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Is Warframe Worth It?


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As far as the "just have fun" idea goes. That was the point of this post. How fun can a repetitive task be without a suitable reward at the end?  Most of my friends have left this game because there was no more fun to be had. Even the ones I persuaded to return for Archwing and U15 didn't stay for very long. The new car smell just didn't last. 

See that's the thing with warframe.

You either have fun in periods of time and play it without having a serious attitude to it or you end up burning yourself out by the biggest issue with the game (no end-game/RNG).

My advice is to NEVER take this game with such a serious attitude. Because in my experience as a gamer, any game that makes me do this to succeed ends up becoming boring and tiring. This is especially true for warframe.


With selective warframes and weapons, you'll find yourself being bored with the grind. But if you play with friends just for the sake of playing it, you'll have more fun and more likely they'll stay.

If they leave, look for more!

Join a clan that you feel you'll have a lot of fun with.

I owe so much to my clan for everything they've done. They are quite literally the sole reason why I still play this game. With every moment I talk to them, I laugh so much and when I play with them, I end up having the time of my life.

Warframe is a game.

Video games are meant to be played for fun.

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This game becomes boring easily if you got no friends to play with.. Or playing with friends that might say "this game is soo repetitive and boring" and you got brainwashed by their statement even if you're not bored at the time.. Seriously, my brother tried to brainwash me a couple of times convincing me to stop playing this game because it's repetitive.


And with that said, it's basically for fun at the time being :)

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Some folks like to escape into the game after a long day at work, not unlike myself. As you can see from the responses, OP, not everyone shares your particular view of this issue. To many, it ISN'T an issue. You opened this thread with a question, so here is one of many possible answers:

No one is preventing you from leaving the game, and no one is forcing you to play. If you feel this game no longer interests you, your time and effort are best spent elsewhere. Don't expect those whose opinions differ from your to simply give up their point of view.

Sorry if any of these seems out of line. Merely my honest and humble opinion. Take it or leave it, just had to get my thoughts out. I also agree with other responders in that you may, in fact, be burnt out.

Edited by R4zorClaw
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Maybe I'm channeling here, but I feel this game is just a clever marketing scheme and the mentality at DE is:

"Awe the new players, get them to buy a little platinum, throw in a little more content for the new guys that makes veteran players forget how boring the content actually is i.e. Syndicates and Archwing."

"Rinse , repeat, and get all the monies (insert troll face)."


I can truly say that this game has great potential. The build is there, the idea is there, but just so little is being done with the tools available here. Until something is actually done with the content, until the time invested to reward equation is more balanced... What is the point?



Sums up how I've felt for the majority of my time as a player here, especially given the fact that I can no longer count how many flat lies have been told during the dev streams, even mere days before talked about contents release. Reinforced further by the sometimes exceedingly poor interaction some of devs and many of the moderators bring to the forums and in-game.


To be blunt, and from a standpoint I'm sure DE could actually understand, I was originally planning to buy the full nyx prime access (Yes I mean the full really expensive pack) but due to these interactions I refuse to spend another dime on warframe until I've seen major improvement.


Edit: typo fix

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What kind of point you're looking from a game really? Seriously, i just don't understand these people. Playing as if it's some kind of obligation or duty and then demands "rewards" or "compensation" for your "hard work".

You don't understand people who want rewards or compensation for time or money invested? 

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You don't understand people who want rewards or compensation for time or money invested? 


I do not understand that reasoning either...


Honestly, if you 'invest' time then you're doing something wrong... In a game you 'spend' time and the fun you had playing is the reward for the spent time...


In a game like this, you don't 'invest' money either... You purchase something, that is usually either a visual augmentation, useful for nothing else but being an eye candy, or to obtain some equip quicker than crafting them money-free... (And extra slots in the inventory...)


You have bought 10 Frame slots? Yay, you can now play with 10 different frames...


You have bought 10 Immortal Skins? Cool, your frames are going to look better than the base ones...


