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Syndicate Specifc Challenges (Gaining Rep For Furthering The Cause)


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Now im not going to go on about rep gains for the different Syndicates (there are more than enough posts about that).


However a concern for me is that reputation gain is just the same for every syndicate.

Why would The Arbiters of Hexis care the same for killing things as the Red Veil, or the Perrin Sequence care at all?

Why would the Cephalon Suda care the same about defending innocents as the Steel Meridian?


Sure they all care that you are advancing as a tenno and doing something but for me it doesnt feel like im doing it for any one faction but just doing things.  Personally id prefer to do things to show that I am happy to work for the cause (whatever that specific cause is for each syndicate)


Rather than just increasing these gains blanketly to provide more reputation, why not have challenges (like the affinity gain ones) that specifically reward more reputation for aiding the cause of the syndicate?


Giving bonus reputation (say 100 reputation each time) in each mission for completing the syndicate specific challenge:

For example:

- Steel Meridian: Deflect 100 bullets -> showing a more defencive nature

- Arbiters of Hexis: Do 10 wall runs -> shows training and skills that are obviously tenno

- Cephalon Suda: Pick up 5 affinity orbs/nav coordinates -> this is a strech but kinda works on gathering 'knowledge' orbs

- Perrin Sequence: Collect 1000 credits from pickups -> shows the gaining of wealth

- Red Veil: Kill 30 enemies, shared equally among each weapon carried -> shows your willing to purge corruption using all tools at your disposal

- New Loka: Collect 5 health orbs -> again a strech, but health showing a focus to preserve the human side of the tenno.


These challenges could even be a lot broarder or larger being something a player does over multiple missions (something like for Perrin Sequence gaining 1000 rep for collecting 1,000,000 credits as an example).  The idea is for these to be repeatable also, not just once off tasks (so 1000 rep for every million credits for the perrin sequence example), and the reputation rewards varying based on difficulity (so like 300-1000 depending on cause).


Along these lines also could have bonuses for specific mission types completed as well:

- Steel Meridian: Defence or Mobile Defence missions -> playing on the defence aspect

- Arbiters of Hexis: Sabotage or Deception -> playing on the Iconically Tenno threats aspects

- Cephalon Suda: Spy or Interception -> playing on then gathering of information aspects

- Perrrin Sequence: Survival, Excavation or HiJack -> playing on the gathering of resources aspects

- Red Veil: Exterminate or Assination -> playing on the cleansing the corruped aspects

- New Loka: Rescue or Capture -> playing on the interactions of humanising aspects


There are many other aspects that could make it feel more like you are working to gain favour from a specific Syndicate, rather than simply trying to gain favour with any syndicate.


(apologies if I have missed anyone already sugesting this kind of thing).


Edit: Community Sugestions:

- Tasks are minor achievements for the syndicate, similare to missions specific affinity challenges

- Causes are Major achievments for the syndicate, similare to the major game challenge awards (I've mooched a few for the sugestions).

Steel Meridian:

Deflect 100 projectiles (task)

Deflect 1000 Projectiles (cause)

Use 100 team ammunition restores (cause)

Complete 5 defence missions to 20+ waves (cause)

Revive 3 allies while taking damage from enemy attacks (task)

Revive 100 allies while taking damage from enemy attacks (cause)

Retake 50 caputred points in Interception missions (cause)

Execute 30 prison wardens (cause)

Complete 10 infestation outbreaks (cause)

Arbiters of Hexis:

Complete 10 wall runs (task)

Run on 3 seperate walls without touching the ground (task)

Complete 1000 wall runs (cause)

Leap 20 meters without touching the ground (task)

Use 100 team enery restores (cause)

Use all four of a warframe's powers in one mission within sight of the enemy (task)

Use warframe powers 1000 times within sight of the enemy (cause)

Complete 10 missions without being detected or setting off an alarm (cause)

Defeat 10 enemies with airborn or style attacks (task)

Defeat 1000 enemies with airborn or style attacks (cause)

Defeat 100 airborn enemies with melee (cause)

Complete 5 missions without killing a single enemy or neutral(cause)

Cephalon Suda:

Collect 5 affinity/ nav coordinate orbs (task)

Collect 50 affinity/nav coordinate orbs (cause)

Complete 3 hacks (task)

Hack 100 ciphers (cause)

Take 500 scans of objects and enemies (cause)

Complete the scans for 50 codex entries (cause)

Open 100 orokin vaults (cause)

Open 1000 containers and lockers (cause)

Find 100 secret areas (cause)

Take 100 stealth scans (cause)

Find 50 Caches (cause)

Perrin Sequence:

Collect 1000 credits from drops (task)

Collect 1,000,000 credits from drops and missions (cause)

Collect 500 resources (task)

Collect 10,000 resources (cause)

Gather 10,000 of each common resource (cause)

Gather 1000 of each uncommon resource (cause)

Gather 20 of each rare resource (cause)

Hack 100 moa spawners (cause)

Make 250,000 credits from selling to the market (cause)

Assist funding on 20 clan or alliance projects (cause)

