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 i think range weapons of all types should have more firing modes built into them. where you can switch between firing modes. the first mode is your normal mode of firing based on your rifles style.the second is a charged burst mode. this allows you to fire a larger round into the enemy doing higher damage. however while in charged burst mode you have to hold down the trigger to gain charge over time. then you release your trigger to let loose a larger energy round. i think this charged bar should be based on a percentage. so if you are 25% charging and release the trigger it launches a round with 25% bonus damage on top of what ever base damage it was already dealing. if you were at 50% you would esentially do half more damage on top of your base damage you were dealing. and when you do 100% charge you double your damage out put. i also feel this charge bar speed of charge should also be based on your weapons firing rate. if you use a latron with a 4.2 firing rate, it should take that long to charge. however with full auto weapons, which have a very high rate of fire, it should take twice as long and release a 3 round burst thats charged. 


Nothing that elaborate, methinks, but alt firing modes would be nice. I just got a Gorgon and holy hell it chews through ammo, so maybe a five round burst option so I can actually use it as a primary instead of running out after two minutes? But considering how DE has made their weapons so far, I wouldn't advise holding your breath on this.


A charge mechanic would be nice, but it would be better to give it to specific new weapons rather than all weapons. The problem is that charging can either be inefficient or overpowered, depending on whether or not you can charge while sprinting. If you can't, it will likely be inefficient because you're forced to walk while charging, and if you can, it would be overpowered because you can frontload damage in a game where most enemies don't last more than 2 shotgun blasts, and if it follows ME3, you'd be able to fire your weapon while sprinting, with no firing animations... although in this game I guess you can slide at sprint speed and fire so...


i think you should be able to walk with charging no problem. i think you should however slow down the rate of charge while sprinting.  i think all guns need alternate modes of firing though. 

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