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Is Warframe Worth It?


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Looking for some input form veteran players.

What exactly is the point in this game? 

I have been playing for a few months. I have multiple weapons and Warframes, all with 4+ forma. I run high level missions i.e. 60 minute survival matches, 40+ wave defense missions, 15+ wave interception missions. I can solo nightmare missions and all T4 exterminate. capture, and sabotage missions with relative ease. All that being said, I believe I can say I have experienced what could be called, "end-game" or what I like to call, "the reason behind the leveling grind." 

This game has no,"endgame" or notable rewards for investing time into leveling. After you come close to reaching your frames/weapons potential the game just stops and becomes a very useless and repetitive grind (Not trying to be harsh fan boys, just being honest). Being able to one-shot 90% of the content is fun for a while, but eventually you start to crave more. Some might say, "oh just level another weapon/Warframe." To you I say "been there done that," So...why? It's boring the 12th time around and is that really how you reward a player that has invested time into your game?

There will always be a grind in games like this, but in most games you can tell how long a player has been on that grind. Those players look different, they shine, glow in the dark, their weapons have sleek and awesome animations that just leave you in awe! Switching to your main feels good and reminds you why you are on the grind in the first place. That feeling is absent in Warframe. Whether I switched to my heavily forma'd Nova or my run with my god like Latron Wraith. It all feels the same. In fact, now, I feel even worse. I have to sit in a match for 40+ minutes just for the slightest challenge to appear. "Sure hope that level 71 Eximus shows up soon, so I can have something to do."

Maybe I'm channeling here, but I feel this game is just a clever marketing scheme and the mentality at DE is:

"Awe the new players, get them to buy a little platinum, throw in a little more content for the new guys that makes veteran players forget how boring the content actually is i.e. Syndicates and Archwing."

"Rinse , repeat, and get all the monies (insert troll face)."


I can truly say that this game has great potential. The build is there, the idea is there, but just so little is being done with the tools available here. Until something is actually done with the content, until the time invested to reward equation is more balanced... What is the point?


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not everything has to have an exact "point" that is forced upon you. Just have fun. Did you forget how to do that? If you did have fun this entire time then your time was not wasted and game did it's job. If you play games only to grind for something shiny this is not the game for you... I guess? (maybe only so far)

Edited by Aure7
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What you said is true, there is indeed no endgame, only endless, mindless grind.


True, Warframe is appealing only to new players, vets have barely anything to do. Me, myself, I am slowly but steadily completing my Codex with all the weapons and frames maxed. What's beyond that?




For now, that is.


Syndicates are the almost-barely-kinda-$&*&*#(%&-distant-cousin-in-law of endgame. But that's a start.


Maybe in U16 we'll finally see Focus... But - to be honest - Focus is no endgame, it just removes the boundaries, removes the point when it's "ok, my Rhino is maxed, let's switch to maxing Banshee".

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Look at me, look at my badge. I never use it as a bragging right, instead as a reminder that I put my money at risk, I put faith into DE and so far they have not failed to deliver. People tend to take a lot of these things for granted, keep in mind what and who DE is and the nature of the game.


I've spent my money on this game and even if the game goes perma offline tomorrow, I will not regret my expenditure. This is from a vet who acknowledges the difficulty behind game development and feels just as passionate about Warframe as Steve or anyone else on the team. Look at my post history, it is proof.


That said, yes there are problems and yes I do believe DE will soon bring out their Jatkittag and jet them into the void.


Signed-a happy veteran ;)

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Two things. Well three kind of. We just got Syndicates which was one of the three mentioned "end game" features, the other one is Dark Sectors but let's not talk about that. Focus is on the way, and while yes it will feel like grinding, it hopefully will not feel as such with it being based off of bonus xp on already maxed out gear. The main thing to remember is that this game is still "technically" in beta. They are working to make the game a better experience for those of us who want the more difficult enemies and such. That is the second thing to mention here, and that is the difficulty slider a lot of people have asked for. I personally was hoping that it would come in this last update, but now I hope they can get it in sooner rather than later. Is Warframe worth it? I would say it is, yeah you get burned out on it, but with the time and money I have put into this game personally, I can't just up and abandon it.

