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I think if done right a flail weapon could have alot of gravitas. Anyone?

After, of course, they buff grakata's punch, and Viper's hilariously bad ammo pool to be less joke weapons than strun or akbolto or boltor of course


+1 to flails 
also polearms... not staves... polearms

but grakata is balanced currently higher fire rate lower damage is the same as lower fire rate higher damage

and on the akbolto boltor.... theyre amazing weapons boltor is hands down my favorite primary firearm... having to lead with the bolts takes some getting used to compared to other guns but the damage is great (bodies everywhere and sometimes in the way can be annoying) plus with a fire rate mod (+50%) its actually a very high fire gun 
the only thing about the akbolto i dont like is it would have been more managable as a autofire instead of a semi auto

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