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Host Migration In Defense Maps With Update 7.8


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Not sure if it was a random occurance or not. However, after wave 10 the host left our corpus defense map and everyone had to wait for host migration.   After everyone was sync back in, the entire wave destroyed our target before anyone could reach it.  With the new abort/fail and lose all rewards with the update, this make the defense maps doubly risky attempt as when your host leaves you could potientally still lose all your rewards due to a lag in resyncing everyone.  This seems to just be a negative consequence of trying to balance the game a bit but there be a fix for it?  Like delaying the waves if there is a host migration or noting on the party list who is the host?


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I would prefer to remove the "mission fail" complete loot removal.


Let it be like it was, you win, you keep it all, you lose, you keep it all, you ABORT, you lose it all.


This way you can make decent challenges and not risking your loot and losing 10/15 minutes in vain

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I would prefer to remove the "mission fail" complete loot removal.


Let it be like it was, you win, you keep it all, you lose, you keep it all, you ABORT, you lose it all.


This way you can make decent challenges and not risking your loot and losing 10/15 minutes in vain

pfff then people would just let themself die and instant forfeit to keep thier stuff and repeat the abusive behaviour the devs tried to prevent....





I do however think they seriouly need to look at the defence missions though...

why not restart the wave if a host is migrating? (could result in someone forfeiting to safe the core for others though hmmm)

Edited by Retroperspect
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