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We Need A Samurai Warframe


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I've actually had a thought running around in my head for a slow (but not frost slow) tanky samurai styled warframe.


not sure on his powers yet, but definitely release a naginata and stance for it alongside him, we needs more polearms :D


i tentatively named him Bushido, after the Samurai warrior code


i ever get around to drawing my concept of him i'll post him to the fan concepts section

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In concept, a samurai themed Warframe is insanely easy to pull off, I disagree with those that are saying the contrary. Make him a tanky damage sponge that controls steel. And no, I don't mean like Mag who controls magnetism itself. I mean actually controls physical alloys and nothing else. There are many things they could do with such a power. They don't have to make his powers revolve around Katana for him to have his samurai theme. Samurai use a lot more than just swords. Naginata, Yumi (long bow), massive clubs, Wakizashi, Fans, Kama, chained weapons....the list goes on. Excal has always seemed more like a sword-wielding ninja than anything close to an actual samurai. I'd say it take more than a single ultimate that lets hims summon swords for him to be considered a "samurai".

Also, I cant understand why people say things like "we don't need a....". We already have a pirate, a ninja (two ninjas if you include Excal), a magician, a trickster, a rhinoceros, a paladin, a necromancer, multiple elementals etc. Really not seeing how a Samurai themed Warframe is going to hurt at this point lol. It seems like an obvious choice tbh.

Typhus is an awesome concept in itself, but it kind of contradicts the samurai aspect. Being a glass-cannon kinda clashes with being a samurai, who pride themselves on their armor.

I agree to you COMPLETELY... At this point I don't see why people are so offended as to why there would be another frame???....

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Um, you do realize samurai are sworn enemies of ninja right? Like I know that DE has added samurai elements but ninja hated samurai and samurai hated ninja.

Warframes aren't technically Ninja. The Samurai frame I was suggesting won't be an actual samurai.... 

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Make Ash Prime be a reference to him. Please.


This got me to thinking...


Screw a samurai warframe, we need a Scotsman warframe!




As someone already pointed out:


You wear nothing under the Kilt.


From a more serious perspective, the Tenno themselves are already Samurai.


Their name, in both chinese and japanese meaning of the ideogram " 侍 ", is generally accepted as "those who serve in close attendance to the nobility" and that's what they did for the Orokin.


You can replace the word "Old Ways" with "Bushido" and you still have a caste of warrior bound to some honored traditions that fought for for the ruling class...


...and surprise, they apparently overthrown them like the Samurai did during the Bakumatsu...


And in all honestly, beside some contrasts over the concept of honor, I dont believe Samurai really hated Ninja... Given the latter were, historically, used to do stuff the Samurai weren't allowed to do due to the precepts of Bushido...


Think of the Butcher in japanese tradition, no one liked them because they did something considered impure, but no one hated them either...





Quoth the Raven on trying to copypaste a japanese ideogram on a forum...

Edited by Branwyn
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Not needed.

What separates a samurai from a ninja is really just a code. Whereas, a ninja can use any methods, dress or outlook/disguise, or weapons etc. to carry out his/her mission. So Warframe, as a space ninja, has all.

Here is the definition of ninja from the wiki:

"The functions of the ninja included espionage, sabotage, infiltration, and assassination, and open combat in certain situations.[1] Their covert methods of waging war contrasted the ninja with the samurai, who observed strict rules about honor and combat."


Edited by ndantony
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Let's see...✓ - Dashing through enemies in a blink of an eye, damaging them, and maybe if it has enough "power", killing them outright?

✓ - Moves so fast that your vision just becomes white, then you're slashed into pieces?✓✓ - Moves so fast that one moment he's in front of you, the next moment he's up high above you, sword raised, aiming a crack at your poor Corpus helmet?

✓ - Just stands in the center of enemies, does a small amount of motion, suddenly all of those people around him are slashed?...And if there's enough "power", actually die from the direct slashes?

that's so cool!...Let's see....Let's make sure to name him after a sword too! Maybe a Japanese sword?...But no, Masamune's kinda overused...

I know! Let's take something from Britain's lore! Let's name him Excalibur!....

Wait what? He already exists?....I'm sorry. I seem to have forgotten about him, you know, not really having enough, erm, sword power and all.

