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Limbo: Feedback And Suggestion.


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Limbo is a nice concept and a good design, I like him. DapperFrame is nice.


The problem with Limbo is that his abilities suck on almost every level.


Banish: Nice concept. Horrible in execution. Banish only removes a single enemy at once, for a large cost. It does a total of 500 damage, which is enough to out and out kill most things until you hit end-game content, where Limbo's relative squishiness is really felt. It has a knockdown effect, but other than the raw damage and the fact that it stops the target from shooting at you if you're in realspace, it's basically useless.


Suggestions: Add a greater degree of crowd control to Rift-Space. Because, honestly, Limbo needs it for his abilities to be viable and useful. Adding a universal slow, armor reduction and fire-rate reduction to enemies, and speed boosts and damage multipliers to allies would make Banish, and cataclysm, so much more useful and viable without being annoying.


Perhaps also allow it to suppress Eximus Auras, for a great utility.


Also, Rift-Space needs to have the shaders reworked. It is far too dark and gloomy and is very annoying to play in for lengthy periods of time. Perhaps use the same shaders as Valkyr's alt, except in blue instead of the red-ish color that Valkyr has.



Rift Walk: I actually like this ability, it's nice and fun. It's a powerful survivability tool, though it is currently bugged. However, it suffers in the way of not allowing Limbo to pick up loot, or carry Data-masses and Void Keys. 


Suggestions: Allow Limbo to pick up and carry Data-masses and Void Keys. Loot isn't so much of a problem since Limbo can cancel the skill at any time, but not being able to take Data-masses and Void Keys into Rift-Space is much more annoying. Especially when Loki can go invisible and carry them, or Valkyr can Hysteria and carry them, et cetera.


Also, it doesn't currently protect against explosions and Anti-MOA knockback balls. I'm pretty sure that is a bug, though, please fix it if is.



Rift Surge: It's useless. Almost completely useless, in fact, and requires the use of Limbo's first and second abilities, or Limbo's fourth ability to have any effect at all. If the effect it had wasn't so minor, it might even be more useful, but as it stands, it's not.


Suggestions: Rework the skill entirely. Instead of applying a damage bonus against enemies in the Rift, have it apply a damage bonus against enemies currently in the same space as Limbo. This will make the skill useful by itself since Limbo won't have to mess around with all his other abilities to get the necessary set up required for this skill. Secondly, make it allow Limbo to shoot at enemies in the other space as Limbo, at 25% total damage. This will allow him to attack without risk to himself, but also severely limits his damage output. Thirdly, turn this skill into a toggle that disables energy regeneration. This is to implement a balance, and make the energy regen gained from Rift Walk and Cataclysm actually useful. Rift Walk, regen energy, toggle Rift Surge on, lose energy but become able to shoot out and deal limited damage.


Or, alternatively, banish something, toggle on, shoot it, toggle off.


It will allow Limbo a much greater degree of flexibility.



Cataclysm: It looks nice, but it sucks.


Suggestions: Apply the same CC from Banish to Cataclysm. Just doing that will make the skill many times better than it currently is. Secondly, allow Limbo to cancel it at any time, or change the skill to allow those inside to pick up items. Both would be preferable. Doing so will make the skill much more useful and much less able to troll and annoy players. Especially with the thirty seconds of being unable to pick up mods and loot from an area.


Doing so will fix just about every problem with the skill, and make it more viable to use with team mates around.




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I'm fine with all of his abilities, save Cataclysm. It needs an extra CC effect, because it is really hard to work with. Better would be enemy debuffs when they are banished, like slow or reduced damage.


I like banish the way it is, since I can rift walk around and hand pick an enemy to kill. The knockdown really helps with this. Though, in a mob of enemies, I have to do that too much, which is why I wish Cataclysm (or banish effects as a whole) were better.


I like the idea for Surge, since I find myself risking my life when going into the rift when I have a bubble full of them.

