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Space Ninjas


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after a few thinking. . its kinda space ninja too for first time of the mission is still not undetected :D

i can do almost a 1st hour for undetected/stealh kill so yea. . space ninja :D

but if you prefered for gun blazing it will be space ninja gaiden :D ( aw come on, ninja gaiden is not ninja after all if you think his so open at public )

its my two cents after all, dont think hard :D

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@wastu_spartan Look at the cat again for a second and try calling them space ninjas.. Is it even possible?! = p

Let's face it, more people will play if we discribe them as space ninjas rather then space samurai. :P

Sad truth = l

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Tenno don't use swords only, so they're not samurais. ... Ninjas are cool

I would like to mention, as an Eastern history nerd, that Samurai were not at all restricted to just swords. They had polearms, staves, clubs, and chain weapons as well.

But unfortunately, "Space Ninja" will sound a lot cooler to most than "Space Samurai".

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I would like to mention, as an Eastern history nerd, that Samurai were not at all restricted to just swords. They had polearms, staves, clubs, and chain weapons as well.

But unfortunately, "Space Ninja" will sound a lot cooler to most than "Space Samurai".

And guns.

But ill go with ninjas cause they use all sorts of unorthodox techniques like the Tenno and they are sent into missions in small groups.

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