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Who Else Have A Love/hate Relationship With Warframe?


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I have this thing with every RNG based games it seems


When i can't get my hand on an item after a thousands tries i hide the desktop icon and i ragequit the game for weeks


When i come back like "Ok game i give you another chance" then RNG finally gives the item i'm looking for and i'm loving it again


Before the cycle repeats itself


Who else have something similar?

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Have you made your prayers tonight to the RNGJesus?


I don't know about everyone else but I never had this RNG problem. Right, your need to have a couple of tries to get a prime part or whatnot, but not THOUSANDS and THOUSANDS of failures before. 

Edited by Tellakey
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Have you made your prayers tonight to the RNGJesus?


I don't know about everyone else but I never had this RNG problem. Right, your need to have a couple of tries to get a prime part or whatnot, but not THOUSANDS and THOUSANDS of failures before. 




I did 110 earth run since i found my first kubrow egg... i'm losing my mind 

pls halp

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I find the whole "Random Generator" loot system too be very faulty lately, of course in some aspects it can be implemented well but not for the whole game. I never really will hate Warframe since iv had a lot of fun times with it but the random loot tables can only make me play the game so much until I pick up another game that gives me rewards I want for the work iv done guarantee.


Random can only go so far....and so can my patience.

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