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Uranus Archwing! Impossible! Nobody Can Do This!


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Yeah I would also quite like to see a mid lvl intercept, its strange why they skipped lvl 20-28 missions. And if maxed out gear really doesn't make much difference, that's kinda disappointing.

Edited by sammymcc
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Hell even I'm getting sick of this; it's gotten so much worse...


Their damage seems to have gotten even higher than before with slightly less mobs, but now they don't seem to miss a shot. I've kited past the Temporal Dregs pretty easily... But 1,000 meters away from all enemies and they still Swiss Cheese me in under five seconds using a Valkyr/Odonata combo with 1,692 Armor, 1,023 Health Points, and 506 Shields.


Using Dis-Array is next to useless because there is no indication of incoming missiles... And even if you see them coming those Hellion's are already close enough that it won't matter. Their missiles are a stun-locking hell, so if you get blast proc'd once you WILL die. Bringing deployabe energy/health restores also won't do you any good when it's more wasted by having to stay mobile to not get killed almost instantly


Yes my gear is all capped, it all has potatoes in it, and amongst mods I'm only missing one uncommon (Auxillary Power) and all but one rare (I managed to get Efficient Transferral.) If you want my Frame/Archwing/Arch-gun mod layouts I'll tell you:


Valkyr (Capped and Reactor + All mods maxed):


Steel Charge (+60% melee damage), Steel Fiber (+110% Armor), Vitality (+440% Health), Redirection (+440% Shield capacity), Vigor (+120% Health +120% Shield Capacity), Fast Deflection (+90% Shield Recharge), Fortitude (+20% Chance to Resist Knockdown +80% Shield Recharge.)


Odonata (Capped and Reactor + All mods maxed):


Argon Plating (+72% Armor), Superior Defenses (+100% Shield Recharge), Enhanced Durability (+30% Health), Energy Amplifier (+6% Power Range), Energy Inversion (+20% Shield Capacity.)


Imperator (Capped and Catalyst + All mods maxed):


Magazine Extension (+60% Magazine Capacity), Venomous Clip (+120% Extra Poison Damage), Electrified Barrel (+120% Extra Electricity Damage), [153.6 Corrosive damage mod combo] Parallax scope (+40% Critical Chance) Modified Munitions (+60% Status Chance), Combustion rounds (+120% Extra Fire Damage), [76.8 Fire Damage Single Mod] Rubedo Lined Barrel (+60% Damage).


Melee (Both Capped and Catalysted):


Mods unlisted due to it being near useless in this fight.




I'd suggest since people know Aura mods work having a 4x Corrosive Projection and Fire + Viral weapons to make killing them easy (Grineer without armor are like butter and the Cloned Flesh is weak to Viral and Fire); however I have doubts this would even do enough judged off their respawning rates, damage, and now a seemingly in-ability to miss a single shot.

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Some people might say this mission is doable...

Yet we should all agree that after seeing something like this (check the mini-map):


And this:


clearly there is something wrong with this stage.


Also, i've done it with only damage mods on my machinegun and the enemies were still taking way too long to die, and kiting for half an hour might be fun at first but it gets boring at somepoint.

Edited by Otakuwolf
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I will simply say this, if anyone claims they are doing this mission successfully then they are exploiting or cheating.

I'm all for listening to other peoples opinions but on this occasion ur simply brandishing accusations. Yes (again) I believe the mission is too difficult atm and not worth the cost, but using the process I've described a couple of times it can be done. There's also people that say they have used slightly different methods which i believe could work because they sound plausible.


Here I'll hold ur hand.

*Start the mission solo and make sure u bring many energy restores and have enough basic mods equipped to kill the enemies in 6-8 hits (i used melee but others may find the gun safer). Also make sure u have max lvl skills on ur Odonata so u have a max range repel.

*Fly to the closest cap point and throw down an energy restore or 2, there will likely be a group of enemies right behind u so launch counter measures and as those enemies get close enough use repel to stop them contesting the point, keep ur eyes open as u will probably need to deploy counter measures and use repel again.

*After u cap the point hold it using countermeasures and repel till u have full energy then fly to the next cap point, again the enemies will likely follow u so deploy countermeasures as u reach the point, as the point becomes contested use repel, again keep ur eyes open because u may need to reuse the skills, after u cap move on to the next point.

