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<Einsof> [Sg/ Oceanic Based] International Clan Recruiting!

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Hi Guys! Everyone who posted here have been added to the clan!

Intrested in joining, saw you guys in GW2 xD...

IGN: ShikimoriAki

Country: MY

Hello!!! :)


Einzoll from AoW?

Nice to bump into ya here! XD

Yeah! What's your IGN in AOW? Unfortunately I don't play AOW anymore. Lol.


it takes some time for them to invite as they have multiple games to cater to.

Try adding me or chuuburg and we will notify any officers online to add u into the clan :)

Posted (edited)

Still new to the game.

IGN: Ashleyc


wow u bought a hunters pack to begin with.. thats awesome :D add me ingame my ign is Owwy :)

Edited by Owwy
Posted (edited)

IGN: confid3nce


servers back up, if anyone has the ability to invite kindly do so, in game now. kum sia


edit: i got 1 more friend in tow so if possible both of us would like to join also lol

Edited by confid3nce

IGN: confid3nce


servers back up, if anyone has the ability to invite kindly do so, in game now. kum sia


edit: i got 1 more friend in tow so if possible both of us would like to join also lol



It says you are already in another clan, also do provide your friend's ign


It says you are already in another clan, also do provide your friend's ign


we can leave anytime, cos its more for a convenient way of talking


his ign is okokyouverypro


ill tell him to leave once he's online 


thanks ya

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