Your sarcrasm kinda falls to pieces when you do literally any ounce of research on samurai lol. Samurai =/= sword. Their is more to them than swords. Read my previous post. If only there was some way to quickly educate oneself on any given topic. It would be called....boogle? No....foogle? No no no....gooble...yes...gooble sounds right.

On a more serious note, the theme and the powers don't have to have such a literal connection to one another. I don't know if you know this, but ninja aren't capable of turning invisible, teleporting and forming clones of themselves. DE doesn't have to base a Samurai themed Warframe on their primary weapons, trinkets or objects that are commonly associated with them. By your logic, Hydroid's powers should consist of whiskey and chests of gold lol. All DE does is create new weapons based on the theme, the powers are a completely different story. When Hydroid was released, they didn't base his powers on the weapons that pirates used. Unless pirates irl were secretly hydrokinetic. All they did was release a few new pirate themed weapons to go along with the Warframe. And of course have the appearance of the Warframe have a pirate/nautical design. DE can very easily give the Samurai Warframe steel/metal based powers and release a new melee weapon (Naginata or new Katana) and a new primary weapon (Yumi) to go along with it. Pirates are just as well known for their weapons (pistols, cannons and cutlass swords) as Samurai are know for Katana, but does Hydroid have any powers related to pirate weapons? No not at all, so why would a Samurai Warframe be required to have powers based on Samurai weapons? So please, enough with these Excal comparisons. We definitely don't have a samurai yet.

I agree to you COMPLETELY... At this point I don't see why people are so offended as to why there would be another frame???....

Well unfortunately, a lot of folks think samurai are nothing beyond their swords. And for some reason many people believe that having a Samurai means his powers have to be related to Katana. Both of which are inaccurate. Personally, I think DE could pull it off quite well and make it a very unique and badass Warframe. They're a lot more creative than we give them credit for.

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Your sarcrasm kinda falls to pieces when you do literally any ounce of research on samurai lol. Samurai =/= sword. Their is more to them than swords. Read my previous post. If only there was some way to quickly educate oneself on any given topic. It would be called....boogle? No....foogle? No no no....gooble...yes...gooble sounds right.

On a more serious note, the theme and the powers don't have to have such a literal connection to one another. I don't know if you know this, but ninja aren't capable of turning invisible, teleporting and forming clones of themselves. DE doesn't have to base a Samurai themed Warframe on their primary weapons, trinkets or objects that are commonly associated with them. By your logic, Hydroid's powers should consist of whiskey and chests of gold lol. All DE does is create new weapons based on the theme, the powers are a completely different story. When Hydroid was released, they didn't base his powers on the weapons that pirates used. Unless pirates irl were secretly hydrokinetic. All they did was release a few new pirate themed weapons to go along with the Warframe. And of course have the appearance of the Warframe have a pirate/nautical design. DE can very easily give the Samurai Warframe steel/metal based powers and release a new melee weapon (Naginata or new Katana) and a new primary weapon (Yumi) to go along with it. Pirates are just as well known for their weapons (pistols, cannons and cutlass swords) as Samurai are know for Katana, but does Hydroid have any powers related to pirate weapons? No not at all, so why would a Samurai Warframe be required to have powers based on Samurai weapons? So please, enough with these Excal comparisons. We definitely don't have a samurai yet.

Well unfortunately, a lot of folks think samurai are nothing beyond their swords. And for some reason many people believe that having a Samurai means his powers have to be related to Katana. Both of which are inaccurate. Personally, I think DE could pull it off quite well and make it a very unique and badass Warframe. They're a lot more creative than we give them credit for.

This man knows what he is talking about.

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This man knows what he is talking about.

Lol well I've always had a great interest in Japanese culture. So any opportunity DE has to incorporate more of it into the game, I'm jumping right on board.

Who's helmet is that? Looks pretty cool.

But I think something more similar to Typhus (armor-wise) would be perfect for a true samurai warframe.

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Lol well I've always had a great interest in Japanese culture. So any opportunity DE has to incorporate more of it into the game, I'm jumping right on board.

Who's helmet is that? Looks pretty cool.

But I think something more similar to Typhus (armor-wise) would be perfect for a true samurai warframe.

I am also interested into Japanese culture, and I think that is a Vauban.

