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Limbo Is A Synergy Frame


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There has been mostly complaining about Limbo, but i'd like to share some actually good uses for Limbo, and they stem around the fact that while in the void you gain 2x energy, are immune you damage, and can still use all abilities. Now most people have been talking about Limbo's ability to banish allies into the void as a wholly negative thing, but a non-trolling Limbo can actually use it to greatly increase the effectiveness of certain other Warframe. Note: ALWAYS ask the other players if they want to get banished before you do, and if they ask you not to, STOP. Don't just randomly do it to people who you think would benefit from it as more then likely you will &!$$ them off and they will leave.


Ash - Most Ash players who are geared toward higher teirs focus their modding around their ult, which will mark and kill a number of enemies. The only thing that keeps them to continually clear a room is energy. If you banish an Ash he can spam his ult 2x as often, and in between using his alt he does not have to worry about taking damage. This can be really useful for Interception or Defense, where an Ash can just sit at the point and spam his alt without having to worry about energy or taking damage.


Mag - Similar to ash, Mag is a Warframe that focuses on spamming it's abilities, especially Shield Polarize and Crush. As with Ash, if you banish a Mag they can spam these abilities twice as often and not have to worry about taking damage. This is extremely good on Corpus Interception Missions like Viver (which is the best place to obtain Reputation) where a Mag can use the double energy to spawn kill the Corpus with their high shields and not have to move too much to deal with taking damage. As a note, you can still capture interception points while banished.


Ember - All of Ember's abilities focus around damage dealing. Since they all work while in the void, Ember can run around spamming all of it's damage dealing abilities while being invincible.


Volt - Volt's Electic shield actually allows volt to shoot enemies with his weapons (through the shield) while banished. This means that Volt's who use the shield as their primary ability (like most high teir volts I see) will suffer no disadvantages from being cast into the void.


These are just the Warframe's I have test the strategy with. Other Warframes I am looking forward to testing is Mirage, to see if here clones do damage, Nekros, too see if he can desecrate while in the void, Excalibur to see if his Radial Javlin is worth spamming, and possibly Nyx, to see if she can gain energy while in her bubble. And as always, remember to ask before you banish. I really think that Limbo when Modded correctly can be an extremely useful frame. He just requires a lot more thought to use then other Warframes. The misuse of banish and Cataclysm by trollers or people who are just inconsiderate is also giving him a really bad name.

Edited by Eclipsen
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I never realized that Volt thing. VERY interesting. I'll keep it in mind.


Limbo is the type of frame that can have GREAT payoff if your team has good communication. I'm sure other people have said it, but: if you're going to be playing with friend while chatting with voice chat or skype or something, bring a Limbo and coordinate yourselves, otherwise leave him at home.

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Volt - Volt's Electic shield actually allows volt to shoot enemies with his weapons (through the shield) while banished. This means that Volt's who use the shield as their primary ability (like most high teir volts I see) will suffer no disadvantages from being cast into the void.

One thing to add to this, it only seems to work with hitscan weapons.



it seems that when players get banished they forget they have abilities on frames ._.

Why would you need abilities when you have Boltor Prime?

Edited by Dualstar
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it seems that when players get banished they forget they have abilities on frames ._.


Players haven't used their abilities in AGES. It's all about the guns for them - with the occasional one-ability spam. Which is a real shame (given that this game offers so much more than CoD and other shooters do because of things like the abilities) and one of the reasons I like the new power system: you're forced to move up through your abilities instead of just grabbing one and going, and though its not a guarantee this system MAY get some players (most likely newer ones, not the only "maximization only" vets) to learn how to combine the gunplay and ability casting together.

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One thing to add to this, it only seems to work with hitscan weapons.



Why would you need abilities when you have Boltor Prime?

And this ladies and gentleman is why people hate Limbo. Other than the trolling that is.

Edited by -Revan-
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Limbo with a good team really isn't too bad.


He banishes frames like Loki and Nyx, they cast Chaos and Radial Disarm while in the void. Also, they're relatively squishy and without having to worry about taking damage, they can save their energy for other abilities (e.g. Loki doesn't have to use invisibility in the void)


IMO, a combo of Loki, Nyx, Limbo, and a frame like Mag in something like a defense mission would be pretty good.


Loki to disarm, Nyx to get enemies to kill each other, Mag to pull any enemies who get too close to the pod, and limbo for giving them all virtual invincibility...


Have yet to try this, but seems very possible.

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If you can communicate perfectly with your team through some kind of voice chat constantly, than yeah, limbo can be useful. If you just want to play various missions and what not with randoms, best not to bring a limbo. The only way he works well right now is with large amounts of teamwork and communication, beyond what is normally expected.

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Trinity's reduces damage but cant fully prevent it Limbo mechanic is damage prevention so trinity can supply energy that's fine for her to do that in place of limbo but he can help squishy frames to continue doing there job by making damage a non issue, which is why he's in a weird position of being support for support?


Anyway to contribute to the list of combos mirage clones can still do damage mirage herself doesn't seem to be able to even with the light eclipse buff, so its really iffy to have her banished at all since clones do like fraction of extra damage. SO banishing may be consider something to not do on a mirage since she's more focused on her weapons unless she's built for spamming prism which blinds which could be considered redundant if she's been banished.


Limbo can basically replace frosts position of defending an objective, trinity can provide energy because if your spamming abilities you can still surpass the energy regen unless everyone is using energy siphon and then the other two frames could be damage focused and can request banish when they want to run around spamming their abilities.


If you aren't going to be using ability spammy frames or stay to the point where enemies kill you very fast then you probably wont need him on a team he's in this very weird position as a support frame so we just have to look forward to additional tweaks :P


I've been told banshee can banshee can benefit from the regen so unlike with trinity she may actually be able to sound quake for forever again. Something to look into.

Edited by AbstractLemons
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Unfortunately, even though this is a possibility in his uses, it may not be intended. Also, ability scaling stops working after a certain point and you'll need to use weapons to actually kill things efficiently.


It also requires making an entire team around someone using Limbo. You can't just pull a Limbo out and have all of his abilities be effective in a team that isn't built around using him this way.

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Yes, their abilities can be spammed more - it's just a shame that their weapons become useless. For a pre-made group, with voice chat, building a team around Limbo... he's okay, just okay. In any other situation, he ranges from "You'd be contributing more as literally anything else" to "Why are you banishing me all the time?".

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Yes, their abilities can be spammed more - it's just a shame that their weapons become useless. For a pre-made group, with voice chat, building a team around Limbo... he's okay, just okay. In any other situation, he ranges from "You'd be contributing more as literally anything else" to "Why are you banishing me all the time?".

hes ALOT more than "okay" in a proper team. if you think hes just "okay" whith proper communication then you need to take a good look at what he can do with his skills.

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