've wasted a ton of time but that's reality, most games are essentially giant timesinks with almost no real return value beyond your own amusement.

Yeah and that is the lame excuse game developers give cause its beta etc. etc.so they can do what they want, they are earning profits from a beta game  and they couldn't care less is that your point ?


Given that is the reality still its is also part of reality that people affected had to raise their voice and concern, that is why we have this forum so we don't just sit around and accept things as they are and besides what I am asking is consideration if they need to implement the new system to better the game then go what we are asking is that they do give a kind consideration and the right compensation for people affected by the change.


what your doing is trying to shut us up, that is hypocritical of you cause when its your concern being affected I am sure you will raise your concerns too. i am not a forum guy I just want us to be heard. If you don't invest forma for your frame then good for you but we do so we have our concern about this.

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Yeah and that is the lame excuse game developers give cause its beta etc. etc.so they can do what they want, they are earning profits from a beta game  and they couldn't care less is that your point ?


Given that is the reality still its is also part of reality that people affected had to raise their voice and concern, that is why we have this forum so we don't just sit around and accept things as they are and besides what I am asking is consideration if they need to implement the new system to better the game then go what we are asking is that they do give a kind consideration and the right compensation for people affected by the change.


what your doing is trying to shut us up, that is hypocritical of you cause when its your concern being affected I am sure you will raise your concerns too. i am not a forum guy I just want us to be heard. If you don't invest forma for your frame then good for you but we do so we have our concern about this.

Well for starters their current compensation plan seems pretty fair to me, I wasn't saying they should do nothing but more from the point of view of what they're already planning.



What about my existing Ability Mods?

All existing Ability Mods won’t be rendered useless - they will be converted into Fusion Cores. Stay tuned for more information on the specifics of this conversion.


What if I Forma’d/Polarized the 2 slots being removed?

Any Forma spent on Polarizing these 2 slots will be reimbursed.


What if I Forma’d/Polarized the 2 Ability slots that are staying?

If you Polarized these slots, the Polarization choice will stay. If you did not Polarize these slots, they will have a default unassigned Polarity.


I'm not telling anyone to shut up, but there really isn't any way for anyone to properly be compensated for large amounts of time spent on a game. We can't rewind time so the time you spent isn't coming back and even if they gave you the equivalent of what you had under a new system there are still legitimate arguments to be had about how it really isn't the same for the work put in.


Also while beta isn't and shouldn't be a get out of jail free card, it is a disclaimer that radical changes can be expected at times, and this honestly isn't even that huge of a change compared to some I've seen. Full release games often times get major patches with more drastic changes.



Also I'd like to point out that more standard games when they get expansions with level cap raises or new gear that makes everything that used to be top tier obsolete are basically erasing all your progress even though you keep what you had. In this case you're losing a few things you had before but are getting transitioned into a new system with roughly the equivalent of what you had before with some reimbursement for some features that are straight up lost.



EDIT: in theory if you had at least one ability slot still using the ability polarity the most you should have to re-forma should be once, assuming the system DE uses is able to optimize the retained polarities, worst case scenario would be twice per frame, which sure isn't gonna be fun for many players but it shouldn't be too bad and we'll all live. Until we get more clarification on how the slots are picked or saved or whatever tho any debates on that topic are mostly speculation. 

Edited by TinFoilMkIV
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Why are you so bitter with legendary cores


forma your frame 5x and asked them not to compensate for your effort if thats how you see it jeez man if you think highly of yourself why don't you do it.


The post is not even meant for you its for DE. 

- because Legendary Cores are not healthy for the game. i have yet to use any of mine, and may never. creating items the circumvent core mechanics of your game defeats the purpose of building those mechanics.


- who says i haven't? because i have for some. i'm getting reimbursed, which is neato. i would be just as nonplussed if i didn't get reimbursed. when i signed up i knew what i was getting into.

we really didn't need Forma in the first place, it was just another massive statcrepe to add to the list of unnecessaries, but aside from that, the effort put in is not significant, and i could only see myself being irked about it if it did actually require significant effort. but since it doesn't.


- if you don't want Feedback, posting a Thread isn't the most ideal thing to do. message boards are kind've for discussing things.