Donate 1,000,000 credits to fund a clan or alliance vaults (cause)

Donate 10,000 resourses to fund clan or alliance projects (cause)

Loot 50 Caches (cause)

Red Veil:

Kill 30 enemies using all your equiped weapons (task)

Purge 1000 Grineer (cause)

Purge 1000 Corpus (cause)

Purge 2000 Infested (cause)

Purge all Grineer Leaders (cause)

Purge all Corpus Leaders (cause)

Purge 3 Eximus (task)

Purge 50 Eximus (cause)

Purge 5 enemies with stealth executions (task)

Purge all enemies stealthfully in a mission (task)

Purge 500 enemies with stealth executions (cause)

Burn 100 enemies with fire to purge the corruption (cause)

Freeze 100 enemies with cold to halt the corruption (cause)

Shock 100 enemies with electricity to vaporise the corruption (cause)

Poison 100 enemeis to show them the error of corruption (cause)

Kill 1000 enemies with status effects (cause)

Purge enemeis with 10,000 points of righteous fire damage (cause)

New Loka:

Collect 5 health orbs (task)

Collect 100 health orbs (cause)

Use 100 team health kits (cause)

Rescue 10 operatives (cause)

Revive 100 allies (cause)

Cleanse the Cicero Toxin from Earth with each type of antitoxin (cause)

Cleanse the Cicero Toxin from Earth with Antitoxin 10 times (cause)

Completly cleanse the Cicero Toxin from Earth with Vermillion 3 times (cause)

Complete a mission without killing any of the local fauna (neutral wildlife) (task)

Activate 100 survival life support canisters (cause)

Gather 100 flora (plant) samples (cause)

Edited by Loswaith
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honestly id like to know how in the hell were supposed to get to level 1 humane on the new loka side... i mean i have everything theyre asking for... and over 1000 rep points apparently im missing something, i have still yet to find out how to do this cause everyones just complaining or suggesting but not actually saying how things are from what i have seen. (i have looked, i really have... im not gonna spend 20 hours sifting through crap convos/replies tho)

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honestly i would like to know how we are supposed to get to level 1 humane on the New Loka side...I have everything they are asking for... and over 1000 rep points, but apparently I'm missing something. I have yet to find out how to do this, because from what i have seen, everyone is just complaining or suggesting but not actually saying how things work . (I have looked, I really have... but I'm not gonna spend 20 hours sifting through crap conversations and replies)


The answer is simple really, you have to fill up the rep bar to advance. The first tier after initiation is 5,000 rep, the next is 22,000, and I haven't gotten farther than that yet.

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An obvious idea that I think DE should start implementing as soon as possible.


Well presented and good thinking there, Loswaith!

I'd love to see it sooner than later, and being one for putting money where my mouth is, I'll put up a section to group sugestions.  A good move on our (the general player base) part could be to come up with ideas as the more ideas DE has to draw on the faster it could be to add this kind of thing.


'Tasks' I'll use as the term for single mission goals and 'Cause' for Multi-mission goals, and I'll try and keep spoilers in the main post with sugestions given as people come up with them.

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Updated with a few more Sugestions, and a blatent bump (as much as id prefer to not do) to hopefully get more community input (dont be shy, so long as the idea fits it doesnt hurt to add it to the mix :) )

Edited by Loswaith
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tier after that is 44k

the next would probably be 100k or so

This is the big reason I think we need more ways to gain reputation/favour that just arent about gaining affinity and giving it the flavour of the syndicate really will help players feel more part of that one, even if they really are just trivial things.

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A solid idea.


It'd be interesting if we can, with Syndicates, get given alternatives on how we go about completing somewhat more binary missions. I can already picture Red Veil proposing you attack both sides during an Invasion, whereas New Loka could be quite insistent you go and help stamp out that Infestation Outbreak already via making it a Hive Sabotage instead.


Other possible causes/tasks you could have for New Loka:


Revive 100 Kubrow (cause)

Complete a mission without killing any Neutral wildlife (Skates/Feral Kubrows) (Task)


I admit there could be more, but admittedly they'd verge more towards morally grey stuff like 'Mercy Kill colonists infected with Technocyte' or something. Not something I suspect we'd ever see though.

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Welcome. I've had a bit of a think of some other prospectives. Hope some of these meet what you had in mind.


Steel Meridian

Revive 100 allies whilst under 50/25% health and taking damage

Hold an Interception point alone for a wave.