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The point of the game is to have fun.  Platinum exists as a medium to allow players who work a LOT in real life to have a similar experience to players who can play more often by sacrificing a bit of cash from their real life earnings.  If any company actually cares about their game and its players in the industry, I'd say it has to be DE.  Of course DE needs to make money for working constantly on their product and that is not something that should be looked down upon in the slightest so a few coaxes to get a couple dollars here and there are to be expected (I.E. Potatoes, Slots, Etc.)  However the trade system (as busted as it may be) allows for the Free To Play players to get just as much as the supporters with time sacrifice.  All in all, Platinum is a rush mechanic to the core.


I do agree with your points on endgame content, DE hasn't focused a ton on it and I can't wait to see what else they think up for it; I'm always hoping for more horizontally orientated skill trees and the presence of equal choice in all content; which much of it has not been in the past.  I look towards the Focus system with anticipation and hope it turns out spectacular!

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As for the lack of endgame, you hit the nail on the head. This is a problem that the devs need to fix, and have needed to since before I started playing (july 2013, if anyone's curious).


As for their marketing scheme, I personally disagree, I think they are failing to balance new and veteran players (true endgame isn't accessible to all players, while a new gun is; they make the latter because every player has something new. Good in theory but another gun is not what a veteran with a 4-forma'd Latron Prime wants...). But I don't know for certain.


I keep playing this game because, as a student of game design, I am curious and want to learn, even if I'm learning what not to do more than what to do. Also, I am a sucker for animation and graphics (Hail Ice Tileset! Hail Melee 2.0!). Most importantly, this game is still fun if I don't play too often, and fun is... well, fun.


Edit: Archwing is the most fun I've had in an action game in a good while. Good job, DE

Edited by EversorNinja
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What exactly is the point in this game? 






Where you entertained? If yes, good, if no, sorry.

Are you now? If yes, great keep going, if no, go do something else.


If you want something with a very specific point, and a seriously hardcore end-game that you can dedicate yourself to and are guaranteed a rewarding result (if you succeed of course), might I suggest a career?

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The point of the game is to have fun.


It's fun, so you play. Just that simple.


I"m still having a good time even after a year. The amount of time I spend in the game varies due to content, newness of content, and stuff outside the game, but I still find it worthy of a considerable amount of leisure time.

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They always use this word: ambitious. What theyre shooting for in the long run of things is one of the most unique MMO experiences i have ever had short of CoH/CoV. And anyone who has ever played THAT game knows tedium. 


They want a unique tileset for each mission bosses with unique skill sets to their own fighting styles as well. AI that looks different. Planets,underwater everything. Hell they even teased free roaming space. This game is nowhere near finished.


So yea its gonna be a grind WAITING for them to give us this content, but when they do you can bet your skana its gonna be one HELLUVA ride afterwards.



You played this game quite well, im impressed. But i dont think you should cast judgement. People in the gaming world are so used to getting what they want now that they forgot that this is how a gaming industry IS SUPPOSED to work.


You guys seriously want them to release this now? Thats the EA in you talking. Releasing an unfinished buggy thing. 



The game in itself is Ambitious. and we need to recognize that. Thats just my 2 cents

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I feel like the game is worth playing, I think endless end game is a good way of putting it. For me that's a good thing I seem to burn through games very fast. I stopped playing WoW because it had stale end game, I did all the raids, the heroics, I had the gear, it didn't have the endless feel like Warframe. I'm about 3 months and 500 hours I have all the market, clantech, prime items and I'm still having fun. Even if I don't log into play a mission I still have fun talking to friends or just dressing up my frames. It could be that OP just needs a break.