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- because Legendary Cores are not healthy for the game. i have yet to use any of mine, and may never. creating items the circumvent core mechanics of your game defeats the purpose of building those mechanics.


- who says i haven't? because i have for some. i'm getting reimbursed, which is neato. i would be just as nonplussed if i didn't get reimbursed. when i signed up i knew what i was getting into.

we really didn't need Forma in the first place, it was just another massive statcrepe to add to the list of unnecessaries, but aside from that, the effort put in is not significant, and i could only see myself being irked about it if it did actually require significant effort. but since it doesn't.


- if you don't want Feedback, posting a Thread isn't the most ideal thing to do. message boards are kind've for discussing things.

Still its not meant for you that is why it is written in the title to whom and what this post is all about. Unnecessary for you but not everybody else agrees with that statement of yours and even you yourself admitted you forma your own gear. Lol you contradict your own statements anyway lets just wait for the update to come still this is our point of view about the subject and that's what we want a just compensation for our time.


-Also your right I don't want feedback and specially if its  from you cause this is not for you. Trying to use other peoples post to make your self look  high and mighty we don't really care what you think even for you leg cores are bad if it is the only just compensation hell we want it what else is there to be rewarded mods ? we got them too plats ? we got them too forma ? we got them too so yeah there is no compensation for time except something that cuts time as well what better example would there be than a leg core. It cost 1mil to trade so newbs even with plat cant buy them. vets will horde them so whats the point they have earned it.

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The game is changing for the better. The devs have made it clear their intent was for people to slot thier powers and then have six slots for other mods. If that wasn't the intent, then this change wouldn't be happening. They understand that people have converted power slots so they give two slots back instead of leaving players with six slots. It seems like a buff to me. It's only a nerf if you played powerless or with one power, which devs indicate was not the design intent as all the powers are what gives each frame its persona.

Also I'm fairly certain there is very little in the game I could do with 9-10 mod slots I couldn't do with 8.

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Thats easy to say if you don't work and you don't have family to take care for. You cant get those days back any veteran would know the feeling things didnt come easy this way before hell ranking your sentinel before is a nut job even with affinity booster. We are talking here of the time spent you can never get those days passed back and stacks of forma lol any veteran would probably have hundreds of them stack up what they dont have is the luxury of time to do things all over again. You do realize that there are some people who likes to do things then move on and this will force us to relevel that is why I am asking for a decent compensation.


I dont know about other people but one of the things that make this game interesting for me is that you are able to build your item in numerous kinds of ways and one of the best thing is the maximization builds where you can focus and maximize your items and specially your frames potential. This is of course possible by doing forma on your gear and I will assume we all know what it is.


The thing with the new skill they are planning as I understand it is that we would only have 8 usable slots for any support mods and thats it while our current is 6 with 4 slots for skills. The problem here for me is that the slots available for an unformed frame would be higher since its 8 but come to think of it even now at 5x forma with only one skill slot left for a frame we can still find that the slots are not enough thats like 9 available for support and 1 for skill and so The way i see it this is a nerf not a buff. Thats just one major concern but what tops that for me is the time I'm pretty sure any veteran player here knows that doing forma on a frame 5x may be fun but downright boring and consumes tons of hours doing so, lets say they implemented this new skill system they planned then how do They plan to compensate for players specially veterans who did tons of forma on their frame ? Because for me hell id like to keep my frame i worked hard for maxed it 5x without gaining anything else not even mastery rank exp not even an achievement so what could they possible offer for compensation mainly for my time, forma ? lol got tons of it and its pretty common to market ? refund me 20plat for each slot ? meh i got plats my self and surely not even a damn affin boostery would compensate for the time we spent cause that doesn't even count if you cant play it also we have plats we can buy our own booster so what worth it reward can they give for us who spend a lot of time and forma for our frames that they suddenly wish to change?


 Another concern id like to voice out is the lack of love for the enhancing your gear and gear rating by the use of forma. Here are the list why I see it this way I don't know what DE is thinking about this but this is how  I see it.

1.) First are events there are events like the excav mission. I get they want to provide challenging events ok im fine with using 700 rating loadout, but come to think of it when do you really use a full loadout cause im pretty sure we dont cause even in void meh one max weapon with 6 forma and a good frame even with the rest of your weapon to rank 0 you will get by, normal runs and alerts ? nope still using low level or unmaxed weapons. So where does it pays off ? Conclave yeah it does but is there any reward in this? items or plats or even credits ? hell no ! dark sector conflicts yeah you can bring them but oops ! when you reach maxed level inside you only unlock a handful of mods you brought so thats still a no ! So where do we use 1.8k 1.9k 2k ratings ?

