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Xbox One 14.8.1: Hotfix


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Ok some issues since the last update


- Can't connect to the chat server and having constant 'Failed to connect to chat server: Error' message

- If you fall into most pits you just reach the bottom of them and are stuck there. If its a bottomless ones you'll fall out of the map until you die and have to use a revive to get back out. Also there seems to be missing doors that lead to blackness and a bottomless pit.

- Doors that need to be bypassed wont open, either no button promt and hitting the button gives the same error sound as when only one person is trying to open it or their is a propt saying '(X) Hold <pick up>' is near the button floating in the air but doesn't work.

- Constant disconnection from public games. Staying connected is fine if we're in the lobby before the misson but joining in progress is very unstable. This seems to be happening to other people joining the games I'm in too.

- Twice my Warframes colours have changed to all white, both times with the Banshee, easily fixed in the armoury though.

- Shields not being halfed in Ice missions. (Don't rush to fast to fix that one :P)

- Twice soloed Vor and Kril only to have the door out of the area not open. Team games seem fine though


This isn't meant as *@##$ing, just reporting issues to get them fixed.


Also can't reasign the interact button back to B without it becoming the reload button too.



So nothing new on any of these issues?

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Nothing for the Dark Sectors achievement? Cool.

Are you referring to the in-game Dark Sector challenge, or the Xbox Live Dark Sector Achievement?


A fix for several in-game challenges not being unlock-able will come with U15 for XB1 (which we're currently working on).


You can find the fix for PC in the U15 patch notes:


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Hey just to inform you guys i did 2 alerts and it was for the rhino alt helm and now the dark dagger and at completion there is no prize i went in with 2 seperate sqauds 4 both and we all still didnt get it and they are still showing on my navigation like i never did it... im just informing you guys because we can only get this dagger from alerts


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Hello, me and a buddy are trying to play online together, but the best we can do together is go into a game and get immediately kicked out. We tried everything under the sun to play a game together. It usually involves me getting kicked and my buddy getting host, and the error I get is loss of connection.

Thank you,


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hello me and my lotus clan are having trouble with the stalker dropping items just wandering if you can have some one look into hem for us please and thank you and I ran into into few bugs playing survival on Saturn and when I revived it tossed me out side the ship and had a problem getting points is said I got an error when I tried to buy 10$ worth of platinum but it went though the second time so you know

Edited by (XB1)crazy b shinobi
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Sorry, cant find where to ask this!My xbox one has color bugs. Warframe missions have a horrible color hue on earth, mars and venus. Its a glaring pink or blue etc. Game almost unplayable!it started happening 1 out of 4 missions and i just aborted and reloaded mission, with my progress it happens 9 out of 10 times. Is there a fix? Is it a known xbox one problem? Its turned this 1st rate game into a pain to play! (please help!)

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Hello Folks at DE I'm currently experiencing these problems with this hotfix that I wasn't experiencing before hand doors locked and with team mates unable to open so they have to quit and rejoin while the host opens them before they jump back in get a message when other person besides host gets a "pick up item" option while trying to press other button  being unable to continue and along with randomly falling through the level on mostly void missions I'll gladly stream it through twitch if need be not sure if anyone else has had this issue since the patch but it could be just me and my connection.

Thanks for the hard work you folks have been doing and I cant wait to see archwing drop sometime this month.


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Also wanted to report a bug that seems to happen on all defense missions i've played in the past couple days. For some reason in every defense mission i've run lately the enemies just stop showing up for most of the players in the game. I think the host can still see the enemies and play as usual but everyone else in the squad is basically fighting ghosts. We can still hurt the enemies but we cant see them, hear them, vote on whether to stay or leave after each 5 waves, pick up energy/mods/etc, we always get disconnected at the end, and lose all our rewards. Not sure what is causing this to happen but it's happened every defense mission i've ran in the last 3 days or so, usually around wave 3 but some times before/after that.

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