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<Einsof> [Sg/ Oceanic Based] International Clan Recruiting!

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Hi, i would like to join this clan too~ i've sent you a friend request =)

IGN : Kunie


And also my friend too.. thanks IGN: RayvenRedx =)

Oceania / SG


Hi there, I'd like to join the clan. I'm from Singapore, and my IGN is NarukamiYu. I hope you will allow me to join, but regardless of your decision, you have my thanks.


Hi, i would like to join this clan too~ i've sent you a friend request =)

IGN : Kunie


And also my friend too.. thanks IGN: RayvenRedx =)

Oceania / SG



Hi there, I'd like to join the clan. I'm from Singapore, and my IGN is NarukamiYu. I hope you will allow me to join, but regardless of your decision, you have my thanks.


it says you guys are in a clan

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