You have bought 10 Weapons? You can use them right off the bat, without having to farm for components or waiting a day...


You pay money to get stuff, DE seems to be pretty clear about what you're buying, you are not entitled (And should not be...) to any other compensation beside that...


I can't understand on what basis, beside "I paid you real money, you need to do my biddings!",  people would want more than this...

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no one in any way is saying the game isnt repetitive. yet ask yourself how many shooters youve played and havent given up on the genre. there are many reasons why the players can get burned out. it allboils down to move and shoot. even archwing. 


ive played over a year, have master founder and three of the top lvl prime access packs. i have all frames. only half are ranked up. and yet i play and play most times spending most time in chat. the meta endgame. one reason i keep playing is that i know the game is always growing and changing and i wanna see where we end up. im sure their concept vault of ideas presented by the community could keep them busy for the next few years.


the key with player longevity is the time between release of aspects that feel entirely new. events should occupy the space between. with de sometimes it seems slow but you gotta figure in all the basis reworks and 2.0s the game has undergone.


theyve won my heart so w.e. 

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not everything has to have an exact "point" that is forced upon you. Just have fun. Did you forget how to do that? If you did have fun this entire time then your time was not wasted and game did it's job. If you play games only to grind for something shiny this is not the game for you... I guess? (maybe only so far)

but he does have  a point


we need more rewarding stuff.


And by stuff I mean lore and a reason to fight.


because right now I feel more like a super advanced space terrorist than anything else

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TBH I used to love this game but these days, no its not worth it.


Nowadays its pointless to hope for something better than grind with every major content patch.


Co-op and customization are lacking. Co-op is only about opening a door and customization you either go damage only for weapons (because seriously 30% max ammo does not compare to +100% elemental damage) or full ability related mods for warframes and press 4 every time you enter a new room/every enemy wave.


Space dogs are worthless compared to sentinels and cost a lot to maintain thanks to the ingenious DNA bs system.


Archwing is boring, repetitive and unchallenging after a while, not to mention its completely independent from the main game and as such all your effort in non archwing missions doesn't show.


Syndicates are a disappointing grind. Not even the large restores are worth it because of their crafting costs. The few ability mods are fun but not worth the immense grind and still mostly are just for S#&$s and giggles and not useful in the only challenging part of the game(aka late endless-type missions). There are only a few good weapon mods and I'm pretty certain the devs don't even care what mods they add anymore after seeing mods that add damage to weapons such as the skana or jaw sword. Also there's virtually little to no story behind the syndicates. Nothing to make people want to support whatever cause they have.


The new rare containers still aren't enough of a reason for people to spend more time in non endless missions. They are very rare and you are basically wasting time if you deliberately search for them. Perhaps if non rare containers would drop more than 70 credits or so each, exploring non endless missions would actually have a point - to help farm creds.


The hubs are gonna be just more eye-candy to point us away from the games flaws just like the ships.


And for the finale the focus system. From what I understood its just going to be more endless grind, it will make us even more overpowered and the game even more of a pushover in the "challenging content" division and the devs are gonna slap the ENDGAME sticker on it and call it a day.


I used to love this game and had very high hopes for it. It was something new and fresh from the usual shooter games these days but now its pointless to hope for things to get better. Its got an immense amount of unexploited potential and it could have been something sooo much more than what it is today if the devs chose to resolve the current flaws instead of just adding more and more content to the pile to distract everyone.


Just play it whenever you feel like having some mindless slaughter but don't get into it and don't get your hopes up if you are hoping to do something other than spam endless mission types once you max out a serration and a few ability related mods.

Edited by Cabadath5
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You've played the game for well over 200+ hrs and now you're crying that there is nothing to do?




You can solo T4s. Thats what you earned. congratulations. If you're bored with that go play something else. Are you really upset that you cant play this game FOREVER?


You sound like my 4y/o son who cries when we have to leave the park after being there for hours. He pouts all the way home as if he didnt get to go anywhere. Your time in the park is up, appreciate the fact that you've spent more time with the game than most games in your library.


