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How To Play Uranus Interception



Hello, I wanted to take the time to discuss on how to beat Uranus Interception and any High level Archwing missions, since I see alot of people complaining about the difficulty of the mission itself. First off, beating this mission is not impossible, and playing Archwing interception like you would on land is incorrect.


Before I begin here is my proof that I've done this mission successfully:



Things you must keep in mind:

- If you are attempting to complete this with randoms, your chances are very low of beating this since most people do not work together nor have the gear, I highly suggest doing this with competent people you know in a group.

-This is a interception mission T4 keys have always of had a chance of appearing in the fourth round and more, RNG plays a hand here but most of all you need patience.



Now I will admit, I was very frustrated at first because of how quickly I got destroyed in the beginning and how round one was impossible, however after I stopped playing like I would on land and started studying their patterns, I realize I will have to play differently and adapt. After finding a few other players who have also adapt, we worked together and this mission has become very easy for us and most of all extremely enjoyable -  So lets begin on how this works.




-Team Auras-



This is self explanatory - Corrosive will weaken their armor making them die very fast as long as you have one elemental mod, when I got my first parts the only mod I had was combustion and I was killing everything very quickly even at round 3. Energy is extremely important, because if you have no energy - you are dead.



-Team energy restore-



This is mandatory for defense Archwing mission types. You need energy for Disarray and Rebel, these abilities are your sword and shield when defending points. Even if someone gets down, spamming Rebel will send the zerg far (along with damaging them), giving you enough time to revive your comrade and continue defending.








Now I will begin this part by saying I believe it doesn't matter what frame you use, for I've seen this beaten with Loki and Mirage using the strategy I will discuss soon, but for now lets talk about the loadout and mods. As some of us have discovered, only some of our mods work in space, so now I will discuss which ones are good for space battles, I suggest making a new loadout for your frames when playing Archwing defense missions, thats not to say there won't be hybrid missions in the future and even then your normal loadout will be fine. Defense Missions is about survivability and knowing your enemy. 


Mods that you should use in Archwing Defense types:



That's all you need, Shields are important and will keep you alive during those tense moments, I would suggest to get at least 900-1k shields and a good amount of health you feel comfortable with. With energy restores and flow, I was able to have a comfortable 300+ energy pool making things much easier along with fast shield recharge. 


The Odonata Archwing is pretty amazing once you know how to handle it, and it will be staying with me when I do these types of missions again, it just takes you knowing how and when to use it, speaking of which I manage to beat this several times with none of my archwing stuff potato'd.  You need to have your gear max however or high enough to be an asset to the team. Having at least one elemental mod, for damage is very useful - I used combustion rounds myself at the start before I manage to get the rest of the mods.


Now to our final part of this discussion, I will talk about how you play this once you ave completed all of the above.




- Strategy -


Before I begin this segment, it is very crucial that you are a team at this point, you have to watch each others back and be very aware of your surroundings. Those missiles make a very distinctive sound when they are fired and that's the time to use your second ability (DE: adding a warning would be better however for those who can't hear as well) 

If you insist on being a lone wolf, hallway hero (which I've seen alot in pubs) you will die and therefore risk the mission being a failure because others will have to rescue you, in term getting killed themselves - making you a liability. If you don't like that, you can always purchase the Elytron Bundle or try your luck doing it solo.


Now lets begin-


Step one





The X, is where we first enter the mission and the part the team drops at least one team energy restore. Doing this will boost your energy to max giving you more than enough to take on a large group of enemies, Now I will mention that its this first round that is the rockiest because you will not have total control of the points right away - which is fine your gear and energy will be your crutch in this part. 