*Rinse and repeat this to cap all points and take back any that the enemy take(u will need to throw down energy restores every now and then as u reach a point too, but u don't really have enough time to stay till ur energy is full, just till u cap).

*After u decode the msg 100% its time to kill the enemies, first pick off the loose ones - using repel to stun helps, but sometimes it takes a couple of casts as the stun is buggy, if there's a group then u may need countermeasure's and repel for the stun.

*Mission complete. No exploits, no cheats just an extremely tedious and expensive process that isn't worth the hassle.


To make sure ur countermeasures intercept the missile spam, after u cast it position urself so that they are between u and the enemy, a second cast and repositioning urself is sometimes called for too. U may even need to run round an asteroid to regen shields or even panic spam repel if u get in trouble.


mission reward screen after 4 rounds that annoyed the crap out of me and has lead to me not playing the mission again since the 29'th.



1 round completed today to make sure the process still works.


Edited by sammymcc
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mission reward screen after 4 rounds that annoyed the crap out of me and has lead to me not playing the mission again since the 29'th.



1 round completed today to make sure the process still works.



Not to doubt about the fact you made it with this mission but an endmission screen like these does not prove you have played that one mission we are talking about, unless there can be an Elytron component Bp screenshot in the reward list (which drops in sayd mission) i'm sorry to say that those don't proove much.

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Not to doubt about the fact you made it with this mission but an endmission screen like these does not prove you have played that one mission we are talking about, unless there can be an Elytron component Bp screenshot in the reward list (which drops in sayd mission) i'm sorry to say that those don't proove much.

What other archwing mission gives t4 keys?


for clarity ran it again and took ss of enemy that u wont find on other interception during cleanup phase (srry but i don't have recording software)




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I also successfully completed wave 4 once, I don't have proof because I wasn't aware people were even asking for it. I did also get a T4 key, unfortunately.


What we did was move as a group from one point to another while avoiding actually stopping to kill enemies unless we happened to catch them taking a tower. Someone else put down an energy restore once in a while because we used Odonata's 4 ability whenever our tower said "conflict" to successfully take it back without having to kill a whole bunch of enemies. Then we just flew to the next point, even though there was always a whole army after us.


Possible? Yeah. Is this the way you should have to do it? Probably not.


Edit: I actually just remembered, don't try to stop enemies from taking a tower if you already have the other three. If they're already locked onto it and there are other enemies around, run somewhere else until they take the tower. Then go back and take it, again using the 4 ability to push away incoming enemies. Since there are usually a ton of enemies, trying to kill the single one that locked onto it is just going to cause it to go to the next enemy, then the next enemy, then the next enemy, and trying to kill all of them might have its problems.

Edited by adiamorph
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It's do able by a very well coordinated team...


... but it is impossible in public mode because of many players who just refuse to take simple orders and because of DE just not giving a f*ck about balancing a game mode around the aspect that many players just go on a solorampage getting themselves killed or don't speak the same language and thereby don't understand a simple order.




But if you care to listen, 2 other guys I met during the interception and me worked out a strategy that works (we went to wave 4 but could have gone further; we dropped out to take the reward):



This is what you need:


- 1 player with Rejuvenation, so to passively heal back against the unavoidable hellions that eventually will hit. More is not needed but you at least need one so people don't have to fly around like idiots trying to get HP orbs.


- 2 providing Energy Siphon so you can spam Repel fast and endlessly without looking for energy Orbs all the time for which there's no time.


The last guy may take whatever he wants... like sprint speed or physique...


- Tanky frames to stand more hits because of the ridiculously balanced durability differences between warframes in this mode. Anything like Rhino, Frost, Saryn, etc will do.



How it is done:



It just involves catching all the tower at the beginning of the round and then ALL players going for the same node once the grineer start capturing one and then STICK together until the round ends. Never spread out anymore after that. And whenever a bunch of enemies comes close to your group or tower or prevents you from taking a tower... repel them away. Trying anything else is useless and probably gets you and the entire team killed.