Edited by R34LM
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I just wish Banish hit all targets within a small AoE rather than being single target. Having to move one enemy at a time makes it completely useless for me as I'm far more useful staying out of the 'rift' and killing enemies like everyone else.

Edited by SquirmyBurrito
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His first ability definitely needs to be an AoE, Keep the stun remove the dmg if you need to. this will make it easier for rift slaying. It will allow the user to not have burned all their mana transporting enemies into the rift so they can enter the rift themselves and use their third ability. as it is now its its too cost inefficient to use single handedly negating any and all reason to use ability 2 and 3

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As much as the knockdown is nice, this is where useability of this ability ends. If I were to decide how it worked, I'd opt for this:


a) Debuffs of any kind, be it lower accuracy, speed, defenses or awareness, squishy Limbo needs this thing.

I would suggest forcing enemies to walk speed, lowering their accuracy and applying blind-like effect (seriously, rift is so dark I can barely see), enemies should be confused and cautious, they got warped to another dimension afterall.

Game mechanics-wise, Banished enemies would be forced into cautious (not alerted or idle) state with Radial Blind on them.


b) Allow Limbo to banish multiple targets at once (be it sweeping with held ability or AOE) or remove cast delay.



Except very long cast animation it's okay-ish. However, drops from enemies killed within that realm aren't pickupable for some reason.

Allowing Limbo to bring drops to this realm (would synergize nicely with AOE Banish) would be very nice.


Rift Surge:

There's no reason to use it, at all.

The bonus is too small and cost to high, no reason to use it.



It is average, can be both a lifesaver and a straight way to hell at once. I'm going to opt for debuffs again, same as for Banish (because Cataclysm basically is same thing but AoE...)

Applying some DOT would be nice too. I'm not really sure what happens once Cataclysm collapses but I'd say that it should either ragdoll and spread enemies away or scale it's damage with enemies inside (or damage dealt to it and within it).

Edited by Mofixil
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I would like it if his banish was a mod-able aoe around the target in the reticle. And if the duration of its effect on allies was a set duration like 10 or 5 seconds so it was not nearly as trolly.

an idea, make the rift surge effect a passive for being in the rift+maibe a speed debuff and such to enemies.  and replace it with the ability to pick up things in the real plane wile in the rift, or something along those lines.

just my two cents

Edited by Winged-Wolf
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Limbo has a cool concept, and for the most part looks fittingly stylish...however, his hat is absolutely ridiculous! I mean, what the Moa does a Tenno have a hat for? Anyone here agree with me this hat's gotta go?

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banish: needs to make the floor as a rift point so all those that enter or hit by the first point go to the rift


rift walk: needs to have health regen/ damage reduction


rift surge:places all enemies into the rift in an area for a duration not placing your self or allies inside. damage multiplier as well


cataclysm: damage ticks, knockdown at the start. some sort of debuff

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Limbo has a cool concept, and for the most part looks fittingly stylish...however, his hat is absolutely ridiculous! I mean, what the Moa does a Tenno have a hat for? Anyone here agree with me this hat's gotta go?


Have you seen how weird his head looks without the hat? I'd rather he kept it on.

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Im realy liking limbo, but i agree its not quite got the synenergy down yet. Here's my thoughts.

Ability 1: While active it reverses which plane their in. So a normal enemy goes to rift, and a enemy in his ult goes to the normal world. Recasting removes the skill. Make it AoE on cast point, but a small AoE, jut to help that tricky targeting.


Ability 2: Mostly i'd leave as is, but would make it so it does the same as i suggested for ability 1.


Ability 3: I'd make this so when active it does constant damage to enemies in the rift. This way you can advance his 1 & 4 abilities damage wise.


Ability 4: I'd leave this as is.

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Have you seen how weird his head looks without the hat? I'd rather he kept it on.


So true xD My point is why the hat? If it were one solid piece i.e. all his head it might be somewhat more forgiving, but this is just... O_0

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