Im sitting at around 200+ hrs and if i get bored tomorrow with the grind then i'll just stop playing. i wont go to the forum of a game i spent months on, just to bash it because im bored after 1000 hrs. It was obviously worth it to you for a looooooooong time. get over yourself.

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You've played the game for well over 200+ hrs and now you're crying that there is nothing to do?




You can solo T4s. Thats what you earned. congratulations. If you're bored with that go play something else. Are you really upset that you cant play this game FOREVER?


You sound like my 4y/o son who cries when we have to leave the park after being there for hours. He pouts all the way home as if he didnt get to go anywhere. Your time in the park is up, appreciate the fact that you've spent more time with the game than most games in your library.


Im sitting at around 200+ hrs and if i get bored tomorrow with the grind then i'll just stop playing. i wont go to the forum of a game i spent months on, just to bash it because im bored after 1000 hrs. It was obviously worth it to you for a looooooooong time. get over yourself.

And here we have a typical response from a warframe forum poster.


Zero clue as to what endgame actually is and what purpose it serves, calls other immature and entitled children and comment ends the post with "get over yourself" or "deal with it" or something similar.


I guess I forgot to mention the toxic forum community in my earlier post.

Edited by Cabadath5
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Yes, it is worth it.


The point of this game is to have fun.


To have fun being a space ninja shooting and slicing through the enemy masses, while jumping, sliding, using space magic and generally looking badass.


And there is an "endgame":



It makes you go back and revisit these places, using different weapon/Warframe loadouts and generally trying out new stuff. Alternatively, you can do ODD all day until there is nothing left to put a Forma in. Your choice. If you enjoy that, that's great.


Especially now that they've put in so many different tilesets and some new mission types, i hardly get bored anymore hopping from planet to planet.


It's only a grind if you make it a grind.

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What's the point?




Isn't that the only point of any video game? If you aren't having fun (from the challenge, gameplay, immersion, story, etc) then why even bother playing? Seriously? 


If you don't find the game fun, don't play it. It's not meant for you. I personally find a game where I can don a suit of godly armor of my choosing, then proceed to flip into a wallrun, flip out of wallrun and bifurcate an enemy to be extremely fun. If you don't, begone. No offense, we just don't need more people around questioning why they continue to play when the answer should be obvious.

You say you don't need more people like me, well I disagree. People like me are exactly what games like this needs."The questioners." If there were only people like you, everything would remain stagnant, which is what the content becomes once you max out.

I still play WF from time to time, just because yeah I have invested quite some time into it , so why not jump back in for a match or two. There are a lot of better games than Warframe and I play those to, but I'm not here to compare games. If I don't want to play Warframe, I don't play. But I'd like to think I care enough to post on the forum not only when I think something is awesome, but when I also have an issue with something. As a contributor and a player, is that not my right? 

If the developers choose to change something based on what people like me have an issue with, awesome! The game becomes more enjoyable to a wider spectrum of players and DE makes more money. However If DE continues to only cater to those that enjoy doing the same thing they could have done with less equipment for the same rewards, well that's ok too.

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And here we have a typical response from a warframe forum poster.


Zero clew as to what endgame actually is and what purpose it serves, calls other immature and entitled children and comment ends the post with "get over yourself" or "deal with it" or something similar.


I guess I forgot to mention the toxic forum community in my earlier post.

I know what "endgame" is and its purpose. 


Im not saying it wouldnt be sweet if we had something more to do, but im not going to bash the game all of a sudden when i hit a wall 2-500+hrs later. The OP is being overdramatic. Pouting and stomping his/her feet in hopes that DE rushes to their aid and create what THEY think is "endgame".


Nothing DE does is good enough, everything they do is "proof" this game isnt worth it. Lets protest!!- how can you have that kind of attitude after enjoying the game through and through for such a very long time. I would imagine being the best at everything in the game IS the goal. When you're soloing T4s- congratulations. you beat the game. You are the ultimate Tenno warrior.