During this part, each member will call out a point and they will head to those points trying your best to avoid any enemy contact. During the capture process, one of you will be targeted by enemy and will get attacked. You must call out, which point you are on and help defend that point, by doing that you will be force-choking the horde into getting that point giving the time lotus needs to decipher the message. The horde usually attempts capture one point at a time with great force and you need to be able to stay alive to defend those points, sometimes you will have stragglers (which one person can go and kill) or the infamous bug invisible enemies in which that's something DE will have to fix. If everything goes well, in which it should we leave one or a group of enemies alive and collect mods and heal up before we kill them and start the next round (A 1min cool-down moment would be great to add DE) - its during this time everyone calls out points and head to them before the mission starts - in the end of Round one this is how everyone should look like :





Step two

Gain Control


When the final group of enemies are killed everyone will automatically begin capturing the points, boosting you quickly near a 22%, however most likely your map will look something like this:





This means the enemy is in the process of trying to gain a point, and is the time for one the members to call it out in chat (or teamspeak) and for everyone to head there and defend the points. By using Rebel,Disarray and team energy restores you will dominate all four capture points,as long as you watch each others back and keep the enemy at bay.


With proper gear you will be able to kill the occasional straggler that may capture a point or be able to defend one point with just two people. It is imperative that all members communicate at see where the enemy is going at all times. If you follow this guide you'll see how easy this mission is with team coordination. After Round 2, you repeat the same thing from the ending of Round 1:


-Call Points

-Head to them

-Kill last mob



Your map will should look like this at the end of Round 2



Rinse and Repeat


This is how my team was able to beat this very easily and quickly even with all the T4 Keys we got during. 

You need a good players who are geared and follow instructions. 


Like I previously mentioned, attempting to do this with randoms is not recommended and I suggest using the Find a Squad section to get the team you need to beat this smoothly and quickly. 


You do not have to have all your gear potato'd but it helps along with patience and getting good.


These are the list of people I've ran with to get most of my parts who are extremely skilled and are able to stay alive and can prove this method works:




sorq  (also has a list of other good players)



That's all to add and I hope you are able to see this mission does not need to get the nerf cannon like so many other things because some demand instant gratification or lack the patience to better their gear. Archwing interception  should not be played like normal interception mission and its a whole new type of play style that requires a new way of thinking, I mention the mobs here are very unforgiving but that's why you have a team to watch each others back and the gear to boot.


One final note: I generally do not post alot in the forums and prefer to lurk and keep to myself, I generally did not have to spend the time writing this even more so since I already have the parts. However I have done this several times already and now have explained in detail how to play this mission and provided proof this works - not much to add at this point, and is my feedback on how I did this mission, please tell your friends to visit this thread and read this guide or anyone else who needs help.


The rest is up to you.

Edited by Juebev
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14 answers to this question

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Thanks for posting this.


While your point on it being different from normal Interception is true, I have found the difference is lessened when you compare it to T4 Interception round 12+, or whenever your damage output begins to drop.

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I dont know why people are upset about Uranus Interception. We always asked for a challange and when we finally find one everyone goes crazy and starts saying things like "Its too hard". 


Well i am glad its hard. We need more challanging things as opposed to Stalker who can one shot you or can get one shotted.

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Excellent post. If I could just emphasize a few points for the crowd that can't read long posts:


1. Use Corrosive Projection or Energy Siphon. Otherwise you're wasting an aura slot, making it harder on the rest of your team.


2. Be geared. You need a tanky frame with health, shields, armor and shield regen. Lots of each. Else you are going to get one shot. 


3. While you might be able to get by with a 10+ Odanata, 25+ would be much better for the next rank of repel, and a maxed out one would be best. If you don't have repel yet, you are effectively useless and should not be in this mission.


4. Team energy restores for more energy are pretty essential, your abilities are just too important.


5. You need damage mods for your weapons or you're not going to be able to kill anything.


You can ignore any one of these points, maybe even two, but you're just making it harder on your team. And if you're playing in pub groups, odds are you're gonna have a couple players who are nigh useless.

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100% accurate. When i finally got 2 parts its because i went with a friend and we did exactly all of this. Learn to stick and move, circle strafe shoot, long range steady shot, and stack that corrosive projection (it turns them to butter). 2 and 4 is your friend, 3 is a good stun while you shoot into the explosions, and 1 stops lasers but not rockets. Learn how to fly and print out this guide. Rocket jets in no time.

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