Just let the spawn cap kick in, repel enemies away and move from tower to tower as a TEAM... eventually many of those grineer suckers will get stuck in all the random obstacles and give you some room to breathe. It's basically a cat&mice play... with a truckload of grineer following you on every move... just hit repel and then outrun them... and if they catch up with the team at the next tower then keep spaming repel until the cows come home.


Rinse & Repeat.


It is easier when someone takes the lead and says which Tower next and everyone follows those orders. There may not need to be said which tower. When only one is captured by the grineer... then it is obvious which is the next. But if there are two or more.. the leader will have to make a decision and everyone has to obey that.


The first wave after mission start may be a bit ugly because of the long distance the players have to travel to get to the towers... this may lead to a lot of enemies spawning already. This is something we haven't found a solution for... you just have to be lucky. 2 and 2 going for one tower each may help a bit about that. Just meet up as a team as soon as possible and stick together. Can't emphasis that enough. But only the first wave is actually this problematic. But after completing a wave you will be located at a tower anyways so this will give you a head start and little advantage over the grineer.



Things NOT to do:


- Solo-elitism. It gets you and the entire team killed.

- Spreading out. It is suicidal. It gets the whole team killed. Even if it is done coordinated. The amount of enemies appearing shortly after the first tower is captured is just too much.

- Trying to fight off enemies. It gets you killed. And probably the team too when they try to revive you.

- Staying in one spot for too long. If one of the hellions gets a lucky shot it may kill the entire team in one blast.





I could do the above strategy only with 1 out of 10 teams because most people either lagged out of the game, crashed, or did not obey what the leader said because they thought they know it better. 9 out of 10 matches thereby never make it past round 1 because most people just leave in rage.





DE completely FAILED at balancing the durability of Warframes in this mode. They carried over the dependence on the Warframe HP/Shields/Armor but did not consider that some frames are weak because of their strong warframe abilities which did NOT get carried over.


Whoever had that idea of making Archwing stats dependent on Warframe defense while not carrying over some of their abilities to remain their role probably NEVER played archwing with any other frame than Rhino or the other ones I stated earlier. It's a ridiculous oversight that makes me just facepalm.


- How is it possible that some frames have at least TWICE the durability compared to other frames?

- How is it possible that there's no damage/crowd control advantage for frames that lack the durabillity?

- How is it possible that warframes lose their roles in general thereby forcing EVERYONE to play with the same bland archwing abilities (ontop of some of them being pretty much useless)?


Not having any frames with roles like Healer, Tanks, Damage dealers, crowd control or whatever in this swarming game mode is just as DUMB as a design choice made by any game developer can be. I won't even try to make it sound better because there's no reason to beautify things up. Also the game is called Warframe and not Archwing... so they could have put more emphasis on giving each Warframe a role EVEN IN SPACE.


Just modify the friggin abilities with some space magic so they work in space and there you go. Giving at least every frame one or two unique warframe abilities under archwing would give them back a role and counter the massive durabillity balancing issues ontop of making the game mode at least somewhat more enjoyable and maybe even balanced at high level where you actually need different roles to make it far.


Also the balancing of the enemies is just crap. For example the hellions instagib you on weaker frames no matter the level and even the tankier frames aren't able to widthstand much more. I saw people die even on Earth which is kindergarden compared to Uranus because of the balancing issues faced by Hellions.


So my summary about Archwing is they did not look a second into balancing stuff when sh*tting U15 out. They just tried to meet the deadline and that's it. The bugs, glitches and other issues ontop of the balancing issues which render some of the stuff unplayable and thereby unenjoyable just make me puke. I haven't seen this many people rage quitting out of a game mode on a regularly basis for a very long time.

Edited by MeduSalem
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Warframe adds a bit of challenge to the game and people freak completely out.


You will need a maxed or at least level 25 archwing. You need Repel. You will need some actual mods for your weapons, as in damage mods. You will need to use a real frame. Nova is not an archwing frame. You will need Energy Siphon. You will need to use your archwing abilites. Repel and the shield should be used liberally.


The problem with pubbie groups is that in any pub group, on average, 2 are pretty much useless. And we don't have Rhino Prime/Boltor Prime equivalents yet to carry the lowbies. People in the forums complain this is OP and that is OP, but that is how we carry the other players. Since we don't have any OP archwing stuff yet, this is what happens. People actually need to gear up and learn to play.



