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Augment All The Warframe Abilities!


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Warframe ability Augments are here!


But there's only one per Warframe.


Which sucks cause the intention for these augments was for higher end customization of Warframe abilities.


It only makes sense to make augments available for ALL the abilities right?





-Tempest Barrage

Has a chance for small pickups such as ammo and health/energy orbs


-Tidal Surge

Instead of dragging enemies a short distance, drags enemies the ENTIRE distance and add slow


-Tentacle Swarm

Spawns a kracken

It's as if you had a specter for the kraken.



-Tail Wind

Can Target Enemies. Deals a radial blast damage on impact



Knock back enemies within a small radius



Creates a single giant Tornado with increased damage and range. Allies will have decreased gravity while in the area of effect




Allies within range receive increased movement and reload speeds



-Now functions like an arson eximus attack


-World on Fire

Allies caught in the area of effect can now deal contact fire damage to enemies for a short duration



-Ice Wave

Area of effect slows enemies and increases speed for allies


-Snow Globe

Ally fire rate and reload speed get buffed inside the globe



The ground in the area of effect of Avalnche becomes Icy, slowing enemies with a small chance to knock them down for a long duration after avalanche is cast



-Slash Dash

Can single target after a distance of 50 m. Excalibur will rush the target, knocking down all enemies in between them. Deal 4 consecutive slashes equal to the damage of a pass.

For example, a normal slash dash deals 300 damage to each enemy hit. For single targets, they are hit 4 times for 300 each.


-Radial Blind

Increased movement speed while enemy is staggered


-Super Jump

Can be cast mid air



-Shield Polarize

Completely removes the shield function off of enemies.


-Bullet Attractor

Can be cast on allies. Allied attractors now deflect bullets and projectiles. Friendly projectiles, such as boltor bolts and acrid needles are accelerated through and become hit-scan



The ground becomes magnetically polarized, draining enemy shields and replenishing allied shields



-Sleight of Hand

Allies caught within the radius of will have their bullets converted to confetti bullets, increasing reload speed and exploding confetti on hit.



Can now be casted on allies



Can be cast on an ally. It gives them the prism as an added sentinel. Functions like Dethcubes laser while firing as fast as its’ machine rifle. Becomes timer set if cast this way.



-Rift Walk

Increased movement speed while rift walking


-Rift Surge

Allies in the rift will have buffed armor



Recasting while active will cause the space time rift to stall, staying at a constant radius. In this stage, it will begin draining energy



-Iron Skin

Enemies within a small radius will be staggered from sheer shininess.



Enemies will be staggered in it’s radius



Allies will have increased movement speed in the area of effect while enemies will be slowed



-Antimatter Drop

Recasting while active will spear the orb towards your reticle, detonating upon contact



Enemies that travel through will be knocked down. Allies that travel through will create a small explosion, staggering in a small radius around the exit


-Molecular Prime.

Allies can now be affected. Allies will have reduced gravity. They can touch an affected enemy to instantly remove the affect and set off the explosion



-Mind Control

Assume Direct Control. Can make the controlled enemy suicide. This attracts the attention of all nearby enemies.



Downed allies within the area of effect of chaos are revived at 25% health and 50% shields and are turned invisible for 25% of the duration of chaos



Recasting will trigger a stage where nyx will begin drawing enemies within a small radius in towards her. This will stop consuming energy and instead deplete absorbed damage. Recast again to release the remaining damage.



-Energy Vampire

Enemies killed while under the effects of Energy Vampire will drop at least 2 energy orbs, maximum 4.



Now affects allies. Damage taken by allies are cut by 85% and transferred to trinity



Allies will sprout glowing wings and have increased midair maneuverability for the duration of the invulnerability



-Rip Line

Valkyr will now drag herself towards the enemy, should one be hit by it. She will land a tremendous double side kick, launching the enemy forward while she lands where the enemy was



Enemies will draw their prova and rush you. They will have increased melee damage and replenished shields, if any.



Recasting while active will cause valkyr to drop to her knees and begin wailing loudly, pausing the timer for hysteria. Enemies will take this as a breakdown and try to dog pile her while she’s “weak” Recast at any time during this stage to shriek loudly, stunning nearby enemies and resuming standard hysteria.





Now it actually deals damage. Base damage of lato or lex prime, depending on your variation of decoy



-Can be cast one other ally other than yourself


-Radial Disarm

Enemies drop their weapons. You can pick them up to conserve your own ammo. You get one clip of the dropped weapon, which has damage modified to the enemy levels. You can dual wield as well



-Sonic Boom

Now pushes Banshee back as well



Can be casted on a target or ally. If so, sonar goes off the area around the target instead of Banshee. Casting like this will also see a 15% range penalty


-Sound Quake

A final, radial sonic boom will be cast when sound quake is finished




You can now run over enemies, knocking them down and dealing a small amount of damage


-Electric Shield

Enemies that travel through the shield receive a guaranteed shock proc. This cuts 20% of the shields duration



For any allied gun, the current clip will be charged with electricity. They shoot bullets with a ridiculously high electricity proc chance



-Hallowed Ground

Enemies killed by or in the affected area will drop health orbs



Downed allies will now be revived by renewal. They will be revived with 50% health and 50% Shields



Allies within the area of effect will receive one of two buffs:

1)      Increased speed and midair maneuverability along with melee damage buff; comes with spiffy white wings

2)      Increased damage across all weapons while taking moderate fire damage for the duration of the buff




Can now be targeted. If targeted, throw a single kunai that deals 1.5x damage of a single shuriken while knocking them down



Staggers the target so that they actually ARE vulnerable to finishers

Teleport target is also gagged and staggered.



If an ally kills an enemy marked with bladestorm, they gain a melee damage buff for a small duration




Flicker the lights and put on the visage of the stalker, minus the awesome weaponry.