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Question: "It's Warframe worth it?"


Answer: "As long you have fun playing it, yes..."


There's not much more to be said...


I think this would basically sum up my response as well.


I will add that it's really up to you to make that choice.  For myself I have 2000 hours recorded on steam.  (I started on the first few days of open beta.)  I've also spent several hundred USD supporting the game.  I don't regret it and I'm really happy that the dev team keeps coming up ideas to improve the game every month.

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DE's three 'endgame' things to do are the Badlands (now Dark Sectors), Proxy Wars (now Syndicates) and the upcoming Focus.

If you think that is end game you are one clueless/delusional individual. Why you ask? Syndicates is a half baked reputation system that is nothing but reputation for rewards which are rather worthless. World of Warcraft and Rift have a better reputation system, the rewards are 100% useful while Warframe reputation rewards are 30% useful. 

Focus system is an alternative progression system for experience acquired after rank 30 is not wasted. Depending on what the Focus system provides, it will either be useless or a good step in the correct direction of being a sub-system to end game. 


Dark Sector is NOT end game. Any person that has MMO experience will say the same while I'm sure that people will say otherwise and I chalk them up as delusional.


DE has to bite the bullet. They made Warframe a third person mmo shooter with no content that people consider to be end game. 


Over half way through the mastery ranks and yet we do not have a real end game at all. I keep banging my head off a wall from having to deal with the people in Warframe from other players to the developers. I have ask direct questions for the developer live stream, the most important questions I had where ignored while the one question that was answered about the focus system was blown off by Steve. 


I literally would have a more fulfilling time by watching paint dry at this point for me in Warframe. 


Why do we not have a player market?

Why does Warframe not have a real semblance of end game and please save the end game is what the person makes it BS. 

At this point, why has trading not have had all restrictions removed?


Now I challenge you DE to make worth while rewards attainable from content that requires knowledge of the game, skill, intelligence and common sense. 

Edit: I forgot situational awareness.

Edited by Mythblaze
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The problem with most comparisons is that people forget they have played a game for over 100 hours, when your typical AAA title is a 8-12 hour affair. When you get bored of something, or when you start considering it a grind is the point at which a game is no longer 'fun' and maybe just not for you.

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Space dogs are worthless compared to sentinels and cost a lot to maintain thanks to the ingenious DNA bs system.




Are you sure about that?


Because the Kubrows in my opinion are completely, and brutally, overpowered compared to Sentinels...


And definetely cheaper to raise to their maximum potential...


Kubrows gets a boost based on how many HP, Shields and Armor the owner has... They end up having way more than any Sentinel could hope to achieve...


The Kubrow Mods (Shields, HPs, Armor) are 10 ranks ones, I guess their upgrade cost is similar to the Sentinels ones. Same cost, more benefits...


The Kubrows bleed... It means you can revive them, sentinels gets a 1up with the Mod, but that's all...


To fully power up a Sentinel, you need to mess with both Sentinel and Weapon... Which means good luck with maxing a new Serration\Hornet Strike beside the ones you have on your weapons... Plus the Forma and damage mods. Maybe the guns do more damage but eh, Kubrows can tank some hits and distract the enemies from you...


Now, I like the Sentinels, I like my Carrier for its sweeping ability... I love how the shotgun shotted anything that came close, but the Carrier died more than often in the most intensive missions...


But Sahasa that every now and then digs up stuff for you? I did a defense with my Sahasa, never ran low on energy and ammo because he sniffed the stuff out between the waves... The KuBro never died, it even regained health on my melee attacks, something the Sentinels cannot do... (Regaining HPs I mean...) And I'm pretty sure they do decent damage as well, without even bite...


Again, I may be wrong, but seriously the Kubrows top anything the Sents could do so far...


Agreeing that the 75k moneysink could've been spared to us, but not really complaining too much about it...

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