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[Suggestion] Please Look Into The Drop Rates Of Certain Mods


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I love these guys - "RNG is RNG bro."

Wanna look at the page and a half of Mind Controls? How about them Ghosts? Don't even get me started on Trick Mag. And if I see another rifle +fire on wave 10 I'm gonna scream.


It's RNG until it becomes coincidence, then coincidence becomes peculiarity, peculiarity becomes suspicion, suspicion becomes conspiracy, then we take the red pill...


I have far more uncommons than some commons. I can't get Pressure Points to drop, but man I got Target Crackers covered.


I never run the same thing twice, do all 3 factions all types of missions for mods, affinity, resources.


There are approximately 


31 Commons (10 are Sentinel, so 20)

34 Uncommons

15 Rares


It seems as though there is sub-probability on the mods in each of the categories - similar to Banshee components - overall, people are racking up stacks of chassis - no helmets.


Dev comment?

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We should be able to merge mods. Example : 2 commons = 1 random uncommon mods. This would clear pages and make mods more useful with any rating.


Real quick here to fuel the conspiracy, how's this sound?


"Well, we need to increase Nyx sales, let's have a ton of Nyx mods drop to entice players - plus theres a bundle available for lots of Plat, let's also drop mods that incentivize purchasing that bundle and other high-Plat products."


Not saying that's happening, but man this pushes the definition of random.

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Real quick here to fuel the conspiracy, how's this sound?


"Well, we need to increase Nyx sales, let's have a ton of Nyx mods drop to entice players - plus theres a bundle available for lots of Plat, let's also drop mods that incentivize purchasing that bundle and other high-Plat products."


Not saying that's happening, but man this pushes the definition of random.

You could be onto something, however DE doesn't strike me as being grubby.

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I'm drowning in pressure Points from Kappa. Juuust saying.


But yeah, I do agree the random drop table is screwy, and it makes it really hard for some people trying to get very specific skills on one certain frame... (MAG!? Y U ONLY RARE ABILITIES!?) I've got SHurikens out the wazzoo, Shurikens, Fireballs, and MC. (I was honostly confused that Shuriken wasn't mentioned. <.<) But it's getting pretty tedious. I do enjoy the rare mods being rare, but uh, I kinda wish this useless Crit Damage on Rifles was a Multishot for pistols.

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#1 Make rare mod blueprints

#2 When high level bosses, like Ambulas or a lvl84 Jackal die, they drop these BPs.

It's funny you say that, but Ambulus is not actually that hard a boss, and doesn't seem such a bullet sponge as other bosses.

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buy mod packages hue hue

Very funny -_-

Also, I would ask you all to kindly keep the topic focused on commons and uncommon drops not being TRULY random, I did not intend this to be a Rare mod discussion thread. Thank you

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HungerSTGF, on 28 Apr 2013 - 02:32 AM, said:

Yeaaaah there is a huge influx of ability mods dropping for me it's pretty ridiculous. A drawn-out defense mission yielded me tons of Fireball and Mind Control mods. Where are the mods that I can actually make use of?


Took like 50-100 of those useless ability mods (for frames I have no interest in building) and just fused them into my damage/hell's chamber mods to level them. Yes it cost me like 60k or ao credits to do, but whatever, rare cores are rare...

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I still haven't found any of the ice mods prior to their rarity being changed to "common." However, I was lucky enough to find Chilling Grasp before said update.


It feels like I'll never get Cryo Rounds. Ironically, I keep finding tons of "rare" mods that I don't need/find useful (Abilities, Critical Damage, Puncture, Enemy Sense, Stun) but I NEVER get the things that I want (Multishot, Ice Damage, Reload Speed, Reflex Coil, Killing Blow) and the moment I get something nice it's when I already have it. What's worse is that I start getting duplicates of that amazing mod I JUST found the moment I start a mission afterwards.


Some of you might say it's dumb luck, but this game's drop system is nothing but an obelisk of hate.

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The key is don't farm defense missions and you'll stop getting those same crappy mods over and over again. Defense missions are the worst way to get mods in the game, and the devs made it that way on purpose. They don't want players to get burned out playing the same defense gametype missions and nothing else, so they intentionally limit the drop table so you guys will play other types of missions.


But instead you guys keep banging your heads up against the same brick wall over and over, then complain about getting the same mods. Then keep going back and doing the same thing again expecting to get different results, get the same results and complain some more. Seems like some people refuse to learn the lesson they are being taught. Learn and adapt!


The drop tables are far from perfect but it's not nearly as bad as it's being portrayed in these threads.

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Slayblaze, on 12 May 2013 - 7:48 PM, said:

The key is don't farm defense missions and you'll stop getting those same crappy mods over and over again. Defense missions are the worst way to get mods in the game, and the devs made it that way on purpose. They don't want players to get burned out playing the same defense gametype missions and nothing else, so they intentionally limit the drop table so you guys will play other types of missions.

But instead you guys keep banging your heads up against the same brick wall over and over, then complain about getting the same mods. Then keep going back and doing the same thing again expecting to get different results, get the same results and complain some more. Seems like some people refuse to learn the lesson they are being taught. Learn and adapt!

The drop tables are far from perfect but it's not nearly as bad as it's being portrayed in these threads.

Erm, I haven't played a defence match in weeks and I'm STILL dropping Mind Control and Fireball more than anything else. I've been killing various bosses and finishing off planets, fighting all three factions equally. Slash Dash is another mod I drop in large quantities.

Also it's funny how many people don't have Chilling Grasp - I've been fusing mine. Not exactly a super common mod but I've dropped at least one today.

I think core mods like Serration, Hornet Strike, Vitality, Redirection, etc need these sort of drop rates since the higher levels for those mods are insanely difficult to get to and it seems it's better to fuse duplicates, plus it ensures new players (and vets with new equipment) can relatively easily put together a core weapon / frame. I shouldn't have to horde Vitality and Redirection just because I intend on getting a new frame in a few weeks.

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The key is don't farm defense missions and you'll stop getting those same crappy mods over and over again. Defense missions are the worst way to get mods in the game, and the devs made it that way on purpose. They don't want players to get burned out playing the same defense gametype missions and nothing else, so they intentionally limit the drop table so you guys will play other types of missions.


But instead you guys keep banging your heads up against the same brick wall over and over, then complain about getting the same mods. Then keep going back and doing the same thing again expecting to get different results, get the same results and complain some more. Seems like some people refuse to learn the lesson they are being taught. Learn and adapt!


The drop tables are far from perfect but it's not nearly as bad as it's being portrayed in these threads.


This is a game in beta, doubting if drop tables are good or crap is legit. Your approach doesn't seem to be the right one to look for hidden bugs. Maybe is good for the obvious, but we all need to call into question everything at this state to dig everything out.


If we had some more official information from the people we are working with (the devs), we could help much more.

Edited by Vanadio
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I'm sitting on a page full, approx. 32 mind control and about 24 fireballs.  I'm gonna have a powerful Nyx or Ember when I build.  =)


They are reasonably useful for fusion of mods for frames you use, since they share the same affinity symbol.

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People are noticing the mods they don't use; people are failing to notice the mods they do use, and fuse into their weapons. People are noticing, after a few days, that they've gotten stacks of certain mods and failing to put 2 and 2 together.

I just looked through all my mods. Yes, I have tons of Mind Controls. Yes, I have an obscene amount of Organ Shatters. And a couple others like Venom and Sonar. In fact, almost all commons are, well, common. A couple, like Marathon and Stopping Power, I've only found 2 of each. But those would be the exception, not the norm.

This isn't a problem with drop rates; its observer error, which is a constant and neverending problem.

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