Parry 100 melee attacks


Arbiters of Hexis

Complete mission objectives via Stealth

Complete 100 missions without being detected once

Kill an airborne enemy with Air Melee/wall attacks only


Cephalon Suda

Complete a mission using only one weapon type

Open 100 Orokin Vaults

Open every container in a Void mission


Perrin Sequence

Make 250,000 Credits selling to the Market

Donate 1 million Credits to a clan vault

Provide 50 rare resources to a Clan Research project


Red Veil

Perform an Execution on an enemy

Kill all enemies without being detected in a mission

Kill an enemy through DoT procs (Eg, make an enemy suffer Bleed, then wait till they drop)

Kill 100 enemies with a variety of DoT types (Toxin, Bleed, Fire)

Kill 50 Prison Wardens from stealth

Remove 1 million total health from enemies via Viral 


New Loka

Gather 100 of each plant extract

Complete 50 Hive Sabotage missions

Fight 50 Infestation Outbreaks

Complete 50 Orokin Sabotage missions (so long as the factions open portals to Derelicts, everyone's in danger)


(I'm half tempted to say executing Ancients could also be one they'd go for, but I'm hesitant if that overlaps too much, same with the Revival one under Steel Meridian)

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Thanks for the more ideas
Those are some good sugestions, though I'm trying to avoid too many missions specific ones (as in one mission type on one planet) unless they are basically intergeral to the syndicate (as in the case of earth missions for new loka, becuse they are all about earth). While trying to make causes not take more than say 10 missions or so if specifically working to complete them (though not using that limitation on incedental ones that will be gained just by playing).

I've moved a couple of the ideas to other factions, changed a few to be a tad more fitting, as it seems more fitting to that one than the one you mentioned.

Also trying to keep them fairly simple so DE doesnt need to add too much more code for them to be added, or that could heavily counter the options of achieving them solo or as a group without too much hastle or can broken by small mistakes (like the steel meridian holding a point for a wave can easily be spoiled by a slight mistake or 'forces' a player to do it solo).
Or simply quite difficuilt for some players (like donating 50 rare resources for players in ghost clans as they have very small rare requirements).

They are still good ideas so please still add them (as some are great for general challenges, but not all that specific), I just wont add them to the master list, for the syndicate specifc ones.

Edited by Loswaith
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I too was toying around with ideas for Syndicates, but mine stems from their conflicts with each other. The alerts currently are generic randomly assigned and only difference to any other mission or alert are the 2 second 1 liners spoken at the very start..


This says nothing about the politics between each Syndicate and their unique uses of the.. ahem.. "services" of the tenno.. Let's be honest, we are killing machines, and while we may be possibly approaching a more "slapstick" era, I think these alerts should capture the idea that we are still basically strong arms for hire.


Instead of just generally fighting Grineer/Corpus, they could have specific missions like "Capture (Rival Syndicate) Commander", or "Destroy (Rival Syndicate) Weapon Caches", and on these missions the troops should be palette swapped and include the main emblem sigil of the Syndicate they belong.


Also during these missions there should be a chance to be interrupted (like the stalker encounter) by the leader of the Syndicate you are assaulting. And by Leader I mean the folks who speak to you at the Syndicate screen. They don't need all new models and animations as many could be as simple as selecting the right mob, coloring, emblem and stats. Ideas could include:


Steel Meridian Leader: Eviscerator

Arbiters of Hexis Leader: A random Warframe as they are supposed to be very proficient in their use. 

Cephalon Suda: One of either Ambulas, Hyena, Jackal, Lynx or Raptor basically AI controlling a machine shell.

The Perrin Sequence: One of the Corpus Capture target guys that run, however with a much deadlier weapon, faster and ability to lockdown.

Red Veil: A palette swapped Stalker.


And New Loka: The only Leader that doesn't really fight, instead could be a very large Kubrow or Desert Skate.

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No worries, rough ideas are meant to be refined by a second or third party.



I too was toying around with ideas for Syndicates, but mine stems from their conflicts with each other. The alerts currently are generic randomly assigned and only difference to any other mission or alert are the 2 second 1 liners spoken at the very start..


This says nothing about the politics between each Syndicate and their unique uses of the.. ahem.. "services" of the tenno.. Let's be honest, we are killing machines, and while we may be possibly approaching a more "slapstick" era, I think these alerts should capture the idea that we are still basically strong arms for hire.


Instead of just generally fighting Grineer/Corpus, they could have specific missions like "Capture (Rival Syndicate) Commander", or "Destroy (Rival Syndicate) Weapon Caches", and on these missions the troops should be palette swapped and include the main emblem sigil of the Syndicate they belong.


Interesting, although it'd be nice if we had missions which took advantage of our abilities beyond killing hordes all the time.


Although I really, really hope that in these cases, the Representatives give us some Lore lines. Even just some lines reflecting why x is the best course of action at this time to further the cause, can do wonders for the immersion.

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  • 2 weeks later...

For Arbiters of Hexis, Perrin Sequence and Steel Meridian, could it be plausible for them to have Causes tied to defeating Stalker, Zanuka Hunter and the Grustrag Three, respectively?


I mean, it's one thing we can get snazzy Sigils for defeating them now, but wouldn't it be considered a genuinely reputable achievement for these groups? At least, story wise. The relative 'ease' of these Assassins is kind of beside the point here but...ideas you know?


Beyond that, perhaps a 'Rear x number of Kubrow' for New Loka, and perhaps Primary/Melee/Secondary only runs as a Cephalon Suda thing, in the vein of testing the limits of that category of weapons. 'Run 10 missions with 10 different primary weapons' for example.


Or would that be a) too much and b) more Arbiters?

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