P.S. I really think that in events mobs should scale to match the players rating or level not the other way around. The mobs and the mission should be challenging us not us to our selves.


2. The fact that it is a part of the gaming experience specially in customizing weapons and gear from the very beginning of the game it still feels left out. Every Time there are new updates or new features a nerf or a buff those with forma are the ones that are mostly affected and still they reap no reward no mastery rank exp dont get me wrong i get it and i don't mind it since one might just use the same gun over and over when mastery rank leveling but my point here is that It seems to be a dull feature of the game why add it ? Its not like you can just pay and add slot, no the game demands that in order to do so you got to level it from ground 0 up so if the task is that demanding why is there no reward ? Ok we got new pols we got good damage but that all comes with mods not on forma alone plus just like my 1st concern i said there isn't really a purpose for most guns at this maxed out state. certainly one would prefer to bring a weapon they want to rank up than to bring a maxed one, yes you have t4 missions hard ones but you don't need to bring all your maxed out 5 forma gears since you don't really plan on going there alone since you are farming and if you do you can get by with a maxed out boltor prime with a rhino p and you are all good even with 0 rank side arm or 0 rank sentinel rank 0 melee. So basically the only reason for it, is for us to challenge ourselves.


3. DE can you please when trying to change something I know what you want is to improve the gaming experience but please give some consideration. Its not like we just put forma and thats it done we don't we grind exp for it just to get what ? nothing so please have some considerations.


Suggestion: If possible we'd like to keep our frame slots in u15 if not we don't want a refund of 20plat not even for each slot not even a forma not even a 90days affin booster hell we can buy those. You guys can never refund the days or months we spent on the game and to us that is what concerns us so I and behalf of my friends suggest or demands whichever is pleasing to your eyes that you refund 1 legendary core for each slots that are affected by the implementation or if your feeling responsible or generous to this upcoming change 2 legendary cores is appreciated.

i agree , the time spent releveling a formad frame is lost regardless of what the payback ( reward) is, that time was lost trying to enjoy the game and building your gear the way you see it fit , i run with a single ability frame, and thats my choice, DE gave me the chance to custom make my gear, they have no right to make me redo things again, just because they want to improve the gaming experience, then they should'nt have allowed it from the getgo ( i dont care if it was still in beta ), they keep changing the rules on us, that's how i look at it, then they throw us a bone ( archwing ) to play with and the compensation to make us forget.

I dont know how is that improving the gaming experience, maybe for the newbs, but certainly not for the veterans.

And dont forget after every update, we're stuck with the glitches, can you at least test it and try to eliminate as many glitches as possible before releasing the update.

Edited by roadrunner519
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i agree , the time spent releveling a formad frame is lost regardless of what the payback ( reward) is, that time was lost trying to enjoy the game and building your gear the way you see it fit , i run with a single ability frame, and thats my choice, DE gave me the chance to custom make my gear, they have no right to make me redo things again, just because they want to improve the gaming experience, then they should'nt have allowed it from the getgo ( i dont care if it was still in beta ), they keep changing the rules on us, that's how i look at it, then they throw us a bone ( archwing ) to play with and the compensation to make us forget.

I dont know how is that improving the gaming experience, maybe for the newbs, but certainly not for the veterans.

And dont forget after every update, we're stuck with the glitches, can you at least test it and try to eliminate as many glitches as possible before releasing the update.

You seriously don't think DE has a right to change the game? It's their intellectual property they can do whatever they want with it. You also pull a weak newb vs. veteran argument which is totally untrue as well. I'm a veteran and a founder and I am in favor of the change. So are many other founders wh have posted on various forum topics about this change. Sorry, but your whole post is void of any actual intelligent reasons for leaving the ability mods alone.
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Perhaps DE could release a "Legendary Forma" which acts like a forma, but does not require the releveling.

Perhaps DE could release a "Legendary Forma" which acts like a forma, but does not require the releveling.

HYPED .... for nothing...
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