In any case, I'm sure DE will nerf it soon, and then we can all get back to our semi-afk Sechura/ODD style grinding.

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Warframe adds a bit of challenge to the game and people freak completely out.


It's a difference if you just have to show some more skills/get some better gear




if you are (nearly) instagibbed even when using the maxed out gear, which actually happens on Uranus pretty much all the time when getting swarmed by 30 enemies which don't even die off in one or two hits with maxed out archwing weapons+mods.



The damage abilities of the archwing don't do jack on this level anymore. It's basically impossible to get rid of all the enemies at once and that's a real problem when during a counter attack of the Grineer a truckload of enemies arrives all firing at you at once and one hellion being enough to get you killed faster than you can possibly spawn HP/Shield restore


Repel is the only useful thing to use at that point. Fighting is not a viable thing because the enemies respawn nearly instantly directly at the tower again.




But I don't think that this is the way how the gamemode should be played; A.k.a equipping your Rhino with Energy Siphon being the only viable choice in that game mode just because the devs did not think this all the way through (which at this point doesn't surprise me anymore because most of the additions to the game this year have been like that: half-thought-through last-minute additions that suck and need a complete overhaul already the second they get released). It's an ugly design/development attitude verging on arrogance that the devs are showing recently and I'm not willing to support that trend anymore.

Edited by MeduSalem
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I've tried to complete this with pugs, organized teams, and solo, the farthest I've gotten is wave 3 before the game crashes from the raw amount of enemies spawned.


Before you say "get a better computer" Note that I'm a game developer student, my computer is designed to handle crazy heavy graphics. And never in all my years of playing warframe have I ever had a lick of trouble. This mission to put it bluntly is broken and impossible, period.


Cut the limit of how many enemies can spawn on this map by half, then half it again for good measure, its ridiculous.

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Okay so what we've had is a mixture of good and bad feedbacks:




The mission is not impossible, however:

-You need a good team.

-You need ranked gear that's well modded and a decent ranked and modded frame for your archwing to bulk off of stats wise.

-It takes a bit too much time and effort to go far.

-Random Pick Up Groups (PUGs) are usually in-capable of being cooperative due to <Reason>.


The enemy:

-They have insanely high numbers.

-They require more dodging than fighting against.

-They have some almost flawless accuracy.

-They have enough damage to chew up and spit out some of the toughest loadouts there are to offer (At the current moment) VERY quickly.


The Rewards:

-Getting there can be more trouble than it's worth.

-You can end up spending more than you get out of it (Use and Creation of various disposable player aiding objects).

-Every 4 rounds is when you get a DECENT drop but it's not always an elytron part. *

*(Not getting Elytron part is not exactly something to complain about that's just drop RNG, however with the amount of time, effort, resources, and frustrations devoted to trying to do one 4 round Interception on the Caelus Archwing Node it seems a little assinine that the reward is very worth it.)


Technical problems:

-Frame lag






-"This mission is impossible there's no point to doing it!"

-"People are so mad just because they stepped up the difficulty!"

-"I have parts I'm selling just to prove you're wrong about it being impossible."

-Babying wording of processes people have already listed of how to do things successfully. (You can keep respectful like the rest of us have tried to in explaining this)

-Just saying you've done it doesn't mean you have. Doesn't matter even if you have done it; there are people who legitmately have what you do who are still struggling with the mission. (BTW I'm one of them)

-Stop insulting those who can't do it; Maybe instead OFFER TO HELP.



Thank you. Maybe this might straighten things out just a bit for everyone.

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One thing you missed is how a stunlock death via blat procs is *almost* unavoidable. People claim to have done it without burning revives, and I believe them, but I'm not a shabby player and I don't think I could do that reliably enough for four waves. Aside from that it's a pretty good summary of what's gone on so far.

Once again, the problem isn't that this level of difficulty exists, it's that it's REQUIRED to get to game content without using platinum.
It's also a problem that most of the difficulty comes from unfair/unfun mechanics of blast proc stunlock.

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What adds salt to the wound for this is that the rewards for each wave is not Archwing mods. That is some stupendous logic there. 