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The point of any game : To take your mind off.

Escapism. Stress-relief.

Take your pick.


Warframe has a lot of backward problems, though the lack of things to do is more your problem than the game's. D:

Go do stuff you wanna do. How is this even a discussion.


tl;dr (wow you're friggin lazy) ; If you think it's worth it in this state, it is. If not, it isn't. This is totally subjective.

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What's the point?




Isn't that the only point of any video game? If you aren't having fun (from the challenge, gameplay, immersion, story, etc) then why even bother playing? Seriously? 


If you don't find the game fun, don't play it. It's not meant for you. I personally find a game where I can don a suit of godly armor of my choosing, then proceed to flip into a wallrun, flip out of wallrun and bifurcate an enemy to be extremely fun. If you don't, begone. No offense, we just don't need more people around questioning why they continue to play when the answer should be obvious.

Edited by Kestral9999
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If you're enjoying the game, you're enjoying the game.


I still play ME3MP to this day despite having over 1000 hours logged in it, and no new content's been added to it for like a year and a half. By the endgame, it's just as much of a grind and poses as little real danger of failure as Warframe, by the way. If you enjoy the game and find comfort and distraction in it, then you don't constantly need new content added to feel better about it. 


If you're not enjoying the game, then new content will only get you interested again for so long before you feel disillusioned again.


What I'm trying to say is that you're burned out. Only people who are burning out come to the Warframe forums and write topics questioning why they still play the game, with the tacit threat of abandoning the game if their lack of satisfaction is not addressed. It's normal to get your fill of a game and take a break.


My opinion is that Warframe is in the best place right now that it's been in quite a long time, maybe since Update 8. The universe is finally being fleshed out, with an emerging story that may one day do justice to Warframe's incredible visuals, distinctive character and level aesthetic and accessible yet stimulating combat. So I'm very excited to play right now (and my long break for the last few months certainly contributed to that).

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What's the point?




Isn't that the only point of any video game? If you aren't having fun (from the challenge, gameplay, immersion, story, etc) then why even bother playing? Seriously? 


If you don't find the game fun, don't play it. It's not meant for you.

After all my time as a Tenno.

From the early days of Closed Beta till now, I agree with this 100%.


Play it for fun. Have fun with the game instead of acting all serious about it.


I am what you call a "filthy casul".

Because I have no real goal in the game nor do I take it seriously.

If I go into a void run to farm for something, I tend to bring people who want to have fun with it. I tell them "bring whatever you want". Because this maximizes the fun you can have and therefore, let people be more positive about the game.


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...so what you're saying is that you want more bling, but don't know how to get it?

I know how to get pretty much everything in the game. The Warframe wiki does a great job of explaining how to do so. As far as "bling" goes, sure why not. Its something at least.



Your Mastery rank decides how devoted you are to warframe so I dont see how you feel left out, want others to notice you? Earn the reputation.

Mastery just means you leveled a bunch of stuff to 30 even though you had no intention of using those items afterwards. It doesn't take into account how many times you forma'd something or the conclave rating on your builds. So I don't really see mastery as  legitimate way to earn rep or show your experience. Sure you leveled that Jaw Sword to 30, but did you master it? Did you experiment with multiple builds to realize how bad it actually sucked? 

As far as the "just have fun" idea goes. That was the point of this post. How fun can a repetitive task be without a suitable reward at the end?  Most of my friends have left this game because there was no more fun to be had. Even the ones I persuaded to return for Archwing and U15 didn't stay for very long. The new car smell just didn't last. 

Edited by Chernobull
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I don't understand why so many gamers today insist of having a "carrot on a stick" to constantly chase IE endgame. The point of the game is to have fun. the journey, or the grind is the game. If you don't enjoy doing that, then play something else.


I blame MMO's for causing this mentality. Look at a game like counterstrike there's no grind or "endgame" to work towards and people still play that game after decades.

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