Allies within the effective range will gain a terrifying buff, terrifying enemies and repelling melee fighters



Will now salvage the remains of opened boxes and storage crates. Staggers and violates enemies still alive as well


-Shadows of the Dead

You can target an ally. Instead of summoning ghosts of enemies killed, you summon a small squad of specters of your ally, totaling half of the enemies you would have summoned independently.




Attaching to allies will increase their jumping height greatly. Attaching to enemies will make them bounce upon their landing; should they every jump from one platform to another



Attaching to an ally will create a mobile bastille with 50% of its range.



Can now attract projectiles and bullets as well as enemies




Explodes upon expiring, giving a spore to all enemies within range



Your blade will release clouds of spores in its wake, dealing poison damage to enemies with a small chance of landing a spore



Can be cast on an enemy to turn them into a friendly venomous ancient eximus. Enemies killed by this friendly ancient will be converted into a friendly light infested unit.


I want, the FEEDBACKS

and DE might actually read this too.



TL;DR not enough augmenting mods. Here's more.


Who am I kidding, no one's gonna read this. :I

Edited by P1NK13P13
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I love the Valkyr Augments, essentially giving her Radial Disarm on her Warcry would be extremely useful for Hysteria Builds. Many of these are well thought out and try to actually augment the play style of the frame. May I suggest you think of Augments to replace the boring current ones such as the Ember, Frost, Volt, Oberon, and Sayrn ones? No offence meant to DE, but they are really a cop out on the potential of these mods.

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Your augments for Speed, Mind Control, Shadows of the Fallen and Crush are my favorites. Awesome overall. The one for Teleport confuses me though. Teleport already staggers the enemy and makes them vulnerable for finishers. Unless something about it changed since U15. I'd probably suggest some sort of radial stagger effect.

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Your augments for Speed, Mind Control, Shadows of the Fallen and Crush are my favorites. Awesome overall. The one for Teleport confuses me though. Teleport already staggers the enemy and makes them vulnerable for finishers. Unless something about it changed since U15. I'd probably suggest some sort of radial stagger effect.


I haven't played Ash in a long while

like since U12.

So if it does stagger, then I'll change it to something else

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-Mind Control

Assume Direct Control. Can make the controlled enemy suicide. This attracts the attention of all nearby enemies.


The amount of fun I would have controlling a Bombard or Napalm while trying to be stealthy.  Or being a shield lancer would be fun too.





-Radial Disarm

Enemies drop their weapons. You can pick them up to conserve your own ammo. You get one clip of the dropped weapon, which has damage modified to the enemy levels. You can dual wield as well



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Lets fix the ones we have first shall we?



SafeGuard Switch?


Granting invulnerability to your ally, leaving Loki in the middle of a dire situation?

Not the best

Switching it with INVISIBILITY is more balanced and more helpful in my opinion.


Also Loki should have some sort of stun in the immediate range of the finishing area

Because if LOKI has to switch teleport someone out of something, it's one of two things:

1) A map glitch, in which case it wouldn't work anyways, and 

2) Some serious sh*t that would probably down Loki immediately




Yeah if you guys want me to look at existing augments, I'm happy to do that too.

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Then you'll only have 4 empty slots to play with :o

if that Augment all ability came out .... so what the point to delete ability mod slots? :C i need to put them all but that mean i'll have only 4 slot for other mods :C


Remember that ability mods were removed and replaced with the current system for more player variety.

I mentioned at the top of the post that the purpose of these augments were also to customize player game play experience.


And as such are entirely optional.

You can play with one or all four.


If you like the augments go ahead and use them, I ain't stopping you.

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Augments will never be overly useful.


Your expectations are overwhelmingly high.


I made these concepts with the concept that augment mods were not ever meant to be overly useful, but instead as fun sidegrades that add more depth to co-op or solo game play.


As for expectations, I might have gone overboard, but I think most of these are rather timid.


The Miasma augment I thought of, for example, creates a small RTS element when playing Saryn.

Though it fits nicely what with her powerful yet limited crowd control like spore and molt.


Contagion is not the most useful of her abilities, but it's there, so there.

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SafeGuard Switch?


Granting invulnerability to your ally, leaving Loki in the middle of a dire situation?

Not the best

Switching it with INVISIBILITY is more balanced and more helpful in my opinion.


Also Loki should have some sort of stun in the immediate range of the finishing area

Because if LOKI has to switch teleport someone out of something, it's one of two things:

1) A map glitch, in which case it wouldn't work anyways, and 

2) Some serious sh*t that would probably down Loki immediately




Yeah if you guys want me to look at existing augments, I'm happy to do that too.


Go invisible, and stand right behind your target and switch teleport. Depending on how long this invuln lasts, it could actually be a game breaking mod. If Loki builds for efficiency and power max, this can be used over and over, and as long as loki is either invis or has a decoy out the mobs will steady focus their original target if Loki was standing near where he switch teleported anyway..


So builds like Rhino with that invuln can use this as a way to basically stay invuln.

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I went there.


I thought it'd be fun and unique to see friendly infested units outside of Nekros' Shadow of the dead.


It could use it's own models, if anything, to distinguish ally and enemy.


The problem is obviously that Saryn doesn't have anything to do with the Infested. Contrary to popular opinion, she is simply another Elemental Warframe much like Frost and Ember. Only she uses Toxin.

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The problem is obviously that Saryn doesn't have anything to do with the Infested. Contrary to popular opinion, she is simply another Elemental Warframe much like Frost and Ember. Only she uses Toxin.


That much I understand. I just wanted something to that similar effect. It's the closest thing that had the same impact.

Saryn is largely associated to the infested because of her toxic affinity.




perhaps something to this affect.

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