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This man knows what he is talking about.

He has good points, the only thing I disagree with is hydroid.

What did pirate galleons often come equipped with? Cannons. You know what his first ability emulates? You guessed it: cannons.

Where are pirates known to plunder? If it is in a giant body of water, you've got it. Undertow and Tidal Surge, check.

There was also a certain legend among pirates and others, that involved a large ship-eating cepholopod. Hmmm....

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He has good points, the only thing I disagree with is hydroid.

What did pirate galleons often come equipped with? Cannons. You know what his first ability emulates? You guessed it: cannons.

Where are pirates known to plunder? If it is in a giant body of water, you've got it. Undertow and Tidal Surge, check.

There was also a certain legend among pirates and others, that involved a large ship-eating cepholopod. Hmmm....

Then there's this argument (how Hydroid is actually thematic), the sarcasm I made is based upon what made Samurai popular by media, Samurai on its own would be a list of values and weapons...Which means just more weapons.

A Naginata is okay, more clubs, more bows, but that's they all are, "weapons". A "steel-manipulating frame" is no where near what a Samurai can and would be, it goes beyond the idea of a Samurai into a different zone. A multi-weapon Warframe that can exceed the initial load-out of 3 could end up with 2 buff skills that simply change their weapons...The idea of a "ninja" was personified by Ash, why can't Excalibur then be the essence of the Samurai? He who faces you in battle, head on, but blinds you with the power of the Sun? (the way Musashi did once?)

Those who want a "Samurai-themed" frame are blinded the same Sun, or rage (depends on what legend of the duel you believe in), that Kojiro experienced, not seeing that the Samurai they want is right before them, merely named after a Western blade.

Samurai is a code of honor and one of peerless skill, something that Excalibur easily posses. His skill-set takes him close to the enemy and cuts them down the way Samurai does, his skill-set does not rely on hiding in the shadows, but by basking in the glory of the sun. He both looks deceptively easy to use, but immensely hard to master.

If anything, ask for a new Excal skin if you really want some "Samurai-themed" design, as if Edo armor isn't enough. Maybe even an Oni helmet will suffice for Excal. I sure as hell cannot see pressing 4 to "Infuse Honor into enemy and force them to fight in a 1v1 duel".

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I think Samurai should be a whole other faction: lets face it- Samurai and Ninjas are NOT the best of friends.  Maybe someday in the future of Warframe, we could see Samurai as a rival faction or even as a playable faction with their own playable Samurai types.  Think of Samurai as the Sith to our Jedi (or maybe we are the sith ;) )  I really think that having a Samurai on the Tenno team would be awkward though.   I would love to see them as a warring faction, directly opposing the tenno though.  Maybe in that context we might have a Samurai who defected to the Tenno, but I still think it would be weird.  Don't get me wrong, I'd love to be able to play a Samurai.  But we are Ninjas.  And we don't play well with Samurai.   

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I think Samurai should be a whole other faction: lets face it- Samurai and Ninjas are NOT the best of friends.  Maybe someday in the future of Warframe, we could see Samurai as a rival faction or even as a playable faction with their own playable Samurai types.  Think of Samurai as the Sith to our Jedi (or maybe we are the sith ;) )  I really think that having a Samurai on the Tenno team would be awkward though.   I would love to see them as a warring faction, directly opposing the tenno though.  Maybe in that context we might have a Samurai who defected to the Tenno, but I still think it would be weird.  Don't get me wrong, I'd love to be able to play a Samurai.  But we are Ninjas.  And we don't play well with Samurai.   

Warframes ARE NOT NINJAS..... Warframes can be like Ninjas, just as they could be like Samurai.

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It would be cool to have a space Samurai.  Although we already have sword-specific warframes like Excalibur and Ash.

Really I have always found ash to be more of a dagger using warframe I mean ninja did use swords but daggers I don't know feel better with him.

While we do not necessary need one it would be cool to have one.

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As the title states I believe we seriously need a samurai like frame. I know the warframe Typhus who is the "Viral Samurai", but we need a true samurai. Someone who can use the nikana and own it. Please DE, I think this would be great. And if you question why there should be a samurai in a Space Ninja Simulator then why are there magicians? :D




Sorry, i had to

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