This I agree with...

I don't think the mission is that bad however. You just need to be geared up and know each enemy type and what they are doing and how you can avoid it. The best thing you can do is some effective kiting to stay alive, and if someone goes down don't attempt a revive unless you manage to stun an entire enemycluster with a single repel. If you find yourself being blasted by homing rockets, drop flares, or boost away for a bit. You cannot outrun the enemy, but thankfully their missiles are slow and easy to outrun. 

Edited by TwiceDead
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I have no problem with new, harder content.

but this is just insane.

i farmed for a while, got the shield mods, equipped my frost with all the shield, health and armor stuff, and ended with around 1.2k shield, 850 health...also i equipped my gun with maxed Rubedo-Lined Barrel, Electric, Fire and Firerate.
Entered the mission...and the first grineer gave me a oneshot.
I for myself need around 100 or even more shots to kill one of them...

thats just insane.

i know that its possible, but with a difficulty like this, it looks more like "pay to get the other archwing". so currently its not fun, so i dropped the archwing stuff completely until there is a rebalancing or stronger stuff.


i mean...most of our frame-specific stuff does not even count. there is no sense in using a fast but fragile frame.

i cant use my snowglobe, my bastille, chaos or whatever. im purely limited to my archwing ability, so why choose a frame then, when its jsut for shield, health and armor?


currently i need luck, glitches and insane amount of energy restore and revives. thats not worth it.

Edited by LazerusKI
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I know that DE didn't balance the map, and I doubt any of the DE_staff members can reliably get to wave 4 (let alone clear wave 1), even with cheating and giving themselves all the mods they would need. 


Clearing the mission simply requires an absurd level of consumables and other Ai exploiting behavior to win without relaying on luck. This type of game-play is great on an arcade game ( quarter eaters), and it seems like DE is trying to get people buying revives to get the Archwing's parts. I do not know if DE is trying to make the perceived value of buying it high, by making the mission so hard, but the way they went about doing it will only result in people rage quitting. 

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One thing you missed is how a stunlock death via blat procs is *almost* unavoidable. People claim to have done it without burning revives, and I believe them, but I'm not a shabby player and I don't think I could do that reliably enough for four waves. Aside from that it's a pretty good summary of what's gone on so far.

Once again, the problem isn't that this level of difficulty exists, it's that it's REQUIRED to get to game content without using platinum.

It's also a problem that most of the difficulty comes from unfair/unfun mechanics of blast proc stunlock.

I'll agree I had left out the stun-lock from the missiles and it's good feedback; Dis-array isn't helping if you get hit by the missiles as they seem to have an almost 100% Blast Stun Proc Chance, and one time is all it takes to lock and kill you. It's happened to me so I feel kinda dumb for not including it in there.


And I would not say 100% of the difficulty comes from the blast locking


 You cannot outrun the enemy, but thankfully their missiles are slow and easy to outrun. 

Because this is actually true because as I have also noticed this. The missiles are quite slow traveling and have slow directional change as well; I managed to out run missiles I could see by running them in circles with sprint. However it's the ones you don't see that are worst. Again, we should probably have a missile alert system on the archwing so we can tell WHEN to pop dis-array or start moving to dodge.


I'll also agree that this higher difficulty is not a bad thing; I infact welcome a better challenge. This however has a good selection of issues that need fixing/re-balancing before I'd officially say it's in the green for a half decent mission node.

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Made it to wave 1 last night, got Dual Rounds *and* Venomous Sting in one round. Wut. Didn't risk going any deeper.

Did lose a revive though, because I was reviving a buddy and there was an unseen hellion stuck in a crevice. proced with the first wave, killed with the second. GG no re.

Edited by SolarDwagon
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The only that that really does this map in is being hit with a missile basically assures your death.

Yeah, the missile units are absurd. Everything else can be dealt with with planning.


It would not hurt, and would improve - balance - if the missiles damage was either removed or its damage scaling changed to fixed damage regardless of level. Their missiles already do enough damage on the Earth title set to just drop someone, because of the numbers of stunning missiles they spam.


The missile are already lethal enough because of their stunning effect and they do way too much damage to be barrage fired. 

Edited by LazyKnight
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